
Amy (i am nothing if not my obsessions)


Don’t know her. My obsessions fluctuate on their own accord, but may I maybe give you some; Marvel, RW&RB, Twilight, JaTP, Winx Club etc. chaos posting during these trying times?

It’s probably for the best I wasn’t a Swiftie back in 2016 because y’all know the saying-

‘Defending ____ on the internet isn’t enough, I need a gun’

I just know I would’ve been deep in the trenches then, as I suddenly am now and Jesus fuck! some of y’all are are so annoying.


the idea of public restrooms as "women's spaces" continues to confound me. you know who I hope is in a public bathroom when I go in?? no one. I would prefer no one else be in the bathroom. and if someone else is in the bathroom I am going to ignore them as much as possible. I did not go into the bathroom to connect with other women. I went into the bathroom to piss and/or shit. it's a toilet's space, not a women's space. shut the fuck up and let trans people piss and shit in peace. let's all continue to avoid eye contact with each other and any and all interaction in the toilet's space.


You ever just wake up from an incredibly graphic and realistic nightmare that was a pure psychological horror based on your own personal phobias and trauma and just roll over like “aw shit I got too hot last night I guess.” And then make toast like you didn’t just experience the nine circles of hell before 9 am


Let's be clear my hyperfixation on Twilight has almost nothing to do with the actual books or movies themselves and everything to do with the wonderful interpretations and content made about them by a bunch of beautiful wackos on the Internet.

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