
@ckameley / ckameley.tumblr.com

You can call me CK. 20s. ♐. they/them

You should never feel bad about wanting to change or re-shape yourself into the person you want to be. Just because people have an old image of you in their minds, doesn’t mean it’s your responsibility to maintain that. Saying things like “what will they think of me?” will only place fear in your heart and paralyze you from reaching your greatest potential. You deserve to meet the highest version of youself during this lifetime. You can out grow, re-new, evolve as much as you desire. There’s so many layers to us, unravel and explore all of you.


Passed by a restaurant that had their misters deployed. Summer is here 😬


Somewhere in the Southern Highlands Teddy found a rippling rock that felt like the perfect place to pause and reflect. Looking over the gums below he took in some deep breaths, thinking on this peaceful day. 
Teddy’s photographer would like to dedicate this post to his Mother on this Mother’s Day. For nurturing my photography and kindling the creativity that helps to guide my work in every shot. Thank you for being only slightly upset when I used my first roll of film within 5 minutes on the exact same fluffy subject. Years later, I appreciate you letting me regularly steal your dslr for more unlimited captures and all along the way critiquing many a photo. Teddy and I are grateful for the impact you have had on documenting our travels together and hope that all the other mothers out there have similar effects on their children.


So there’s been this interesting conversation sparked by a black American in London, who interviews black British people.

He challenged two of the men that he was interviewing as to why they felt so comfortable using the N-word. These men admitted that they weren’t familiar with the history of the words use, and that it was something that they derived from hip-hop. Particularly from black American music. The interviewer went on to challenge them as to why then it would be acceptable for them to use this phrase and why they felt comfortable using it colloquially if it was not something endemic to their own culture particularly with the history of word 

And it struck me for the first time that the use of the N-word colloquially really is something that is only a modern concept because of African-Americans and particularly because of hip-hop and rap.

I had to stop and ask myself. Should we not retain agency over its use as a colloquial norm?

Keep in mind that these men went on to try and speak ill of African-Americans particularly and even went so far as to try and claim hip-hop as an invention of the UK. All while using the N-word. Something they themselves admit is not endemic to their own culture. Never mind the absolute audacity to pretend that hip-hop is anything other than an African-American art form.

So, I have a question. Do we African-Americans think that we should start limiting the use of the N-word to only African-Americans? If so, why? If not, why? I would love to hear your thoughts if you are a diasporic person. 


I wonder how old those Black British guys are and what social circles they grew up around to not know the origin of the n-word

I'm a first-gen Black American (my dad's from West Africa, my mom's from Barbados). I grew up not saying or hearing the n-word except mainly through music/entertainment. My parents wouldn't say the n-word unless referencing a past moment where it was used, but even then that was in its historical, original use - they've never used the reclaimed colloquial n-word to refer to fellow Black people

From a young age I knew that it originally was a racist epithet. At some point (maybe in elementary school), I picked up on the difference between the racist n-word and the reclaimed n-word

One time a few years ago I overheard my grandma use the n-word while recalling how white people barred Black Bajans access to certain places. So my grandma grew up in a British-influenced culture and dealt with racism from British people who went to Barbados. Some of her siblings immigrated to England and had kids there, and I imagine there are Black folks in the UK who have first-hand accounts of hearing the n-word used as a slur in its original context

Maybe those Black Brits' parents/grandparents weren't like my family where they talked to them/referenced the overt racism they experienced/witnessed. I just find it hard to believe that they have NEVER heard the n-word used as a slur directed at Black people, and that they couldn't put 2 and 2 together to realize that's where the reclaimed n-word came from

As someone who doesn't already say the n-word, I have no problem with African Americans limiting its use to just African Americans. I do think the racist origin of the word should be known by anybody who uses it, especially since anti-Blackness is still pervasive across the globe. And I personally find it perplexing when non-Americans say it, but that may be because I don't have strong connections to Black people outside of the US who would be inclined to use it


if you are struggling with choosing which fundraisers to support, please consider donating to the following places providing medical aid, food, and other supplies to palestine at this time:

if you are looking for individual fundraisers to donate to but are struggling to choose, gazafunds gives a spotlight to fundraisers that are not close to their goal.

instead of watching and supporting eurovision tonight, please instead boost this post & donate if you can. keep your eyes on rafah.

Source: villainelle

Went to the botanical garden just now because this is the last weekend that the butterfly pavilion is open

When I arrived I realized I left my water bottle in my apartment, which never bodes well when it's 90°F and noon. I was able to get a lot of photos of the butterflies, and I was willing to stay around for longer to take pictures and maybe have lunch at one of the cafés, but I ran out of space on my SD card and idk the last time that has happened to me. Though it's not unreasonable since I haven't uploaded the photos I've taken since February 🙃

I'm not specifically aiming to be a pro-photographer anytime soon, but I want to grow more comfortable operating the camera and documenting moments in my life. Hopefully some of the photos I've taken these past few months look good once I upload them to my laptop 🦋


taking your own advice is so hard. it’s “make bad art” this and “kill your perfectionism” that until i sit down with an idea i like. the i have to execute it perfectly Or Else


I wish it felt easier to share my emotions with my mom. Maybe I underestimate her capacity to meaningfully engage with me about my concerns, but I don't know if she'll understand that this stress I'm experiencing is probably just a natural, regular part of (my) life and although I'm not fully ok™, I know I will be ok. I truly have fears that my mental health will drastically tank one day, that I'd feel an even worse hopelessness than what I felt as a middle schooler. But I made it through that somehow and I fortunately have more control of my life, so it's not as scary to think about my mental health in the future


It's quickly becoming apparent that colour blind casting aims to serve a white audience now

It's not constructive casting, it's casting to distract from the specifically white imperialist foundations of a piece of media. Because what these white racists have found out is that they can curb criticism if they make POC play characters and historical figures who are white and have weaponised whiteness.

Especially seeing this in historical media where the colourblind casting is there to distract from imperialist european upper classes and the clear implications of their existence.


Got Chick-fil-A for lunch for the first time in months and it has been YEARS since I've seen such an egregious case of reducing portion size. I just pulled out the sandwich container and felt it was very light but to see that the buns are smaller and subsequently the chicken too???

I only got this bc of a craving but otherwise I wouldn't have gotten this. Probably won't get it again knowing that the portions were reduced this much


Since I joined the lab I always preferred working in the lab vs in my office

Part of that is because I don't feel comfortable working in a shared space like that; I prefer to be closed off from others when I work, and would prefer to be in a cubicle if I don't have a dedicated office (one day I'll get that)

I also don't like the distraction of others talking/moving around. It's difficult trying to focus when I'm used to being mindful of others and how I act in a shared space (which may also connect to feeling hypervisible and more susceptible to scrutiny as usually the only melanated Black woman in academic/professional spaces)

Space is also nice. I enjoy the space I have at my bench in the lab instead of feeling so close to others in the office

The biggest plus of working in the lab is that usually there aren't others around so I can react to the work I'm doing without others noticing/judging 😬


Pour one out for a real one.

Reading up on him, he was a pretty cool guy. He was one of the first people to stand up to John Money about his theories of gender development and position that intersex infants should receive surgery and never be told about it using his abuse of David Reimer as ‘proof’, asserting that Money didn’t have the evidence and standing his ground even when Money straight up started screaming at him. And then later he was proven right when he got into contact with David Reimer, not only discovering proof that Money was wrong but also how abusive and horrific Money had been. He then went on to write advocating for intersex and trans rights and to avoid unnecessary procedures on intersex people without full informed consent and that intersex people are part of natural human variation and that we deserve acceptance and not to be treated like a disorder.

A quote I really like from him: ‘Nature loves diversity, society hates it’

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