
Hey Chlo!

@purple-paws / purple-paws.tumblr.com

Storyboard Artist and Freelance Illustrator. MFA graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design!
Commission Status: CLOSED

I realized I never took the opportunity to upload my completed piece for "To Have & To Hold", the Fodlan Wedding Charity Anthology!

I drew a lot of inspiration from Hiccup and Astrid's wedding in HTTYD 3 for the costumes, and the castles were referenced heavily from photographs. (Huge thank you to Mod Saphi for providing the references! You were a huge lifesaver!)

I need to replay Three Houses soon. ;-;

Source: purple-paws

🎵 Will you be able to forgive them after listening to their sins? 🎵 So. MILGRAM. *claps hands* I LOVE IT A LOT OKAY. The music absolutely slaps, and I love trying to unravel the characters' stories as the project progresses. I created this poster to sell for conventions, and finally got around to posting it! (Roughly in time for the 3rd year anniversary, too!) I'm pretty happy with how it turned out considering the time crunch I was under. This was heavily inspired by the MV for "Undercover". Who're your favorites? Mine are Kazui & Yuno!

Source: purple-paws

There’s a protest going on against AI art over on artstation, so I feel like now is the time for me to make a statement on this issue! 

I wholeheartedly support the ongoing protest against AI art. Why? Because my artwork is included in the datasets used to train these image generators without my consent. I get zero compensation for the use of my art, even though these image generators cost money to use, and are a commercial product. 

Musicians are not being treated the same way. Stability has a music generator that only uses royalty free music in their dataset. Their words: “Because diffusion models are prone to memorization and overfitting, releasing a model trained on copyrighted data could potentially result in legal issues.” Why is the work of visual artists being treated differently?

Many have compared image generators to human artists seeking out inspiration. Those two are not the same. My art is literally being fed into these generators through the datasets, and spat back out of a program that has no inherent sense of what is respectful to artists. As long as my art is literally integrated into the system used to create the images, it is commercial use of my art without my consent.

Until there is an ethically sourced database that compensates artists for the use of their images, I am against AI art. I also think platforms should do everything they can to prevent scraping of their content for these databases. 

Artists, speak out against this predatory practice! Our art should not be exploited without our consent, and we deserve to be compensated when our art is exploited for commercial use. 

Loish made a statement I sincerely support, please read the whole publication if this is, hopefully, of some interest to you: “Until there is an ethically sourced database that compensates artists for the use of their images, I am against AI art.”

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