

@autistic-harley-quinn / autistic-harley-quinn.tumblr.com



"The only thing I think we have left, Dean and me, is each other. If Dean says it's time to go out in a blaze of glory, win or lose, so be it. I'm in. But then ... (smiles at Dean) that's just how I roll."

[spn 5x4]

"A part of me always believed you'll come back."

[spn 7x17]

"I forgive you, Cas ... I love you."

[spn 8x17]

"That's where Dean spread your ashes. After we burned you."

[spn 13x6]

"I lost Cas and it damn near broke me..."

[spn 13x20]

"according to your plan, the world loses you, and me-- I-I lose you too, and that is unacceptable to me, Dean.”

[spn 14x12]

"But still beautiful. Still Dean Winchester."

[spn 15x20]



My redesign hot take is that if you’re aiming to “desexualize” a female character, don’t make her boobs smaller. You’re implying a lot here.


Instead of shrinking her boobs, try:

  • Changing her posture to something normal people do (bonus points for slouching/rounded shoulders, a common posture for tall and/or big chested women)
  • Making sure her outfit is appropriate for the situation (showing skin is not inherently sexualizing, lingerie armor or half-naked-in-the-snow probably is)
  • Making her torso/waist thicker, maybe even enough that all her organs would reasonably fit!

There are probably lots more options too! I’m not an artist! Just a person with a big chest and back pain!


Fan: Why does Dean call Jack half-angel in the last episode but anti-christ and other bad names before?

Jensen: In the beginning, he could only see Lucifer in Jack, now he sees Cas.

I am gonna be sick 😭😭

Anonymous asked:

Are you an advocate for censorship?

is this because i said not to use the r slur


this? is this what you're referring to? yeah i think calling other people slurs is bad


reminder that the people this slur refers to, people with intellectual disabilities, are still campaigning to REDUCE/end its usage, not "reclaim" it. the r word used to be a medical diagnosis--it was never a 'nice' term and it was always used for ableist, and generally eugenicist, ends--and it is still included in several state laws, so self advocates with intellectual disabilities have been passing laws around the country to get this word out of laws. under no circumstance does it make sense to "reclaim" this term, especially if you are not affected by the ableism that people with intellectual disabilities face.

[Image description: Two Tweets by @ feIidaen that say: the reemergence of the r slur in common internet lexicon drives me up the fucking wall / everyone got a little to excited about reclaiming fruit and now it’s seen as perfectly acceptable to use derogatory terms with absolutely atrocious history as insults against other people even in the most progressive spaces. stop doing that. End description]


they had this poor hunter man stare at castiel's luscious lips for 12 damn years and in the end didnt even allow him to kiss those lips stupid 🙄 😒 😒


the way Castiel is THEE character of all time, seriously, he entered the narrative to solve a very practical narrative issue, he was a means to an end to be dispatched once the goal was achieved, but he carved his space into the story and we literally saw him struggling with themes like personhood, hubris, identity, faith, love...He broke the fourth wall in s6e20, he enacted "a tragedy from the human perspective"... We see him exploring his possibilities as a character so much so he textually became the "spanner in the works". He is the character without an author and how can you know him and not love him? I mean, if we want to go really meta his conflicting emotions with being "useful" are so on point, because he was indeed created with one purpose, ie save dean winchester, so becoming something other than that in the narrative itself is per se becoming more than its initial function... I don't know, I'm yapping but it's just that I'd love to be able to write a chracter like this, it drives me insane.


"I’m personally a Holocaust survivor as an infant, I barely survived.

My grandparents were killed in Aushwitz and most of my extended family were killed.

I became a Zionist; this dream of the Jewish people resurrected in their historical homeland and the barbed wire of Aushwitz being replaced by the boundaries of a Jewish state with a powerful army…and then I found out that it wasn’t exactly like that, that in order to make this Jewish dream a reality we had to visit a nightmare on the local population.

There’s no way you could have ever created a Jewish state without oppressing and expelling the local population. Jewish Israeli historians have shown without a doubt that the expulsion of Palestinians was persistent, pervasive, cruel, murderous and with deliberate intent - that’s what’s called the 'Nakba' in Arabic; the 'disaster' or the 'catastrophe'.

There’s a law that you cannot deny the Holocaust, but in Israel you’re not allowed to mention the Nakba, even though it’s at the very basis of the foundation of Israel.

I visited the Occupied Territories (West Bank) during the first intifada. I cried every day for two weeks at what I saw; the brutality of the occupation, the petty harassment, the murderousness of it, the cutting down of Palestinian olive groves, the denial of water rights, the humiliations...and this went on, and now it’s much worse than it was then. It’s the longest ethnic cleansing operation in the 20th and 21st century.

I could land in Tel Aviv tomorrow and demand citizenship but my Palestinian friend in Vancouver, who was born in Jerusalem, can’t even visit! So then you have these miserable people packed into this, horrible…people call it an 'outdoor prison', which is what it is. You don’t have to support Hamas policies to stand up for Palestinian rights, that’s a complete falsity.

You think the worse thing you can say about Hamas, multiply it by a thousand times, and it still will not meet the Israeli repression and killing and dispossession of Palestinians.

And 'anybody who criticises Israel is an anti-Semite' is simply an egregious attempt to intimidate good non-Jews who are willing to stand up for what is true."

Lots of people reblogging this without mentioning his name.

That's Gabor Maté. If you're going to use his words, respect the man behind them, too.


"I’m personally a Holocaust survivor as an infant, I barely survived.

My grandparents were killed in Aushwitz and most of my extended family were killed.

I became a Zionist; this dream of the Jewish people resurrected in their historical homeland and the barbed wire of Aushwitz being replaced by the boundaries of a Jewish state with a powerful army…and then I found out that it wasn’t exactly like that, that in order to make this Jewish dream a reality we had to visit a nightmare on the local population.

There’s no way you could have ever created a Jewish state without oppressing and expelling the local population. Jewish Israeli historians have shown without a doubt that the expulsion of Palestinians was persistent, pervasive, cruel, murderous and with deliberate intent - that’s what’s called the 'Nakba' in Arabic; the 'disaster' or the 'catastrophe'.

There’s a law that you cannot deny the Holocaust, but in Israel you’re not allowed to mention the Nakba, even though it’s at the very basis of the foundation of Israel.

I visited the Occupied Territories (West Bank) during the first intifada. I cried every day for two weeks at what I saw; the brutality of the occupation, the petty harassment, the murderousness of it, the cutting down of Palestinian olive groves, the denial of water rights, the humiliations...and this went on, and now it’s much worse than it was then. It’s the longest ethnic cleansing operation in the 20th and 21st century.

I could land in Tel Aviv tomorrow and demand citizenship but my Palestinian friend in Vancouver, who was born in Jerusalem, can’t even visit! So then you have these miserable people packed into this, horrible…people call it an 'outdoor prison', which is what it is. You don’t have to support Hamas policies to stand up for Palestinian rights, that’s a complete falsity.

You think the worse thing you can say about Hamas, multiply it by a thousand times, and it still will not meet the Israeli repression and killing and dispossession of Palestinians.

And 'anybody who criticises Israel is an anti-Semite' is simply an egregious attempt to intimidate good non-Jews who are willing to stand up for what is true."

Lots of people reblogging this without mentioning his name.

That's Gabor Maté. If you're going to use his words, respect the man behind them, too.


The Jester (Card Courts) VS Daugwin (Planet Chivalry)


You like a Jester that speaks only in Rhyme???

A Jester and Specter from myth lost to time???

A Jester who perished to make fun of Legends???

A Jester who knows how the Neo-knights Story ends???


Vote Daugwin, Jester of the Twice and Nevermore King!
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