
Believe in miracles,

@vivelarepublique / vivelarepublique.tumblr.com

Hello there! I'm Abby. 30. ♓. She/Her. Cis. Ace Lesbian. Cosplayer. Member of the Cosette and Prequel Defense Squads. Overly fond of pink-haired revolutionaries. Enjoys Theatre & Lit & Mythology & SU & Star Wars & BSG & French & Anime & Ampersands. This is my personal blog; content will vary. Enjoy your stay!

Followers, today we are gathered here to mourn our dear friend, our fallen brother, little icon dude. Though his time on our phones may have been short it was full of joy, love, and life. Love him or hate him, he generated content for jokes and posts we all delighted in. For those of you who have not updated, he lives on in blessed memory. For those of us who have lost him to automatic updates, he is with us in spirit. Rest In Peace, my sweet, silly little guy.


you know, I’ll say something for the weird red Tumblr mobile avatar, it got me to check back here again…that and seeing what my Les Mis-skewed feed had to say about the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Anyway I tried trawling through Reddit properly for the first time last night and it just kinda made me miss here… I hope all y’all are still holding up okay in these strange times we’re living in <3


a sincere congratulations to the noble fighters and worthy competitors on each side of the brackets except for the ones I don’t like, but now it’s time to lay down our swords and come together to honor kaworu/shinji as the most iconic yaoi couple of all time as they take a shocking victory from sasunaru nation. a night never to be forgotten #yaoiwars #kaworusweep #hewasinoneepisodeandthendied #butatleasttheywerecanon

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