

@genderholo / genderholo.tumblr.com

The official Tumblr for hologender from Facebook.

It’s been a very long time since I posted here, but I might come back at some point. Curating 5+ social spaces by myself was incredibly draining. I am not currently in a good state to start here again, but, if I do, I hope it’ll be a bit more directly active than just doomscroll.


I keep getting notifications for here. I’m not active here, as you may have guessed. Facebook and Twitter are my two most active places; Tumblr is not. The only reason I made this was because I wanted a place to put HQ uploads. Turns out Twitter is actually the best place for that. (Unless you want lossless which is available on my Patreon.)

I do ask that, if you wind up migrating my work here, you make a link back to the original post so people don’t get confused or come to my inbox with a baseless accusation like what I found upon sign in. If that is too much, credit will do fine) (I’m @/hologender on the 3 main media.)

Appreciate you. Have a marvelous day! 💜


Hey so "all men are trash" posts help terfs

I'll explain if one of you want

Know what fuck it explaining as soon as I get off mobile this is important and I'm pissed and I need you people to hear it

so i’m trans and i have been spoon feed this shit for years

There are more, but you get the idea. If you’ve been on this website, or any website really, you’ll know just how much of everywhere this is. You can not escape it. Men are Trash and Pigs and all that good stuff.  Recently, I found “Where’d you go?” a comic by Jason Porath, the man behind the Rejected Princesses book about a nightmare he’s been having since 2016 that seems, at least a little, connected to the “All men are trash” thing. Reading this kind of made me realize something about myself; all these All men are trash posts have given me internalized transphobia. I Actively hate myself for not being cis. For giving up womanhood to join the side of evil. And it’s not like i hate any other trans people, yall are great, it’s just me, and it’s my first time really realizing what internalized transphobia feels like or means. What makes it worse is this is something TERFs what. For those (lucky) few who have avoided TERFs, they are Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists.   They hate Trans Men for betraying woman by becoming part of the problem and they hate Trans Woman for being Men “pretending” to be woman to hurt them. They’re the kind of people making all the “If we let trans woman use the right bathroom they’ll assault cis woman!!!” stuff. Trashy people who think trashy things that only hurt people. But they made me have their ideology.  So, how many people in the above screenshots are TERFs or Radfem? 3. And those are only the ones who say it on their blogs. 3 out of 5 of the screenshots are from TREFs or Redfem and these are just the first few post i saw when I searched up “All Men are Trash.” This shit is everywhere I feel awful I hate myself They won I hope you all are happy

a bonus:

note is in response to this 

Listen. Please share this. There are already trans guys in the notes saying this is important. Listen to us.

Hate to make a long post longer but here are some important takes from the notes


I have a friend who is constantly racked with guilt about being attracted to women since he started transitioning because posts like this have taught him that men’s attention to women is always predatory. I have friends who are cis dudes who feel the same way. I have a transfemme friend who constantly questions whether they are actually just fetishizing women because being “socialized male” means they can never unlearn the predatory nature of their AGAB.

This sort of thinking also trains straight and bi women to expect to get treated like shit by their partners instead of believing that men are compassionate, kind, generous people who should be expected to treat their partners well.

And, not to get all “what about cis people” on this but there are young teen boys on this blogging platform who are learning that they are “trash” simply for looking at or being attracted to women and there are adult men on this platform who are  trying to turn themselves inside out to try to “make up” for their maleness and framing men as terrible, unsafe, selfish, bad people is the exact kind of gender essentialist bullshit that says all women are compassionate and good communicators and naturally maternal caregivers.

It’s crap! It’s garbage!

You can write off all cops as bad because they all looked at an abusive, corrupt system and went “I want to be a part of that.”

If you write off “men,” the type category, fifty fucking percentish of the goddamned species, as trash you’re looking at a little boy or a black father or an autistic teen or a gay pensioner or even just a totally run of the mill cis straight white dude and saying “you were born wrong.”

And you know what, for fucking YEARS I’ve been saying “feminism benefits men too” and “feminism helps everyone” and there has been this loud minority of utter fucking assholes saying that men are trash and there’s no such thing as misandry and I’ve been trying to say “yeah, okay, those people are assholes but they’re not really a huge part of the movement” and but now it seems like their shitty ideas about purity culture have crossed over to the mainstream and their shitty sex negativity has crossed over to the mainstream, and radical feminism in general and TERFs in particular are brimming with misandry that is an exact fucking mirror to the misogyny of blackpilled incels and we are very calmly letting it infect our discourse and discredit our philosophy.

ALSO all of this bullshit broadcasts and spreads the idea that women must always be protected from men (which is exactly how JK Rowling justifies her transmisogyny) which does NOTHING to accomplish the equality that feminism is nominally about.

“Men are trash” and “kill all men lol” is a memeified, gender-swapped version of Mike Fucking Pence refusing to meet with women unsupervised because they might contaminate or tempt him. 

And it *also* paves over the shitty, rapey, abusive, power imbalanced, oppressive things that women do. “If men are trash and women aren’t then clearly the abuse or sexual assault I’m suffering from my female partner must be *different* in some way because she’s not harming me through patriarchy or oppression.”


The idea that men are evil and dangerous was something I internalized deeply very early. It took me years to recognize my dysphoria, because I thought that hating yourself for being born male was normal and logical. To this day I exhaust myself trying to take up as little space as possible, to make sure I’m not threatening anyone. It’s fucking awful.


Just seeing the way people treat men has me terrified of what it will be like when I can finally pass. 


Life saving tip for trans men: If you have a friend that says this shit, but they're also like "oh but you're okay", do not fucking trust that.

You can translate it as "I will never see you nor treat you like a man" or "You get spared because you aren't there yet" depending on the circumstance.

Best just to leave them behind. Which is hard, I know, because friends are hard to come by these days, but it's for your own good.


If you haven’t seen the South Korean Legally Blonde curtain call yet, then you’re definitely missing out

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