
Pro Choice 100%

@prochoiceisprogress-blog / prochoiceisprogress-blog.tumblr.com

Pro Choice, Pro Social Justice, Pro Feminism and Pro LGBTQA+

i hate the term “pro life” like if you think it’s better for pregnant people to die than have abortions, how the fuck are you pro life


Figured I’d make a list of things that can render the birth control pill useless, or less effective, since some are obvious, but others are not:

  • Antibiotics
  • Missing a day
  • Not taken at the same time daily
  • Other medication including Prozac, Zoloft, Topamax, and Avandia
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Bowel disease including IBS, IBD, Crohn’s,
  • Grapefruits (and grapefruit juice)
  • Improper storage (too hot or cold)
  • St. Johns Wort root (used to treat depression sometimes)

Here's the difference between you and I, antis

In your dream world, abortion wouldn’t exist. In my dream world, abortion wouldn’t have to exist. In your dream world, all women want to become mothers. In my dream world, women who want to be mothers are and women who don’t want to be mothers aren’t. In your dream world, birth control doesn’t exist either. In my dream world, birth control is 100% effective. In your dream world, women keep even sick fetuses. In my dream world, fetal abnormalities can be prevented and treated. In your dream world, women risk their lives for their fetuses. In my dream world, all women can access free healthcare to be able to save themselves and the wanted fetus. In your dream world, sex is only for reproduction. In my dream world, sex is only consensual.

Pro-lifers when a Pro-Choice person makes an ill-mannered joke/sends hatemail: See! Every single pro-choicer is so rude, disrespectful, and is completely and totally anti-life! This is so representative of the entire movement as a whole! They are just evil murderers!
Pro-lifers when a Pro-Life person shoots up an abortion clinic: Well, I wouldn't do that, so it doesn't matter and I'm not going to talk about it.
Anti-choicer: I willingly affiliate myself with a group that contains members who are domestic terrorists. I don't think people should have a basic human right that everyone else has. I subscribe to a political movement that leads to the deaths of thousands of pregnant people a year. My movement's common rhetoric is racist, anti-Semitic and fundamentally misogynistic.
Anti-choicer: You told me to fuck off and that's bullying.
Anonymous asked:

Why don't women in abusive relationships leave? Why is that so hard?

You’re joking, right



My abusive ex had me move four hours away, to a place where I had no one, didn't let me make friends, freaked out if I even tried to hang out with his own mother, wouldn't let me go out with my co workers after work, flipped if I talked to my own family for too long, made it almost impossible to do anything by myself. Fuck I could barely go to the store by myself. Almost every day he fought with me, yelled at me, insulted me. He gas lighted me so much I actually thought I was losing it. He made me feel like everything was all in my head. That he never said anything bad and I was making it up. I promised myself the moment I could leave I would. I waited months until he cheated then I was finally able to leave, I had to wait because he wouldn't let me go before then. Trust me I tried. But I had no way to get back and was scared. When I finally got back I thought everything was going to be okay. Nope. He started making extra accounts online under different names to follow me. He kept watching everything I did online. Months after he guilted me into taking care of the animal we had together because he needed help. After he moved four hours to where I lived, because he wanted to work on getting me back even though I said no 100s of times. I blocked him and changed my number twice. That didn't stop him seeing as he had so many accounts. I ended up deleting a lot of my accounts to make new ones. Out of the blue one day he showed up on my door step. After I told him I'll get the cops involved because of all the months, MONTHS of harassment he finally moved back and said he wouldn't try to reach out again. Months later he started sending emails. Luckily I haven't heard from him again since the last emails. So there anon, because it's not Fucking easy to leave someone who is abusive. The worst part? He doesn't think what he did was abusive. He thinks it wasn't very good, but not abusive.


Hey society! Let's talk abortion.

Here’s the thing I would never get an abortion, because it’s against my religion. But if my friend got pregnant, and decided abortion was the right option for her, I would love and support her 100% because our beliefs aren’t the same; and my religious beliefs shouldn’t apply to anyone but me.


if i have any TERF followers lurking around on here, this post is to let u know that u r not welcome here. leave, now.

i shouldnt have any following me clearly, but if u are, get the fuck out

The 10 Phrases I’ve Stopped Saying And The People Who Appreciate Me For It (via Upworthy)
It’s pretty common for people to use disability metaphors like “That guy is crazy!” or “This weather is so bipolar” without giving it a second thought. It’s important to realize how these words and metaphors can affect people with disabilities and perpetuate stigmas surrounding mental health. If you’ve never thought about the impact these words can have, you’re in luck because this chart provides some common disability metaphors and easy alternatives!

ps. Special thanks to m-arkiplier for inspiring me to create this graphic! (and for his permission to use his post) For more info on why it’s important to be conscious of the metaphors we use, check out this HuffPost article ”10 Reasons to Give Up Ableist Language.”


Remove casual ableism in your everyday lexicon!

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