
Stay a while and listen

@fivetail / fivetail.tumblr.com

five. 30. they/them.patron saint of akratic temporicide.

From Eden | chapter five [Maruki/Reader]

Maruki hunched over in his seat, resting his arms against his knees. “I can relate to seeing things in terms of others,” he said. He wasn’t looking your way, anymore. “I’ve always seen a future where I help make the world a better place, but…it’s hard to make out exactly who I am in that world, because I’m the one taking the picture. Does that make sense?” “Like you’re only there in spirit.” You smirked and gave him a weary, knowing side-eye. “Sounds like Maruki-sensei doesn’t like thinking about his future, either.” He smiled sadly in return. “Well, there’s only so many times I can watch my plans for the future fall apart before I stop making them.”
  • Maruki/Reader multichapter
  • Gender-neutral Reader; Second-person POV; Canon-compliant character study
  • Fluff / angst / relationship development / one-sided pining (from Reader)
  • Originally for @takutomarukiweek 2023, before the brainrot took over.

Trying a different format for Tumblr crossposting!

Fic below the cut.


Thanks to this video from CardCoolector on Youtube, I've picked up a rare deck of P5R playing cards that were given exclusively as prizes to certain participants of a P5R/m HOLD'EM collaboration tournament in 2021, solely because Maruki was printed as the Jack of Clubs and I'm mentally unwell about this man.

I don't know anything about tarot or cartomancy or if this was even a deliberate consideration during the card assignments, but considering how little we know about him, I'm tossing some screenshots out there that I found interesting to read.

Possible birthdays, maybe...?

(I also collected these from first-page Google search results and can't vouch for the authenticity of the sources. If anyone with more intimate knowledge of cartomancy would like to chime in, please do!)


Gentle reminder that very little fandom labor is automated, because I think people forget that a lot.

That blog with a tagging system you love? A person curates those tags by hand.

That rec blog with a great organization scheme and pretty graphics? Someone designed and implemented that organization scheme and made those graphics.

That network that posts a cool variety of stuff? People track down all that variety and queue it by hand, and other people made all the individual pieces.

That post with umpteen links to helpful resources, and information about them? Someone gathered those links, researched the sources, wrote up the information about them.

That graphic about fandom statistics? Someone compiled those statistics, analyzed them, organized them, figured out a useful way to convey the information to others, and made the post.

That event that you think looks neat? Someone wrote the rules, created the blogs and Discords, designed the graphics, did their best to promo the event so it'd succeed.

None of this was done automatically. None of it just appears whole out of the internet ether.

I think everyone realizes that fic writing and fanart creation are work, and at least some folks have got it through their heads that gif creation and graphics and moodboards take effort, and meta is usually respected for the effort that goes into it, at least as far as I've seen, but I feel like a lot of people don't really get how much labor goes into curation, too.

If people are creating resources, curating content, organizing the creations of others, gathering information, and doing other fandom activities that aren't necessarily the direct action of creation, they're doing a lot of fandom labor, and it's often largely unrecognized.

Celebrate fan work!

To folks doing this kind of labor: I see you, and I thank you. You are the backbones of our fandoms and I love you.


I refuse to reblog callout posts because I'm a prison abolitionist

In all my years in this website, and I've been here a long time, I can't recall a single instance of a callout post leading to actual restitution for the victims of the alleged harm the person was accused of. Even in cases where the accusations were true. Even in cases where there was legitimate harm done to another person.

Remember the sixpencee child slave thing? What happened there, exactly? Was the kid freed? No? They were just run off the website? OK so what good exactly did that do?

Remember the bone stealing witch? What exactly did that witchhunt accomplish? The person got arrested, oh that's great, the american justice system surely rectified the situation

And again, those are instances where the accusations were true and involved real substantive harm to another person. We used to joke on here how callout posts were shit like "receipts below: [several paragraphs of petty fandom drama] [three paragraphs of petty interpersonal drama involving cheating on partners or stealing food out of the fridge or something] [fabricated evidence that the person is responsible for the murder of JonBenét Ramsey]"

And that was back in the 2010s. The meta has changed. Callouts used to be a tool people used to point out actual harm a person had done, rarely, and more commonly were used as a means of bullying somebody over petty drama. Nowadays they're used to manufacture outrage and harassment against marginalized populations. They are a weapon bigots use to turn us against each other. A few manufactured accusations here, some out of context or clipped screenshots there, and people who should be standing in solidarity with each other against white supremacy, patriarchy, cisheteronormativity, are instead devouring each other.

It's sinister as shit, dude, and people will still share these accusations without a second thought. So, why? What is the point? What's the best case scenario here? Raising "awareness?" what the fuck is that supposed to accomplish? Will we get the oh-so-trustworthy authorities involved? Are we hoping for an arrest? A conviction? Throwing a queer or poc person in prison so they can be abused and assaulted and humiliated behind bars? Is that who we are?

Callouts and the like don't serve any real good in the world. At a macro scale they divide us when we should be standing together, and at a micro scale they result in deeply traumatic never-ending harassment and threats and doxxing and worse to a person who almost definitely does not deserve it. And again, for what? A sense of "justice?" this is not justice. This is retribution. It is punishment.

It's fucking cop behavior, and I'm not gonna participate in it.


vynmono submitted:

aaa I've been debating sending this for so long cuz it looks so obviously amatuer but uahg But then I thought "I'd probably be Flattered if someone spent time to draw for my fic" so hopefully I'm right ? Here's nurse-tan :D

HOLY FUCKING SHIT THANK YOU SO MUCH????????? THANK YOU FOR DRAWING THIS AND DECIDING TO SEND IT TO ME I legitimately teared up this is so goddamn sweet of you thank you thank you thank you

It's not amateur at ALL I LOVE YOUR STYLE and the colouring reminds me of like watercolours I adore this so much

I wonder what she's thinking about...!!!!



guys i regret to inform you that i have reached over 1k images in my maruki folder

if you have posted art of him on here like. ever. then it is probably in my folder

[i do not repost the art anywhere and i save the art with the artist's name all the time , if i can't find any credit then i don't save the image :3]


Ah, a fellow man of culture.


The devastating difference between how much time it takes to write something vs how fast people read it lol

you're falling in the trap!! it will be read by many people, many times, and it will live on in their memories. and maybe no single other human will match you in time spent dedicated to your story, but as a collective we will outlast you. acts of creation only grow when they are shared

This. Writing is not like dinner. It can be consumed many times


"Why can't the freaks on AO3 just go and make a site for all the gross stuff and leave AO3 alone."

Because AO3 is that site. Because AO3 was that site long before you decided AO3 was better than the sites you bullied us off of before, and I can promise you if someone somehow comes up with a fanfic site you like better specifically for the 'gross stuff' you'll try to bully us off that too so you can benefit from it.

AO3's specific core purpose is to preserve fanfiction, yes, but it was also instigated as a host site for the fanfiction that kept getting yeeted off other platforms like Wattpad. Its designed to preserve all fanfiction, not just the fanfiction you, personally, think is 'allowed' to be written.

AO3 is the site for all the gross stuff the freaks make. We've been there just as long as you. We've been funding it just as long as you have. AO3 has specifically said you have a place here. The timeline was literally:

Wattpad/FF.net/LiveJournal purge fanfics > AO3 is born > The people who's fics got purged moved over to AO3 > AO3 gains popularity as the best functioning site > The people who pushed for the fics to be purged off Wattpad move to AO3 > The same people try to push for AO3 to purge fics.

AO3's source coding is open-access. You go make a polished, strict, rigid site where nothing 'icky' is allowed. You go make a site where you can control what is hosted. We already have our space.


Follow for more Frog Relations! https://www.twitch.tv/veggiebltail


im a blorbo apologist but also they did every bad thing they did and i will get mad if u ignore that. complexities

I am not blorbo’s apologist, I’m blorbo’s defense attorney. And baby, we are going for a plea deal cause he absolutely did that shit.


FINALLY GETTING TO THE TIER LISTS! A whole stream where you can get mad at our opinions or validate your own bad ones as we go through Union submitted tier lists! Live with @fivetail and destroying all our good will with bad takes! https://www.twitch.tv/veggiebltail

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