
Howdy fucker


texan artist tryin' their best

Meet The BLU Team!

Thanks as always for the amazing response to the new episode!! I was so happy to share my interpretation of the blu team >:]

so glad you guys like em 💙💙💙


So with all the ish that Edward Elric goes through, did anyone else realize that a rock

is the thing that leaves a scar


That’s a third of the series. For a third of the series- with every fight and battle that the Fullmetal Alchemist is in, it’s a ROCK that marks him for a third of the series. 

Actually !! The scar that ed has during the rest of the series isn’t from a rock. He first gets it in his fight with the Slicer brothers in Episode 8:

and then we see him bleeding on his forehead:

Episode 9 we see him with the bandages:

Episode 10 when travelling to Rush Valley and Dublith, the bandages are gone:

AND THEN in episode 13 we see him reopen it in his fight with Greed:

More bandages in Episode 14 and 15:

episode 16 -  20 no bandages:

and then in episode 21 he reopens the scar AGAIN when the rock hits him

episode 22:

again with them bandages: episode 23 - 31

episode 32 he has the scar now:

and then its finally healed in episode 44!!

it healed along with his wound from getting impaled

both brotherhood and arakawa are amazing at adding in details like this its amazing tbh

arakawa actually mentions it in a manga extra that the reason he keeps getting cut there is because the skin is thin from the first blade cut so its really easy for him to reopen it while fighting.


I'mma add to this because Arakawa’s other reason was bc she thought it looked really cool and it was fun to draw the blood over his eye


on the scale from griffin mcelroy to john mulaney, brian david gilbert is smack dab in the middle. shane madej is also in the middle but from the other direction


a scientific scale


Courtesy of the group chat

if I may be so bold.

“in the summer of 1998, Claire Redfield is 19, Leon Kennedy is 21, Carlos Oliveira is 21, Jill Valentine is 23, and Chris Redfield is 25″

me, a decade ago: all capable, competent adults

me, today: oh my god - they’re all just babies


show me your teeth look at me look at me


i feel like this is an important part of the experience of those images:

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