
DIO's Side Projects

@backburnerdio / backburnerdio.tumblr.com

A conglomerate of WIP ideas including historical fiction, Westerns, Sci-Fi, & Romance 30 yr old // ♉︎ // She/Her // love to be tagged in games & wip taglists!

Genre: Science Fiction, Cyber/Solarpunk Status: Draft 1 + In Progress POV: 3rd Person Themes: Found Family, UncannyValley, FireForgedFriends, and BadassUnintentional Setting: Featherfall, a fictional Metropolitan EcoCity in the mid-east coast USA, several decades in the future; Cyberpunk meets Solarpunk Wip Tag | OCKiss | Fictober21 | WIP Aesthetics | Excerpts | Characters | World Building | Playlist

Synopsis: With new technology, at the brink of near utopian life, Humans expand on artificial intelligence. A team of Mediators, community-funded amity forces who operate to keep people safe, become the guides for a number of A.I.s in hopes of acclimating them to human interaction and emotions. But even as complicated as A.I.s are, Humans are tenfold. Especially Mediator Unit 32. Some part dysfunction, some part dumb luck, this team is an utter conundrum. They bicker, complain, and are separately inefficacious, but as a whole are passionate and dedicated (verging on corny) to protecting their community. But unrest may be lurking beneath the surface, a growing movement of those who believe technology is diminishing humanity. That Humans may be returning to their original path to destroying their planet. Vandals working under the name GodHead have begun to argue where to draw the line between what is Human and what is playing god, wondering if humanity’s remarkable return from the brink of climatic turmoil was for naught. If Humans cannot change, are we merely existing on time borrowed?


OC In Fifteen

Tagged by @kaiusvnoir in this really neat game I haven't seen. Thank's my dude! Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!

Doing this for Garnet
  1. "A meeting? With computers? Talk about could have been an email."

2. "Yeah, up yours, buddy. I am king of the Pittsburgh left!"

3. "So, what's the story on the HUD vasectomy?"

4. "Hey, how good's your insurance?"

5. "You got, uh, you uh, you got a girlfriend? You got a boyfriend? You gotta they/them? Do they know how to fight –answer quickly. Asking for a friend."

6. "Lieutenant's line –you like it rough, I've got the cuffs."


Hey, did you guys know you can change the body types for height comparisons now??

Anyway, here's the TB gang


Share an excerpt that’s spooOOooky

From Time Borrowed Words: 1337 cw: gun mention, language Taglist: @irnalia, @waysofink, @ashen-crest, @artdecosupernova-writing, @dustylovelyrun, @idreamonpaper, @abalonetea, @jaimistoryteller, @kaiusvnoir, @writeouswriter, @reininginthefirewriting, @concealeddarkness13, @athenixrose, @asomeoneperson, @winterandwords (Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed)

Ryker drove them down the cracked and crumbled road about an hour northeast of Featherfall. He constantly glanced at Ives who was intently watching ahead. He pointed again and Ryker slowed to take the turn into an overgrown parking lot outside a decommissioned boathouse. A rundown thing that had once been used for a country club up the coast from the bay. 

“Is this what you call a gut feeling?” Beau whispered from the backseat.

“Everything’s going to be fine,” Ryker assured quietly, leaning forwards to give the building a look over. “It just looks creepy. It doesn’t mean anything bad is going to happen.”

“Yeah, it’s a gut feeling,” Garnet whispered. “It’s probably a GodHead ambush. Look at this place. If I was hiding a chopshop, this is where I’d put it.”


CalmNoWriMo Update #2

Days: 5-11 Progress: Somehow slower??? Focus: Horrible, really

Patch Notes:

  • Split Ch 22 to give readers a breather
  • Fixed Ch 13, 23, & 24
  • Rewrote Ch 21 to accommodate new plot point
  • This week was really tough to keep going mostly due to my day job. It took a lot of coffee. But I think I'm slowly getting over my fear of coming back to this wip and starting to love it again!

Section to Share:

"Thank you for what?" Garnet blearily skewed his face.

"For sticking with Ives, standing up for him. If you hadn't listened to him, given him a chance, we may have never found Ryker."

"I dunno what you're talking about. Ives' job is to get information. He had it, I just put it to use."

"No, Ives shared with me what happened in the locker room, when Royston wouldn't listen to him." Beau smiled when Garnet looked away with a mutter. "But you did. You listened to him –when you didn't have to."

"Look, that jagoff Royston is always pissin' me off. Who the fuck does he think he is? Ives isn't on his squad anymore. Technically, he's on mine. I was the acting C.O."

"So, you were protecting Ives?"


CalmNoWriMo Update #1

Days: 1-4 Progress: Slow, but still progress Focus: Decent

Patch Notes:

  • Combined Ch 2 & Ch 3
  • Surveyed progress on each chapter & created summaries
  • Chapters 1-4 & 23-25 need a complete overhaul
  • Marked sections that can be omitted
  • Ch 13 & 24 have alternative endings -it's time to choose!

Section to Share:

cw: gun violence One of them got a hold of Garnet, taking two to drag him to the floor. They eagerly began pummeling him, kicking at his head and middle.

"Leave him alone!" Beau vaulted over servers, their attention drawn and weapons raised. A bullet grazed along the side of his head, arm blocking more from eating into his chest and neck. But he didn't slow down. He tackled the largest of the members, arm hooking about their throat, throwing his weight to topple them. His boots screamed against the cement floor, scrambling to get himself on top of them. He elbowed their weapon away, driving a fist across their face.


CalmNoWriMo Intro

Absolutely jumping on this brilliant idea from @winterandwords as I'm desperate to get back into writing and into the TB world!

Time Borrowed WIP Intro Here

Writing Goal

  • Focus on hitting important plot points in my chapters and getting them to flow
  • Doing the most work on the first & last 3 chapters
  • Not setting a certain word goal
  • Shooting for 4 chapters a week

I haven't worked on writing nearly all year and I want to use this as an opportunity to try and get back into the swing of things, dig into this draft, and get back into the writeblr community!

Draft 1 Word Count: 135.058 Draft 1 Chapter Count: 25

Self Care Goal

  • Stop doom scrolling
  • Read more!!
  • Set a bedtime!

I also wish all the best to everyone else out there partaking in NaNoWrimo and CalmNoWriMo! I'm also going to be updating my progress as I go — no matter how slow! I'd also like to send out more asks and interactions to fellow writers, regardless of participation, just to get back in the community!!


Charred wings and/or bath!


Don! Hi! I hope you're doing well. This was the perfect way to get my butt in gear and write something again, so thank you so much! I was torn a little bit, but finally decided on going with Charred Wings! (From this Prompt List)

August Prompts — Charred Wings

Words: 1200 cw: None Starring Beau & Garnet from Time Borrowed

“You’ve never done one of these things, huh?” Garnet asked him as they made their way down the halls of Featherfall elementary school. Beau only half heard him, looking over the many colorful bulletin boards filled with projects and artwork.

“Nuh-uh,” he shook his head. “What do you do at career day?”

“Mostly just talk about what we do and answer a lot of questions. I mean a lot of questions. But I’m sure you’ll like that,” he playfully nudged Beau, half turning them down another hall. At the end was the wide entrance to the gymnasium, a fuzzy, cartoon blue jay standing beside the doors waving them in.

“What is that?” Beau whispered, falling a step behind. Garnet laughed, reaching back to grab his arm and tug him along.


Good to know it takes a 4 hr work meeting to get me back into writing Time Borrowed👍

Work Snippet!

Beau felt like he finally had a routine. With work. With coworkers. It made him feel better about where he stood on their squad. The only place that was a grey area was Garnet.

Beau sat on the side of a nearby desk when he came in for the morning, not surprised to find Garnet already there and getting their hub ready for the day. He sat his coffee down as he wiped off the attendance board. He propped up his tablet as he uncapped the marker.

"Do you like me?" Beau finally asked. Garnet continued reading his coverage report, holding the marker cap between his teeth.

"Sounds defamatory to me," he mumbled before beginning to write down who was and wasn't on call

"So, you don't," Beau guessed. Should have guessed from the beginning. Even if he wasn't surprised, he could admit he was disappointed. After being part of the squad for this long, he had hoped he and Garnet had reached some level of friendship. He'd honestly been trying.

Garnet turned from the board, pulling the cap from his mouth. "You taking a survey or something? They make you get, like, product reviews?"

"No," Beau scowled. "I just wanna know." It always seemed to go like this. Beau would reach out, Garnet wouldn't be serious, and before he knew it they were both defensive and off track. "I don't just collect data and send it to BloomingTek. I seriously doubt Duras gives a shit if we get along."

"So, it's just you who gives a shit if we're friends?" Garnet smirked, already starting his game.

"Yeah," Beau shrugged, jacket puffing with the motion. "I mean, don't most people care about that?"

"I don't," Garnet turned back to the board, kissing his teeth.

"Well, that's probably why I'm asking you and you're not asking me."

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