
Snowed in Scribe

@snowedinscribe / snowedinscribe.tumblr.com

Author. Editor. Nerd. Lover of good books and good tea.

Do you have any w|w book recommendations? I too would like to hide in them forever because television is so fucking sad. I'm sorry for being a bother and thank you!


you’re not bothering me at all i love recommending femslash books!

it’s time i updated the last list i made anyway so i’ll give you all of my favorites and you can pick according to your taste i only guarantee that all of these have happy endings for the pairings :)



mystery/crime with lesbian romance:


  • juliet takes a breath by gabby rivera: young latina lesbian from the bronx tries to figure herself out while interning with the author of her favorite feminist book
  • after the fall by robin summers: wonderful badasses falling in love and finding hope and happiness in a post-apocalyptic world (cw: rape, homophobia)
  • in the company of women by kate christie: historical, about the women’s army corps during world war II, centered around two of them who fall in love
  • courtship by carsen taite: political/legal drama about a powerful campaign manager and the brilliant woman she’s in charge of appointing as the first female chief justice of the US supreme court

let me know if you read any of these and enjoy it i love hearing back from people who read the books i recommended!


Heyyyy, my book is on there!! *does a little happy dance* Reblogging for the other recommendations!


Alright, so since the last post blew up as much as it did i thought it’d be cool to post some process-pictures this time ^^ I’m trying to stick to the offical design but removed yashas arm-bandages/gloves in favor of showing off her gunz ;P

Too cool!!

Sam: What’s going on? Liam: He’s wrapping up the show, I can tell :c so I came to give Sam a hug :c Laura: He’s not, he’s not! Mercer: He’s not, actually, I don’t know where you got that idea- Liam: Well I was getting in a mid-game hug then

Read An Ebook Week!

Smashwords, one of Desert Palm Press' amaaaaazing indie distributors, is celebrating Read An Ebook Week this week and has some great deals. Right now, for this week only, both FINDING HEKATE and LOSING HOLD are 25-50% off! (The same applies to all the other fabulous DPP books, too!) So, if you've ever wanted to read about a badass woman being hunted, falling in love, and fighting back, now's your chance! Here's a link to Finding Hekateand here's one to Losing Hold. Here's what others have to say about Finding Hekate:

  • "The main characters are under a lot of pressure, beautifully developed and scripted."
  • "Very well written, I felt for Mia and the decisions that she's had to make to survive. Though it may seem she could have chosen to flee at every opportunity, she clearly felt there was no other way. Cassidy seems to be Mia's beacon of hope and light in changing life, the one person who may save her at the end. Looking forward to the sequel."
  • "This book is outstanding! The sci-fi book has romance, crime, drama, tragedy all rolled into one."

Spread the news to your fellow book lovers far and wide, and go on your next adventure with my ragtag crew of the Cicatrix Duology today! Hope you enjoy the ride.

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