
@slightlyobsessedwithharrystyles / slightlyobsessedwithharrystyles.tumblr.com

she/her not just Harry Styles at this point I'm just being stubborn and refuse to change my url

personally i think you should be able to afford a place to live with a part-time job

dare i even say that, with how much technology has advanced in america, the 40 hour work week shouldn't be as commonplace and you should still get full-time employment benefits when you're working less than that actually


been going insane over Bruce in his eating dome for 24 hrs now

There is so much story telling here. A person got this pacific parrotlet named it Bruce which in and of itself is amazing but then this person went here my little bird friend a raspbebe for you to enjoy and Bruce said hell yeah and went cataclysmicly and irreversible ape shit ham on that berry. And that probably happened more than once. So instead of never again allowing this little dinosaur the joy of the succulent flesh of the delectable raspberry they went what can we do for our little baby boy. and then boom they got some kind of cake cover type deal and cut a door into it so that Bruce would Not Be Trapped in a fruit prison (altho truely it is the berries who are trapped in there with Bruce but none the less) and so he may go to his pent house and freak it as crazily as his little bird heart desires.

Anyway i love pets they are each distinct little guys who are carred for by the funniest ape to ever exist bc we love animal so much

I'm in this group and Bruce's human posts eating dome updates when he's done a particularly good job!

And also when he gets up to other mischief

However, THIS is my favorite Bruce photo

Important updates!


Best update of all time just landed

I wasn't wondering but I'm glad they've shown me


i should mention that my roommate was on a video call with nasa while i was making this in the background

i see ass nasa is making the rounds again so might be a good time to add on that last semester, one of my precalc classmates pulled this post up on their phone to show me and i had to sit there and pretend that i wasnt the idiot who made it. cheers

why would you pretend to not be the creator

because im a very serious person and i dont want them to know i get a little silly sometimes. you know how it is. in calculus

I don’t, I’m studying the culinary field.


Oddly specific. Got a deposit for 6,837 today


fuck it, i never ever do those “reblog for X, this one really works!” posts, but this one doesn’t have any of that BS, this is just straight up wishing us good things; and then the comment doesn’t even say any of that either. Zero claims on this post, all positive vibes

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future you’ll love

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future you’ll love

hey guys unpopular opinion but you’re not a bad person if you don’t care about every bad thing happening in the world all the time, or if you do care but you’re not constantly reblogging posts spreading awareness and information

it’s okay if you’re just on tumblr to have fun and reblog things you like or that make you happy.

humans aren’t made to process trauma and suffering on a worldwide scale without any breaks whatsoever & the internet has created an unprecedented access to bad news so please never feel guilty for scrolling past it because you can’t process it! and you’re not doing anything wrong & there’s no need to feel guilty

daily reminder


I’ve decided I’m done being embarrassed of dumb shit I did 5+ years ago. That’s backstory, now. It’s Lore

Trying to explain a felony charge to a prospective employer

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