
Urban Fanatical

@galaxialdarktale / galaxialdarktale.com

Ethera Darktale | DID System | Any Pronouns | 25 | 18+ only

Something like this would be so colossally helpful. I'm sick and tired of trying to research specific clothing from any given culture and being met with either racist stereotypical costumes worn by yt people or ai generated garbage nonsense, and trying to be hyper specific with searches yields fuck all. Like I generally just cannot trust the legitimacy of most search results at this point. It's extremely frustrating. If there are good resources for this then they're buried deep under all the other bullshit, and idk where to start looking.


May I present to you, nationalclothing.org?

It doesn't have everything, but it's still my first source when researching traditional clothing from other cultures.

There's also this resource on historical fashion: Claire’s Historical Fashion Reference & Resources


another addition as far as physical media goes there is the encyclopedia of national dress (that i still need to buy myself bc this kind of thing is super important to my sort of fantasy designing) but yes i do agree i wish there was EVEN MORE documentation on this


I keep seeing people making fun of using growled, hissed, roared, snarled etc in writing and it’s like.

have you never heard someone speak with the gravel in their voice when they get angry? Because that’s what a growl is.

Have you never heard someone sharply whisper something through the thin space of their teeth? Or when your mother sharply told you to stop it in public as a kid when you were acting up/being too loud? Because that’s what a hiss is.

Have you never heard a man get so blackout angry that their voice BOOMS through the house? Because that’s what a roar is.

Have you never seen someone bare their teeth while talking to accentuate their frustration or anger while speaking with a vicious tone? Because that’s what snarling is.

It’s not meant to be a literal animal noise. For the love of god, not every description is literal. I get some people are genuinely confused, but also some of these people are genuinely unimaginative as fuck.


This for real. Alllllllll of this. All of these sounds are the way different people speak based on their emotions. A snarl is not going GRAWR like a dog. It's so furious their teeth are bared, every syllable sharp and cutting and loud. A growl is lower, the words dangerously rough and hot, a warning.

It's the same with softer sounds. A purr is that low, gravelly mmmmm noise of pleasure, or words warm and smooth as melted chocolate. When someone chirps, it's bright and happy and quick, the syllables a little clipped in excitement. Panting is not tongue lolling like a dog; it's a heaving chest and words that are half-breath.

This is what language, what storytelling IS. It's symbolic, it's imagination, it's metaphor and analogy and simile. Strip that away and all you have is textbook descriptions, which are of course useful when reading actual textbooks, but far less entertaining when reading a goddamn fictional story.


Re: Media Outlets

for the nonnie in my ask box

if you'd like to discuss this in depth, I'd prefer to have that conversation in the dms (which are open). while I don't have a definite answer to your question, i have theories as i have made the same observation you have.


My proofs, my loves, they're heeeere!!

Print times: Ordered from IngramSpark June 29. Came to Canada July 20. Printed July 6. Somehow I swore it took longer, but I was racing against the clock AKA my technological incompetence that put the paperback on sale too early.

These beautiful 384 pages of queer elves and godly shenanigans and petty protags will be available July 25th if I haven't goofed up again.


when u come up with a tiny change for your story that not only makes the writing flow better but also hammers in the character motivations and story theme


Being obsessed with your own OCs but literally never creating any art or content for them is such a curse. You'll be like "this reminds me of blorbo from my head :)", and everyone else will just be like "? who thef uck"


i love when human characters fight in ways that are so so not human

big fan of characters bearing their teeth and digging their nails into things and biting and scratching and screaming. i think it's good for the ecosystem


How to create an atmosphere: Coffee Shop


  • small tables with chairs
  • decoration
  • a cozy couch
  • the counter with the baristas
  • a big menu on the wall
  • people standing around, sitting down and going in and out
  • a dog lying under a table
  • small children running around
  • a person waiting for their friend or date
  • people drinking and eating while typing on their laptops


  • the sound of the coffee machines
  • clinking of glasses/mugs
  • the moving of chairs
  • colleagues talking about their job and tattling about the boss
  • students frantically searching for this one paper they need right now
  • friends telling each other about their days
  • a young parent trying to calm down their crying baby
  • the barista yelling out names for whoever's coffees are ready
  • people in line trying to decide what they want to order
  • an awkward first date at one of the tables and both parties just ask each other weird questions
  • the sound of typing from the students and some business folks
  • the continued opening and closing of the front door
  • the cars and noise from outside when the door opens


  • the stickiness of the tables
  • the warmth of the mugs
  • the delicious treat eaten by hand
  • the gush of wind when someone opens the door


  • the smell of the coffee beans
  • the smell of different teas
  • the smell of fresh pastry
  • the smell of hand sanitizer
  • the smell of cleaning products after the tables were wiped down


  • coffee
  • tea
  • other drinks
  • fresh pastry
  • cookies and cakes

If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰


art tips that actually help. tracing pictures is fine. try not to shade with black. draw as much as you can all the time and make it shitty im so serious. dont buy expensive materials its not worth it. never post your art to tiktok. raise your commission prices. sparkle on be yourself


Do you ever become mutuals with someone you share an intense interest with and it becomes this limbo of "I want to be your friend SO fucking bad but I'll eat a shoe before dm-ing first"

Spam-liking their posts wistfully like a medieval knight wearing a lady's favor to battle for he knows he shall never hold her hand

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