

Background pic credited to Charlie Bowater and Profile pic credited to @kenyapowers
Just saw Hayley Kiyoko perform as an opener for Panic! At The Disco in LA… when she did the song “Girls Like Girls” she told us to lift up our pride flags… I lifted up my lesbian pride flag and a security guard told me to put it down or I’d be kicked out of the concert 🙃
Gotta say—I’m pretty mad
Join the movement to get Hayley and Panic to notice this. I wanna hear their thoughts. #Cantbegayover4feet

Tag Thing...

I was tagged by @nomattertheoceans go check her out she’s awesome! Now without further ado:

1. Are you named after anyone? Yes my two grandmothers

2. When was the last time you cried? This past Saturday when I saw Bohemian Rhapsody (finally). I’m a sucker for even the slightest bit of emotions in movies

3. Do you want kids? Eventually yes, very much so, but I’m way to young for them now

4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes I do, I was raised on it

5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their face

6. What’s your eye color? Blue, like the sky on a clear day

7. Scary movies or happy endings? See this one is hard, because all my favourite movies are musicals and they aren’t typically scary but I do love scary movies so... both?

8. Any speacial talents? I can sing...

9. Where were you born? Virginia, USA

10. What are your hobbies? Reading and listening to music, sometimes I do crossword puzzles cause I’m secretly 80 years old

11. Do you have any pets? Yes my family has two cats, two birds, a hamster, and two fish. My siblings are also asking for a dog. I don’t think they’ll get one but who knows

12. What sports did you play/do you play? I don’t do the sports

13. How tall are you? I’m 5 feet and 8 inches (172.27cm)

14. Fav subject in school? Depends on the teacher, right now it’s math

15. Dream job? Psychiatrist


Sometimes good posts are made by annoying people so I’ll help out

These are Safe Shorts. They were made by Sandra Seilz after someone attempted to rape her. If the fabric is torn, an alarm will be sounded.

This is the Rape-aXe, invented by a South African doctor by the name of  Sonnet Ehlers. After interviewing a rape victim who wished she had teeth down there, she made this. If someone’s penis is inserted and pulled back out, the teeth will sink in, and can only be removed by a doctor.

The Killer Tampon (couldn’t find a site for it), made by retired anaesthetist Jaap Haumann. When penetration takes place, the sharp end will slice the offending appendage.

The Anti-Rape Belt (also couldn’t find a site), made by a group of Swedish teenagers led by Nadja Björk. It requires two hands to undo.

Anti-Rape Underwear/Bra (once again), as made by a group of Indian students. Will deliver an electric shock when met with unwanted advances, as well as sounding an alarm.

Undercover Colours. Made by 4 male undergraduates at North Carolina U, they change colours when in contact with chemicals or drugs that cause unconsciousness. Used in case you’re wary that your drink has been roofied.

These are just tools to help, but in addition to being mindful of your situations and staying safe, they can help when the worst happens.

Stay safe.

ok, those are all kind of awesome. i wish they weren’t needed, bit still…awesome solutions.

I feel more comfortable reblogging this version

RapeAxe has a gofund me up that barely has 700 dollars. I feel like the inventions that havent even been funded yet should be linked to the page you can support them at.

A lot of these were made by women ofc but it’s awesome that the nail polish was made by a team of male college students! All of this is wholesome because people made an effort to make these to ensure offenders would get what they deserve.


imagine being a non-exy athlete living in fox tower and one day you’re walking through the parking lot and you just happen to glance up for whatever reason and see two dudes making out on the edge of the roof and you’re just like ‘goddammit those short, gay exy assholes are going to fall off the roof one day because they cant make out in a safe place like a normal couple’

do you ever just forget that fox tower hosts other athletes, not just exy players? Cause I do...


Welcome to Tumblr.


Holy shit this is the most accurate post I have ever seen in my life

wait…this is a completely different gif set on my blog…

Reblog this and then check it on your Tumblr. Go on, do it.



What? How? O_O


HOW DID YOU…..!?!?!?



I’m doubting

I call bullshit


Ive tried this before but maybe it’ll work this time????

It’s the same as it was on my dash


How the fuck



It didn’t work??


(Mobile users: Go on your Tumblr page from your browser - not the app- to see the effect!)


considering i dont post jack shit about my fandoms i wanna see what happens


fuck it. why not

How the fuck

That is so fucking cool


I made you a promise - chapter 23

So I’m going to keep my intro short because I’m sure you’re all a bit anxious to read this one ^^ It’s a bit … different from what you might expect, so I hope you’re going to like it :)

Anyway, thank you for reading and commenting, it means the world!! xx

Previous chapter || Next chapter

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Her vision blurred, and she felt her entire body go still. This couldn’t be happening. She had to be sleeping, her mind playing sick tricks on her in the middle of the night.

“Feyre,” he repeated, his tone pleading and commanding all at once. His voice was like an icy arrow piercing through her heart, and she remembered the last time she’d heard it, yelling at her, and then crying, begging for her to stay, for her not not leave him. To her own amazement, she managed to get out words, not to him, but to someone else, anyone else that would answer.

“What is he doing here?”

It was Elain who answered: “Graysen’s father invited him as a business partner. Feyre I learned about it tonight when he arrived, I wouldn’t have allowed…”

“Feyre,” Tamlin’s advanced towards her, and she couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe or look away from his mesmerizing green eyes. “I need to talk to you, in private.”

She shook her head, her vision blurring,  but he was still approaching. Soon he was towering over her and he extended an arm. Gods, she wasn’t ready for their skins to touch, for their bodies to be so close to one another. He was inches from her wrists now.

“Feyre, I need to…”

“Don’t touch her.” A large hand gripped his wrist before he could reach her. Rhysand’s hand.


Rhys was boiling with rage. What her ex was doing here, he didn’t know. And when he’d entered the hall and seen her standing in front of this tall man with long blonde hair, he’d wanted to let her handle it on her own. But she’d clearly entered a state of shock, and the man - Tamlin - had been nearly about to touch her when he’d moved. Like hell he was going to stand by and do nothing when Feyre looked so terrorized.

This is beautiful and I love it.


#GrowingUpUgly When guys in middle school would get dared by their friends to ask you out and see if you say yes as a joke


How about growingupugly and then turning out sort of okay looking but you don’t know for sure because your self esteem is shot and you’re convinced you look awful?

#GrowingUpUgly Being so wholly convinced of your hideousness that as an adult you now literally cannot even imagine that someone would pay you a compliment and mean it; the only conceivable thing that could be happening is that they’re either a) taking the piss like the boys in school used to or b) so repulsed by you that they feel sorry for you and are telling you you’re pretty because they think you need to hear it.

Hurts how true this is though

I don’t know if this helps, but I’d like to say it anyway just in case it does.

None of you were ugly.

The other day I found a class picture from fourth grade and I looked everyone in it, and then I saw the “ugly girl” – the one people constantly harassed, whose desk kids would pretend was contaminated, the one kids would invent complex songs about just to voice their disgust toward her.

And she looked like a normal little girl.

She looked no different than the rest of the class.

She was never ugly. And I know that you may be thinking to yourself “but I WAS ugly” – I just want you to consider for a moment that maybe you weren’t.

Maybe you were tormented by your peers for no reason except that they were experimenting with and learning the rules of callous human cruelty that would define the rest of their lives – and recognizing this, the adults who should have protected you, let it happen. Cruelty and social shaming – the foundations of how human beings police their society is learned and it is practiced.

Since I’ve become an adult, I don’t recall ever seeing an “ugly” kid. Kids are all just strange-looking works in progress that the artist seems to have abandoned intending to finish them later.

I want you to think about our racist and unhealthy “standards of beauty”. Are any of the things that society fixates on as “ugly” truly ugly? No. We take things that are beautiful and we associate them with ugliness and badness and coarseness – to control them – to batter the will of the already oppressed down to the point where they think the abuse they receive is justified.

The children who demeaned you were learning to crush the human spirit to the point where the target internalizes all that hate and keeps hating themselves even when the bullies are no longer there. Those children were learning the sadism that defines our social hierarchy – we live in a culture where success is achieved through exploiting others.

No one deserves to be treated that way. LGBT children shouldn’t grow up ashamed of themselves. Black children shouldn’t grow up thinking white children are inherently prettier.

You were not ugly. You were told you were ugly so that people could have an “excuse” to target you, to ostracize you, to other you, and to abuse you.

An “ugly child” wouldn’t know they were ugly until someone TOLD them they were. They don’t grow up ugly, they grow up emotionally abused.

And still if you feel that you were the exception and you were objectively and unquestionably so ugly as a child that everyone noticed – even if you feel you are still that ugly now…

That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve love. It doesn’t mean you won’t find love, and trust and happiness.

You are worthy of respect. You have worth. You have value.

And if the rest of the world doesn’t seem to notice your worth – look at the evil and vile things the world does value and count yourself lucky not to be among that number.

There are people who will see your worth. There are people who will look at you and not see “ugliness” – they will see a friend, a mentor, a hero and even, yes, a lover.

If no one else says it today, and even if you can’t say it yourself, I would like to tell you that you are not ugly. That you were not ugly. That you did nothing wrong. That you did not deserve to be treated the way that you have been and that you deserve happiness and love and respect. And you will find it.


We all have deeply ingrained memories from one specific episode of the magic school bus

when they shrink and crawl into the kid when he’s sick!!!


When she gets the new mall built over the swamp and the town floods

When Arnold turned orange from eating too many of those seaweed covered crackers or whatever.

that time they turned into ANTS wtf

When Arnold took his helmet off while they were on Pluto and he froze but they somehow managed to save his life


Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.

Of fucking course

What sick bastard doesn’t


“You’d be surprised”, said Xaldien, who just lost four followers and received a lovely “men can’t be raped” anon shortly after reblogging this the first time.

Yowch, disgusting.

If I don’t reblog this, assume I’m dead.

Always reblog this

If you Dont reblog this if u see it then i cant call u my friend


If you disagree with me, unfollow my blog, block me and never look at my blog again.

If you want to debate about this or send anon’s about this, I will reply but your actions have consequences.

Out of 19000+ followers I have, only one of you actually reblogged about this issue, yet a lot of you have reblogged and liked a picture by playboy about catcalling and that how men should never do it.

Additionally, I have received abuse in my ask box (which I will be answering when I can) and threats. In particular death threats and rape threats.

I can see the real problem here already. Male domestic violence and rape is just invisible in our society because we don’t want to talk about this because it just damages the status quo of this fucking website.

I’m a male victim of child sexual abuse. We matter. Please, reblog this.

Please never forget male victims are real and it can happen to everyone/anyone

I’m a boy , and when i was younger I was sexually assaulted every damn day for three years by my younger step SISTER, So don’t go saying that ‘boys can’t be raped’ bull shit

This is so important. That kinda shit can happen to everybody

Anybody can be raped, and anybody can be a rapist


Dear friends of Tumblr,

Today at my school we had an assembly about internet predators and when I had said that most of my true friends are over the internet and they gave me a lecture about how “I don’t know who I’m talking to” blah blah. So please, if you aren’t a predator in any way, please reblog so i can prove a point.


If you don’t reblog this, then I am honestly very concerned.

everytime i see this im gonna reblog it and weed out my pedo followers



*cracks the earth in half from hitting the reblog button so hard*

Anonymous asked:

✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿

Awwww you’re amazing too!!!! @amazinginglyawesomeperson @awesome–username @light-in-the-shadows72 @philosophorumaurum02 @stardustsroses @archerons-arrow @the-princess-of-quite-a-lot @illyrianbeauty @summernightskyy @alexandra-schreave I love seeing all you guys!! On my dash or my notes!!!  💕

You’re amazing as well!!!! @uma-feiticeira-sem-chapeu @feysandfanfics @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @illyrianbeauty @empress-ofbloodshed @i-am-a-fish @faeriequeenofthewest @thatsthat24 @nomattertheoceans (I know you already did this but I love you to much) @everyone else!! I love all of you and you all always manage to brighten my day Thanks!!!




good news, you can! the company’s called Tony’s Chocolonely and their entire purpose is to make slave-free chocolate and reform the chocolate industry.

Whole Foods carries it. If you don’t want to support an Amazon-owned company, World Market carries it. You can also buy it directly from the company. 

It’s the best chocolate I’ve ever had and it’s 100% slave free. Tony’s Chocolonely works really hard to push for transparency within the chocolate industry and actually has and is following an action plan to eliminate slavery within cocoa production. They’re good people who make good chocolate.


Crazy how the main three chocolate companies in the US are all terrible


Makes sense

Reblog every time

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