
somehow I write things


♡ he/they/aer/ifs ♡ 20 years old ♡ I write gay fantasy ♡ ask me about my blorbos. tell me about your blorbos pls I need little fellas to think about ♡ be the cryptid you want to see in the world ♡ nerd about vocaloid, minecraft, folklore, fair folk, and a lot more ♡ dms and asks are always open! come say hi :3

The Pyro Cinematic Universe 2.0!

Hello hello!! I think it's time to re-introduce my WIPS as a LOT has changed! (there will be a more in-depth introduction when the time comes to it)

Chronicles of Avalon:

  1. Chasing Crevices: includes a vampiric deer boy, a zombie who can't die for no more than 5 minutes, a possessed queen, a cult leader, a 7 foot tall snake faerie, an omnipresent mother, a 2 for 1 combo in a faerie and his demon brother//The Gods are being...Weird. Castien finds himself in a maze of a cult when his aunt owes a debt to them. His mother and fathers are not going to be happy with him. Or his brothers, Jami and Kit, who are determined to find out where and when the Gods are rumored to rise from. //ok this one is absolutely bat shit crazy BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH I'M FINALLY PROUD OF THIS PLOT...there's also a whole thing with castien and his "best friend / partner in crime " Wednesday and it very quickly turns into a gay vampire thing...y'know cause the gods will it....(it's me I'm the gods),,also everything is not as it seems ;)))))))))

Lab Rat: including: the world's angriest tests subject (402), a very scared ghost living in a computer (001), a half flesh half machine spider lady (777), and a woman who happened to be the right place at the right time // 402 is determined to become more than a pawn in some great search for science. She will rip the secrets from these walls if it means she will be freed. Unfortunately, this knowledge comes with a heavy price, including making some enemies in her own facility. If 402 proves herself, she could earn the favor of the researchers and become stronger. if she can play the long game, could she finally see the outside world? // OKAY OKAY I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH it has liminal horror vibes and a really spooky vibe, I like the oppressive nature of the lab and her initial ideas of the outside world are....fantastical LMAO. It also has a lesbian romance !!

Sparrow's Flight: including a non-binary lead that needs to know what happened, faerie sisters who are the manifestation of winter, ghosts!, a demon who can't believe she has to spend her time protecting faerie brats, a transgender boy who needs to compile evidence of the paranormal, and a boy haunted by an unknown entity // Sparrow needs to know what happened to their mother. If that includes provoking demons, so be it. Their girlfriend, Lorelei is eager to help solve a mystery. This drags in Lorelei's older sister, Adelaide, and Jasmine, the demon bound to the family. Sparrow is accompanied by their best friend, Pallas, who is desperate for a safe space and willing to be the only one keeping track of things, and the new kid, Jedediah, who would rather die than be at home // this one takes place in Ohio and I fucking *LOVE* it....it's such a love letter to my own life and rural queer communities MWAH MWAH MWAH I love you all so much,,,,,also I enjoy complaining about the midwest.....

Resisting the Knife: including Noxys, chosen by the Goddess of Nature and PISSED at the Queen of Haren Aethal, Gwyneira (the queen of Haren Aethal) who is desperate to undo her family's bloody and oppressive legacy, a faerie spy, and Noxys' old partner in crime who can't read but is somehow the Queen's handmaid, and a mysterious man in the woods// Noxys needs to get revenge for the Wraiths burning down her village. She was forced into the cold at a young age due to the orphanages not willing to risk angering the royal family. Noxys has figured out that alchemy can solve almost any problem, so why not try to show the true nature of a blood thirsty beast? Yep. She's gonna turn the queen into a vampire. Surely this will go well and have no negative consequences whatsoever (it does). // i absolutely love this story it has such a fun cast and it's always fun to write a little enemies to lovers........

The Day We Disappeared: including a ghost who doesn't know she's a ghost, a poltergeist, a vengeful spirit, and a witch in the woods who doesn't want kids (but secretly does)// Lucy and older siblings are taken in by a witch interested in studying their paranormal abilities. Little does Lucy know, but she's dead. The elder sister, Okiku, is hoping there is a way for Lucy to realize that is not too damaging on her little psyche. Wolfgang, the elder (but younger than Okiku) is ready to provide a distraction so Saoirse (the witch in the woods) can try and figure out something about ghosts that may help//okay I love cozy horror and this is also a murder mystery bc the person who murdered Lucy also had a hand in Wolfgang and Okiku's deaths too oohoohooohoo......



you absolutely should not read dunmesh for the yaoi, you will be disappointed. dont read it for the yuri either, i did and was sorely disappointed. read it because you have autism and you will be obsessed with this intricate and beautiful world and story and the sincere and complex picture of living with autism and food and class and above all desires, the ones we repress the ones we overindulge the ones that hurt us and the ones no one will allow us to fill


A computer science student named Priyanjali Gupta, studying in her third year at Vellore Institute of Technology, has developed an AI-based model that can translate sign language into English.


This is what we need AI for. Not generating pictures using millions of stolen pieces of art, or generating shitty false articles using the stolen work of hundreds of thousands of writers. AI can be good, and it can be used for good things. This is an incredible feat and I hope Priyanjali gets the recognition and support she deserves for this amazing project.


Kinda wild how all the bacteria in your gut have their own DNA, like they are not related to you, they don't have your DNA in them, they are just separate lil beings that just live in your gut. They don't even know they live inside a human, but you are their whole universe

Community Label: Mature

fishing and proud

Community Label: Mature

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we need more vampire stuff that’s set really really far north on the planet. the potential… we don’t have any sunlight for a couple of months every year so they would literally be able to walk around during the day and no one would know…

"Oh but its so cold-" vampires literally wouldn't care. They would be attracting their victims by being dressed too lightly and people would be all like "oh no you are too cold, you are already cold to the touch, come inside" and then the vampire could be all "bleh!"


Day 2 in the Middle School Time Loop: you remember that last time, everyone ignored you at recess because they were talking about a TV show that you hadn’t watched. This time, you lie and say you’ve seen it. They ask you who your favorite character is, and you don’t know any of the characters, and so you’re tongue-tied. They think you’re weirder than ever, or maybe a liar, which is worse (and true).

Day 3 in the Middle School Time Loop: you tell your parents that you feel ill. They let you stay home while they’re at work. You spend the whole day watching past episodes of the TV Show.

Day 4 in the Middle School Time Loop: Recess again. The same person asks you who your favorite character is. This time, you're ready. You eagerly tell them, and supplement your reasons for liking them with solid evidence from all 4 seasons of the show. But! Tough luck: you’re now too invested. The atmosphere turns uncomfortable. They go back to ignoring you like they did on the Day 1 that you didn’t know was Day 1.

Day 5 in the Middle School Time Loop:


remembering the time i drunkenly told a stranger i was a trans man and he started going off about alpha sigma and beta males and how each one was equally important no matter what anyone says and that i shouldn't feel pressured to be a strong alpha male because emotionally intelligent beta males were just as important

like he was supportive which was nice but. ????????

Get his ass

sorry but i don’t think this is happening



It always shocks me when I bring up trans men’s issues - specially issues common in the south/more conservative/rural areas - to someone who makes their whole thing being a ‘trans advocate’ and they just don’t know what I’m talking about .

I mentioned how common it is - especially in more conservative Christian places - for trans men to be set up with a husband by their family and then be forcibly impregnated as a way to make them detransition to someone who runs a whole blog about ‘spreading awareness about trans issues’ and she looked at me like I was crazy and said “woah I never knew that happened to trans men.”

She knew about and understood that that stuff happens to cis women, but she never thought it happened to trans men… like come on.


Many years ago I tried to talk online about how often the partners or friends of trans men and transmasc people would try to get them pregnant to derail/slow/stop their transition if they didn't approve of some aspect of their transitioning - Both in the sense of medical transition (Because if you're pregnant, you're usually told to stop taking T, and you can't get top or bottom surgery while you're pregnant) and social transition (because, especially early in transition when a lad might not have much facial hair yet, a visible pregnancy belly and bigger breasts is feminising in the eyes of onlookers).

In response I was told that this was dysphoria talking, that this having happened to one of my friends in the past was just a weird one-off accident, absolutely nobody's fault and definitely not a predictable pattern of abuse or a conscious act by his partner! Anyway, eight years later, I've heard of the same thing happening to six more people that are either my own friends or friends-of-friends, and the partner of the original example proudly admits to sabotaging his birth control because "It was worth it to have our daughter".


I live in a big, very queer-friendly big European city now and even here I have met a trans masc who spoke at a local event about his experience of trying to get on HRT where he was denied by several different therapists on grounds of him being married to a man and having young children, because if he goes on T and his husband no longer finds him feminine and fuckable enough, it could break up the marriage. It sounded like his husband is a decent guy and supportive at least, many don't have that.

Having grown up in a very poor rural area, I'm sadly all too familiar with cases where ppl got pressured into having children by not only their partner but also their entire family & community, often as a form of control, for example to prevent them from leaving a bad or even abusive relationship.

Lou Sullivan's mother's reaction when he came out was to tell him she wished she could've done the same when she was young, but she was a Catholic wife and mother of 6 in a time and place where she didn't and couldn't have that kind of freedom. Lou, on the other hand, was born in a different time and was actually able to opt out of marriage and pregnancy in his youth, making it possible for him to be independent and afford to medically transition.

If you think about it even a little bit, it's not hard to see what likely happened to most trans men throughout history, and it remains an on-going issue.

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