
probably fangirling right now


23 | she/her

I just saw a story on AO3 tagged "pet p!ay"


Ok, unless something's going on I'm not aware of (extremely likely), I gotta point out the term "Pet Play" is significantly older than Tik Tok, or most of its userbase for that matter.

Yeah, I'm not mad about using the term "pet play". That's a perfectly fine term. I'm mad because they didn't use that term: they used "pet p!ay", a censored version

Oh. Oh gawd I missed that. Objection withdrawn, that is objectively terrible.


To anybody who is new to posting on ao3, if you’re using a tag you have to use the correct spelling of that tag. People aren’t going to type in every version of a censored word to hide or look for your content 


For everyone new to tumblr, the same rule applies to tumblr too.

You cannot censor your tags! Censored tags cannot be block or filtered. Censoring tags HARMS your audience, it does not protect them


I don't actually care about actors needing to be queer to play queer roles because that leads to very bad outcomes with forcing people out of the closet BUT I do think we should hire a more out gay people to play straight roles. And they should be vocally disgusted with it in interviews and visibly bad at it on screen. You know, to balance things out


This is where we need that interview with Sir Ian McKellen where he explains he was able to do a heterosexual scene because his friend and fellow-actor Edward Petherbridge drew him some how-to diagrams.


you have to stay alive. you're going to be such a beautiful middle aged freak. young freaks will see you in the street and know that things can be okay.


I just read “each time you open a book and read, a tree smiles knowing there's life after death”and OH MY GOD


You guys do know you're supposed to reblog things, right

"well i like this post but i'm worried my followers might not" fuck your followers. The entire point of tumblr is to cause irreparable psychic damage to your followers. We are locked in mortal combat on the astral plane. You must win. You Must Win. You Must Destroy Them.

Just sayin'

ao3 wrapped

-> you read 2,690,420 words, none of which are in the bible

-> your preferred genre is an abomination

-> you found one writer and read everything they've ever written...

-> ...only to find out they're into some weird shit.

-> and now you are too. congratulations!

-> the data we've collected has shocked us to our very core and we wish we hadn't done it. we won't see you next year. please seek professional mental support


when 23 year olds say “im getting old” cause they get excited by mundane things…for the love of. we used to get excited by BOXES as toddlers. maybe we’re just reverting to our childlike joy did u ever think about THAT.

I was having just this thought the other day, and it was kind of beautiful. The idea that coming into adulthood some of early childhood wonder is reclaimed - how often do we hear of that? But this is a true and common instance of it. Loving the ordinary is wonderful, and can coexist with loving the extraordinary.


I don't want a fictional man. I want to BE fictional. I want to escape this reality and live in a fictional world with him.

If it's an interdimensional/parallel world option for "your place or mine" it will always be your place. I exist best in fictional spaces.


I have three modes of reading

  1. Dont read
  2. Read a 500 page book in a day
  3. Read only fanfiction until my eyeballs drop out of my skull from exhaustion
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