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@impishtubist / impishtubist.tumblr.com

Imp. Find me on AO3: archiveofourown.org/users/impishtubist


1) You can find most of my stories on AO3.

2) However, I have tons of story scraps, snippets, outtakes, and abandoned fics in my writing tag here on Tumblr. Check that out for content not found on AO3.

3) You can also find me under this username on old fandom sites like fanfiction.net, LiveJournal, Dreamwidth, etc. I don’t update those sites anymore, but they’re there if you’re interested for some reason.

4) I don’t know what else to put here. Ask box is open for anyone who wants to ask me random things or prompt me something. 

5) August 2023 update: I now have a newsletter! If you are interested in receiving updates about my original fiction as I dip my toes into the world of self-publishing, feel free to sign up. (This is very much an experiment and I have no idea where it’s going to go, so please bear with me on this journey!) 


Bisexual Sirius Black cleanse! Sirius having his first threesome like "gee I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me!" Spoilers: it sure does buddy.


Dude, Sirius realizing he’s into men as a person in his 30s is EXACTLY what I need. Halfway through it, he’s like, “Oh. OH!”

Like maybe all the times he and James hooked up, he just thought “it’s just James obviously so it’s not gay because James isn’t gay, so…”


so obviously sirius doesn’t have exactly the same sex toys he had when he was with remus BUT he does remember what he likes and wonders whether teddy might like the same. so he trots off to a wizarding sex shop and buys new versions of all the same stuff remus liked and low and behold teddy is a WRECK. possibly sirius leaves one of the toys in remus’s bathroom after he’s cleaned it who can be sure


"trots off to a wizarding sex shop" YES HE DOES!

He also gets some new toys that catch his eye - after all, lots of advances have been made in wizarding sex toys in the past 30-odd years! He definitely gets new versions of ones they used to use, and then some brand-new ones that seem interesting. Teddy is DEFINITELY a wreck, Sirius is smug, Remus is despairing (especially after finding one of the toys in his bathroom.)

Anonymous asked:

Coward anon here :)

So, I was thinking.. Why should Harry only fuck Sirius? He's hot enough (not as hot as Sirius of course, but still). But he needs to be with Sirius so why not include a third one? Harry/Sirius/Teddy or Harry/Sirius/Kingsley.. I mean why not? 👀 Harry/Sirius/Bill as well probably?

Hmmmmmmmm tbh, if we're talking about a Sirry universe, I can't imagine Sirius and Harry ever introducing a third into their relationship. Not even for a one-night threesome. I think they're so utterly obsessed with each other that they don't need to spice up their love life or whatever, and they're absolutely not interested in anyone else. It's kind of disgusting, actually, how utterly wrapped up in each other they are.

Although, yeah, if it were to happen, Sirius/Bill/Harry would be a super interesting dynamic.

I think I'm still on the Sirius/Bill/Kingsley train tbh. Or Sirius/Kingsley/Fleur, and they eventually get Bill to join in.

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