
One For All

@o-f-all / o-f-all.tumblr.com

Mîna ◊ 24 ◊ France ◊ ESFP/ENFP - Welcome to my lair, heroes. I'm One For All, a video editor on Youtube and a milk addict in real life. I mostly concentrate my job on Boku No Hero Academia when crime masterminds are kind enough to give me a break

[WARNING: spoiler from chapter 236]

Shigaraki has 6 hands on his arms, 2 around his torso, 2 on his shoulders, 2 around his neck and 2 on his head ... which means he keeps with him 7 important people

5 members of his family died during this chapter ... who are the other two ? 

Anonymous asked:

So, you remember that video you made, the one you dubbed as "overly dramatic joke about the Dabi is Shouto’s brother"? WHAT MUSIC DID YOU USE? BLEASE I MUST GNOW

It’s Darkside by Ty Dolla $ign & Future feat. Kiiara (the version of the official trailer of Bright) 

Now you gnow


This is a thumbnail that I made for @o-f-all,s video. You guys should really check them out they make awesome AMV’s and I can’t wait to work together with them more this year <3  


Here is one of Kiriragon’s takes of the “hide and seek” project ! She’ll post the one I finally used later ^^ 

@kiriragon thank you again for being so motivated, effecient and productive, working with you gave me good vibes and I can’t wait to do it again *w* 

Anonymous asked:

What do you think about the kind of artificial camera shake/movement that are typically used in ASMVs? I think they work fine to help entertain ppl that are watching an AMV, but I feel like it perhaps distracts or breaks the immersion of an ASMV.

Mmmmh i think we shouldn’t classify effects and styles regarding the genre but rather depending on the video itself as a standalone edit. So I think what’s bodering you isn’t editors using this effect for ASMVs but people abusing it when it’s not really relevant and doesn’t add something apart from “a big sparkly effect showing off what you can do with an editing program”. 

The problem is that people are mixing two things that are actually two different jobs in the professional world, requiring different qualifications: motion design and editing (we could also add effects specialism or “truquisme” in french, I can’t find a correct translation sorry :/). The result is that when editors on YouTube are working on a video, they feel like they have to add tons of effects to “be good” so they do it without looking if it smartly serves their project. All because of this stupid war between raw editing and fx editing where stupid people think that because they can’t CLEARLY see something without having to use their brain and observe, then it means it doesn’t exist

Motion design is focused more on esthetism. It’s something that is necessarely apparent without being garish. Editing is focused more on emotions. It’s something that’s invisible but noticeable. Of course you can do both, but being a good editor doesn’t mean your editing has to be showy ... only efficient... just as being good with effects/motion design doesn’t mean you’re a good editor.

So does camera shakes work fine ? If it’s consciously used to help your footage to produce a particuliar emotion, then yes. If it’s used to show off your skills/something new you learned, then probably no or you’re just lucky

If this subject interest you, I recommand you those two channels ^^ : Every Frame a Painting and This Guy Edits     

Thank you for this interesting ask anon ! 

Anonymous asked:

That moment when you haven't watched S3 of BNHA yet cause you're waiting till the whole season is out, but then OFA uploads a video with AFO and OFA fight and you cannot not watch it cause it's fucking God Mîna over here with her amazing ass skills, so you just prepare yourself for more spoilers and an amazing ass edit. (Which, btw, was fucking godly and I loved it so much. Being spoiled so that I got the privilege to watch that was soo worth it. Tyvm and have a lovely day! ❤🙏❤)

Thank you so much sweet anon ! God I’m so late with my replies sorry vkyuveqrgre Hope I didn’t ruin the ep for you ah ;w; Thanks for your kind support, really

Anonymous asked:

pourquoi tout le monde pense que aoyama est français...?

Ah mais il est réellement français d’origine ^^ Ses parents ont déménagé au Japon alors peut être qu’il n’a jamais connu la France, ce qui expliquerait son français maladroit …. Mais il est français et même calculé pour parodier le stéréotype français à l’étranger (nombrilisme/égocentrisme, mange beaucoup de fromage, “Paris, ville de la lumière”, très sensible à la mode, chevalerie, romantisme, etc.)

Anonymous asked:

I just found your account but I was first attracted to your BNHA theories posted on Instagram (dw they credited ^-^) and now you have become one of my favorite editors after watching your AM vs. AFO fight edit. I love love LOVE editors who use the voices from the anime so thank you for extracting them from the soundtrack and all. I also love editors who exaggerate scenes which is a good thing because it reminds me of the weight of the moment and the amount of emotions put into that one scene!!!

Wow thank you, that’s so nice of you to send me this message ! I’m so glad to hear you like my style and I hope you’ll like my next projects as much as this one !


Hi!I'm the same person who talked about the voices of anime and about being a new fan but I wanted to add that I LOVEEE your choice of music like HOW AND WHERE DO YOU FIND THEM?!I've always wanted to edit but I'm too lazy lmao so...but edits like yours inspire me so much.Watch me start editing in like 6 years😆And how do you extract voices from the soundtrack?I might use the tip in the future when I finally get enough inspiration to make an edit.If not,I'd still like to know because I'm curious.


@swaggyaims aaaw~ thank you so so much for this really sweet ask dear ! I’m so happy to hear that you like my music choices

To find them, I just click on one music i really like and then let YouTube randomly guide me to discover new sounds ! Sometimes I fall in love with a music used by an editor or in a trailer and look for it to see if I can use it ^^ You just have to be curious and listen to your gut, that’s all it takes. I also usually don’t start with an idea and then desesperatly look for a song, I just let my brain have a tons of ideas and then make some of them come to live when I randomly step on the perfect music. After that, I adapt my idea to the story shared by the vibes (not the lyrics, that’s the last thing I look at once i’m sure they match with the theme anyway) … It might be a good tips to start !  

And to extract voices, I use Adobe Audition ! There’re some tutorials on YouTube to learn how to do it 

I really encourage you to step on the editors’ stage ! If you do it to express yourself and not to feed your ego with views and likes, I promize you it’ll be a great adventure ! If you’re excited by it then stop observing and just do it, there is nothing to lose except a little bit of your time but even if you fail (and you will at first, it’s a normal thing otherwise you wouldn’t be able to progress) you’ll be at peace with yourself because at least your tried and you can then turn the page to something new :) ! 


hi, I just stumbled upon your YouTube channel and I am just.. speechless.. I love all the edits that you have there, but if I would HAVE to pick a favorite, it would probably be "it's your turn".. made me cry :D in any case, great choice of songs for all of them ^^


Thank you so much @saskiel, that’s so nice of you, wow ;w; ! I’m so glad to read that you prefered this one even though it’s not the most popular, I tried to make it emotional so it’s relieving to know that it worked for you ! 

Have a really nice day dear


Hello! I am a big fan of your on youtube and love what you create which is why i came to tell you this, I recently found a person who stole 2 of your videos the Half Him Half her video, and the shaking society video, please message me over DM so that I can send you the link and help get it taken down, I hope this helps in the war against stealing videos from small channels


Hello there @redshadow74 

But it’s still important to me that they know I saw what they did, so thanks again for signaling !

Have a nice day !

Anonymous asked:

Hi, I think you're just being targeted now :/ which is super unfair and should maybe turn off anon? I don't know what kinds of asks you're getting, I hope no nasty ones, but it might be for the best. You seem to be attracting just a lot of harassment as of late so maybe a cool down? sorry if I am stepping out of line I am just a little concerned for you. Sending all my best

Hey dear anon! No you’re not stepping out of the line at all, I couldn’t thank you enough for your concern and I seriously couldn’t agree more with you… maybe I should turn off anon and stay out from tumblr a day or two.. I have been receiving some rude and not so good messages lately and I’m beginning to feel that I’m being pushed aside on tumblr because of these hate messages! I see people going away as I answer to these asks… I don’t want to turn my blog in something that is not healthy for my sweet followers and for me… so I will do as you say, I’ll turn off anon for a time, continue coloring and distract myself a bit! Thank you really bby! I really appreciate your worry! *hugs*


I will also step out of the line to give you some advices, you can accept them or just ignore them, it doesn’t matter to me, I just want to help you feel a little better because I like you as a person even though we didn’t talk much and it makes me sad to see you having an hard time over stupid drama (sorry but dramas on the internet always sound crazy stupid to me because it explodes like a shitstorm and then litteraly NOTHING constructive comes out of it, just a big mess of angry screams and tears … I just don’t see the point of it)

A french streamers talked about that fact yesterday and I whish you could speak french to hear his experience and take note : people working on social media are exposed to depression when all their sense of self-worth regarding their job revolve around likes and shares and comments and subscribers and all those virtual yet concret numbers. When you’re a Youtuber or a Streamer or wathever, you have to pay attention to those numbers because it says a lot about your income and it’s simply part of your job but we will not talk about that subtility because your ARE NOT in that situation. And you shouldn’t forget that. Don’t forget why you’re doing this : it’s not for fame, it’s not for money, it’s not to prove your self-worth to the world, it’s just for FUN and to train your skills. Everything else doesn’t deserve your concern, just you having the time on your life and getting better at what you’re doing. Honestly, what’s the difference between 100 and 10.000 likes for YOU irl ? Will 10.000 likes make you a better artist or a better person ? Will likes help you pay your bills and feed something else than your broken ego ?  Every person on this damn net will tell you that their video/art/post that got the more views isn’t their best shot. So fuck all that shit, just be yourself and that’s it. Your goal isn’t to be forged by your subscribers, it’s your community that have to be forged by your content. Those who don’t like you and your art (is impossible to please everybody, it’s a NORMAL thing and you shouldn’t be afraid of being hated by someone, especially if you don’t know them irl) will look away and …. That’s it …. You won’t die from it and it doesn’t mean your art is bad just that someone didn’t like it which is totally not the same thing. So here are my advices, feel free to ignore them haha :

1.       Stop watching your subs and unsubs … personnally I can’t see when someone unfollowed me (I don’t know where to look at and I don’t care lol) and I feel like it’s saving me from so much stress haha It’s like admitting I’m just being myself and if people don’t like me then they are free to leave

2.       Stop trying to be loved by everyone. Some people don’t care about loving you or discovering new perspectives for them to like … they just want everything to be the same, they are like the Procustes of the internet haha But all those Procustes don’t have the same mould so trying to fit into every single shape will just drive you crazy and you will lost yourself in the process. Not every love is worth your attention, especially when love and hate are mixed together. If you’re confronting a toxic person who just wants to fuck you up because you’re their target of the day and they’re doing all this shitstrom for the sake of bringing you down and not to help you rise as a better person, then you should learn how to let it go and leave them in their own mess. Stay strong and know who you are and where you’re standing. Don’t let random people on the internet define you

3.       Learn the difference between constructive and malicious criticism. Take a step back and ask yourself why this person is saying this ? What’re their real interests ? Are they qualified/pro/have experiences in editing ? And, the most important part, do YOU agree with them ? (when you study art, the first thing you learn is EVERYTING is debatable so you shouldn’t feel bad because you simply don’t agree with someone else point of view even if it’s about your own art. You make choices constantly when you create, so you shouldn’t be afraid to own some of them). Criticisms are a blessing from your subs … when they aren’t made to destroy a part of you or just to make you look bad without any contrast

Good luck dear @aizawashoutta <3 take care of yourself and have fun godamnit ! Sorry if it’s confusing, my english doesn’t seem to be working correctly today hahaha

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