
🐠 reqs closed


#swag | inbox: 2

welcome to the blog ^-^ here to make various things for introjects, kins, irls, or just for comfort characters! for detailed information on requests and full dni/byf, check the carrd!

sources you can request for, among some others, include minecraft youtube, undertale/deltarune, my little pony, pokemon, minecraft, as well as general otherkin requests!


∘₊✧─ Promo? ─✧₊∘

Hi! Could I get a promo please? /nf

⋆ ★ Welcome!

I’m Mod Xayah and welcome to my edit blog! I take requests for fictionkin, introjects, irls, comfort characters and more from pretty much any source.

Please read all the info in my pinned post (especially my carrd) before requesting and I hope to see you soon! ♥

~ Xayah

Feel free to ignore if you don’t do promos! /gen

c!wilbur headcanons for anon!
  • wilbur probably loves animals although i dont think he'd be one to admit it .. but whenever he sees an animal like maybe a frog 🐸. or a lizard or insect. he gets a little happy in his head like ^-^!!
  • i imagine him pacing a lot whenever he's deep in thought or waiting for something or just bored
  • does a lot of writing but he also does a lot of silly little doodles in the margins.. if its something important he'll have a piece of paper just to doodle on
  • related to that i think if tommy's around when he's writing then he probably lets tommy do little doodles or write him notes.. so wilburs writing often has little drawings of cows 🐮 or bees 🐝 or just "hi wilbur"'s on the side
  • probably doesn't sing too often in front of people but will hum or whistle little tunes while he works
  • sometimes @ the burger van he gives ranboo or tommy little gold star stickers ⭐
  • he cuts his own hair and it is oh so uneven. he tells people he just had a shit barber but everyone knows he's lying </3
  • wilbur's maybe not the most affectionate person but he'd most likely give people hugs if he's asked... or maybe just a little headpat.
  • i think hes a big collector at heart.. probably has a box of little trinkets. at all times there is At Least three 3️⃣ rocks in his pockets.
  • very cold all the time (esp after being revived) so i think he likes to keep couple blankets around whenever he can. wears very soft clothes also.
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