
Sometimes You Have To Wear Tights

@realmenweartights / www.realmenweartights.com

The blog for the JohnKat Homestuck AU, Real Men Wear Tights, full of status updates, behind-the-scenes info, and pictures. Feel free to drop us a comment or ask. **There will be NSFW content**
Anonymous asked:

is dave crushing on karkat??


I honestly don't know. I never settled that question in my head before deciding to write him, as it felt too fun keeping it ambiguous. I typically lean towards "Yes, absolutely," both because that pleases my multi-shipping heart and because it could make for good drama, but it could also very well be Dave just being Dave. He's a flirty shit, can sometimes suck really hard at reading the room (a symptom of his autism), and has an almost zen-like ability to outwardly not give a shit what anyone else thinks about him, even when he absolutely does care all of the time. So all the flirting could just be him amusing himself. Karkat and Kanaya both seem to think there's something to it, but they're as unsure as I am since he's so hard to nail down.

If you're looking for a definitive answer, the best I can do is to say that he's known Karkat for a long while now and hasn't actively confronted him with a love confession, but if Karkat for some reason approached him one day and was like, "Hey, want to shove your tongue down my throat and grab my ass?" he'd pretty readily agree.


I feel like I'm NOT the first person to wonder what an RMWT/The Boys AU would be like


Hey, Frank! I can't speak for others, but I think that'd be interesting as hell. The Boys is NOT a fun universe to be in. So much so that I'm really not that sure what direction we'd want to take things. I mean, the obvious first inclination is to just port Heir and Hemogoblin over and see how that plays out, but everything is just so much more complicated in that universe when it comes to powers and the ethical usage of them. You either (spoiler) knowingly dope yourself to make yourself more powerful and bind yourself to an unethical megacorp, or else you've been used since you were a child by your parents towards some goal that is likely extremely distant from anything remotely resembling altruism. Everyone with powers is either corrupt or the implicit beneficiary of a very corrupt system. Because of that, it's almost more fun to have your characters be regular humans rather than Supes. That could very clearly end up messy and tragic, though.

Still, it's fun picturing how Heir and Hemo would fit in. Heir's the heavier hitter powers-wise, but I'd think Hemo would blend in a lot more successfully, for better or worse. John is something of a boy scout-type hero. Karkat, not so much. They'd both be pasted by some of the big leaguers in The Boys universe, though. The power scales are just too different.



Okay, so, looks like this blog has been shadow-banned by Tumblr. Despite all of the visibility settings being open, the blog doesn’t show up in searches, and none of the posts are showing in tagged searches, either. I’m not sure there’s much to be done about this. To that end, I guess I’ll try to be more active on Twitter and I’m looking into starting an Insta.

In the meantime, if it won’t clash with your blog, please consider giving our posts reblogs and not just likes. That way we can hopefully get some more eyeballs on things. This may be Tumblr’s way of punishing us for our past sins (of reblogging and posting NSFW fanart and fics >.>), but our artists have worked very hard on this content, and they don’t deserve to have all of their effort chucked into a dark void.


Panel 5 of Chapter 14

And then there’s this, the final panel of the chapter. It may not seem like a whole lot, but this panel was the culmination of years of writing. We didn’t exactly try to keep it a secret, and it should have been obvious to everyone if not by context clues then by the fic’s tags, but this is officially the first time we’ve acknowledged that Karkat is Hemogoblin. I can’t describe what a weight that is off my shoulders. There’s so much that I would’ve loved to have tagged Karkat on in the past, but we were adamant about not acknowledging the obvious until it was revealed in the story. Now if only John could figure it out... Drawn by the talented @cherryirises!


Panel 4 of Chapter 14

...I don’t know what actually to say about this one, other than I hope it took people by surprise. This is another by @cherryirises, and I will say that it was an absolute treat watching him try to draw purposefully bad. It is my desperate hope that people who haven’t read the chapter encounter this wonderful work of art and are extremely confused and/or disturbed by it.


Panel 3 of Chapter 14

This is, hands down, my favorite panel of the chapter. It took three people to make it come to life. @cherryirises did Dave and Dave’s art, which was originally done by BR and redrawn by cherry for upscaling purposes. The very lovely background, including the two background characters, was all done by the magnificent @jove-bluh​. Hot damn if they didn’t create a masterpiece. Let’s start with the background, which Jove created with an extremely impressive turnaround speed. I love how detailed everything is, and she absolutely knocked it out of the park on the background chars, one of whom is a fan-OC (I forget whose, but we promised we’d include your character in the background of a panel...it just took us half a decade -sweats-). Next, let’s take Dave himself. I love Cherry’s Dave, plain and simple. Such cockiness. Awesome design on the headphones, too. And then there’s the elephant in the room. I don’t know how BR and Cherry were both able to achieve such Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff perfection, but they did, and it’s horrifyingly beautiful. I can say without doubt that I absolutely, positively, 100% believe that this could’ve come from Dave’s hand. In fact, let’s get a close-up.



Panel 2 of Chapter 14

Foreground on this one was @cherryirises and background was @jove-bluh. I like how pretty much the most important goal of this panel is to convey just how desperately Karkat feels the need to nurse his caffeine addiction. John is all excited to talk about movies and interact with his favorite person ever, and Karkat is just like, “If you give me that coffee in the next five seconds, I just might consider letting you live without putting your other arm in a sling despite the grave offense of not immediately handing the thermos over to me the moment you saw me. Possibly. Jury is still out.”


Panel 1 of Chapter 14

This one was done entirely by the very talented @cherryirises. Boy howdy did it take a good, long while to get that pose just right. I had to physically model it out before we settled on something we were both happy with, but as you can see, it was well worth it! I really enjoy this panel, because it’s just such a m o o d. I can just feel his hatred for existence emanating through the computer monitor. My favorite part has to be the Heir pajamas, because of course he’s dork enough to own branded Heir merch and actually wear it often, even if it’s actually low-quality, unlicensed product that is too big for his body. On the plus side, that means we get to stare at those ever so shapely hips. 

Anonymous asked:

You absolute MADLADS, you did it! I haven't read the update yet bc I need to go back and reread the WHOLE DANG FIC because it's been like- how long?? A couple years at least??? Anyway, I need to reread the whole dang thing now because it's been too long, and I'm pretty excited! Well done, y'all. For posting and for being so goddamn dedicated to this fic. You have my applause and the greatest respect.

It’s been...way too long. I legitimately did not realize how long it had been. It felt like just a year or so ago that I posted the most recent intermission chapter, but no, that was friggin FOUR years ago. And the chapter before that was two years prior. So while I consider the intermisison to be a “real” chapter, that’s still six years between ‘major’ updates. I’m pretty sure I deserve to be in jail.


UPDATE: Chapter 14

9 days later

Upon his reintroduction to the waking world, the first thing Karkat sought to do was silence his alarm—which proved harder than first anticipated when his instinctive slap at his bedside clock failed to do anything. It took several seconds of his brain booting up before Karkat recognized what his ears were actually hearing—what he’d first taken to be the warbling of his alarm was in actuality the useless excuse for beach refuse that some very inconsiderate or completely incompetent bureaucratic asshole had once upon a time deemed fit to assign him as a lusus.


@realmenweartights fanart? On my blog again? …yeah lsdfjsd

In honor of a new chapter I figured what the heck and basically redrew and old thing from the early days, bc wow this AU really was the first thing I started making fanart for when I made my tumblr blog huh? Guess I’m stuck here forever ;P

Hoooooly crapola, your style has evolved! I was literally -just- discussing earlier (like twenty minutes ago) how enjoyable it is seeing redraws and getting to know how an artist has advanced not just their technique but their confidence and style. All of that is immediately on display here. Granted, it was what seems like forever and a half ago that we were active and you were posting your older fanart, but you've still come such a long way that it's astounding. So much new and improved technique on display! Like actual, badass glow effects, and you're clearly much more comfortable with the anatomy. Awesome job, and thank you for the fanart!



UPDATE: Chapter 14

9 days later

Upon his reintroduction to the waking world, the first thing Karkat sought to do was silence his alarm—which proved harder than first anticipated when his instinctive slap at his bedside clock failed to do anything. It took several seconds of his brain booting up before Karkat recognized what his ears were actually hearing—what he’d first taken to be the warbling of his alarm was in actuality the useless excuse for beach refuse that some very inconsiderate or completely incompetent bureaucratic asshole had once upon a time deemed fit to assign him as a lusus.

Anonymous asked:

The amount of internal screaming I had to tamp down to a soft 'eep' when I got the email notification at work... Thank you so much for the chapter I'm absolutely fed and can go without eating for another year 🙏

Yes good. Internal screaming feeds us, same as fics feed you. I knew I was feeling strangely energetic today for some reason.


UPDATE: Chapter 14

9 days later

Upon his reintroduction to the waking world, the first thing Karkat sought to do was silence his alarm—which proved harder than first anticipated when his instinctive slap at his bedside clock failed to do anything. It took several seconds of his brain booting up before Karkat recognized what his ears were actually hearing—what he’d first taken to be the warbling of his alarm was in actuality the useless excuse for beach refuse that some very inconsiderate or completely incompetent bureaucratic asshole had once upon a time deemed fit to assign him as a lusus.

Anonymous asked:

Let the DaveKat shipping commence! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! No but really what's Dave's view of Hemogoblin?

Ship away. I'm a Karkat multishipper, so feel free to knock your socks off doing whatever.

As for Dave's view on Hemo, I'm pretty sure it'd be "Yes, please." If you couldn't tell, he's kind of...well, he's a healthy teen with a healthy libido. Mysterious, ass-kicking troll with a fit body in a tight catsuit? I think it's safe to say that he approves. As for his personal opinion, he rather likes heroes a good deal. Fascinated by them, even. Just not to the level of fanboying that Karkat displays...at least not outwardly. It remains to be seen how he'd react with Heir or Hemo standing right in front of him. Probably lots of internal "oh shit act cool"s and panicking while he gathers the nerve to ask for an ironic selfie or five.

Anonymous asked:

Wait wait were back?

Indubitably! I'll reblog the update post in an hour or so for those who may have missed it earlier.

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