
Jerry's Silly Stuff.

@recklessjerry / recklessjerry.tumblr.com

Jerry || 25 || ♉ || Trying things here

Another art contest piece I forgot to post

Haven't drawn Presley in a whole year and no he's not supposed to be blonde, idk how that happened lol


Voices Updated!

Posting the canon voices of my main cast again because some of them had to be changed, but this time in a format of a video because I think it's way more convenient than making it a collage or something lol

Seriously tho, I love how it turned out.

I may or may not post the second plan characters as well later on, but I'm still thinking about that...

Also the old post will be deleted because there's no point in keeping it around anymore, obviosly.


So if anyone remembers that Meddling Kids post I've made a while back, I decided to develop the idea a bit further and I guess this is the introduction of the main cast of the TTR prequel :3

Most of these guys and gals were already introduced in their objecthead forms and these are their human+teen versions, since this prequel takes place several years before TRR.

Some of my other old characters will also make an appearence there, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna draw them or not...


A couple changes

So recently I've spent some time (a whole night actually lol) doing some cleaning on this blog and decided to sum up the work I've done, mostly for myself just so I won't forget anything:

  • First: I've brought back the #get lucky tag and put it in every post that is related to the objecthead ocs. That was made to separate the Get Lucky comic from The Red Ribbons novels (yes, there are going to be multiple. I'm thinking three, specifically) because despite having the same characters, these two stories are completely different. From now on the #red ribbons tag only goes for the posts that are related to the novels. There might be some posts that have both tags and I'm gonna keep them this way until I come up with a better solution.
  • Second: since I'm planning to continue working on the comic (not in the nearest future tho bc the plot is a complete mess and it needs some changes too) I've added the links to the posts with Get Lucky pages so it would be easier to navigate between them (should've done that long ago actually afkflkh).
  • Third: I've also added another tag to make searching easier (mostly for myself again bc I tend to get lost in my own oc musings and stuff) which is #oc origins. It's mostly used for the posts that contain backstories and various info about my characters that may be important. The first introductions and ask games also fall under this category.
  • Fourth: I brought the O'Bulbs back. Objecthead Philomena and Richard now go under that last name again because it just feels right. I changed the tags and ref posts for this sake as well. Novel Richard goes under #richard o'neill now and the tags for novel Mena are #philomena o'neill and #cassidy o'neill, depending on which novel exactly the post is related to.
  • Fifth: I removed most of the Sims posts because it feels like they don't really belong here. Plus, I have a separate blog for Sims stuff so naturally they should've been posted there in the first place lol.

In conclusion, this may be silly, but those changes actually helped me a lot because now I don't have to worry about messing the timelines and plot stuff since now Get lucky and The Red Ribbons finally feel like two separate stories with their own settings and events. I'm happy and satisfied :3


Another old wip completed

I think this was one of the very first sketches of Martha I've made when I just adopted her and tbh idk why I abandoned it cuz imo it looked quite decent, ESPECIALLY concidering how miserable my human drawing skills were back then...


This ancient wip was made for that V-Day event several years ago and I'm not sure what exactly I've had in mind, but I suppose it was just another car drawing practice lol

Story wise tho? Joe's Caddy definitely wasn't the car you'd want to see parked at your house in the middle of the night, so him and Philomena probably had some business to take care of after the event...

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