

@senfinity / senfinity.tumblr.com

there's a universe inside of you — it's been there quite a while and i only hope you see the constellations that scintillate in your smile ; and i've heard there's billions of galaxies scattered in the skies but i swear at least half of them are resting in your eyes
cutest baby chick ♡ louis vuitton cruise 19′ 
#angel :( i know you'll never know and i know that as much as i wish the stars to somehow carry it to you you'll still never know but#i love you so so much? more than words could even begin to describe and i don't think any length of time i spend trying to express it#i'll ever get it right because no human language will ever be able to encompass the extent to which our hearts can feel love#but i just love you a lot and i hope with everything that i have that you know how deserving of love you are but i don't think you do :(#your heart is too kind and too pure and selfless and sweet and i know you're thankful for every bit you receive and all the love you get#but you deserve so much more than what's being given to you not in love because i know you're surrounded by more than anyone could imagine#but in so many other things - your career and the appreciation acknowledgement and respect of who you are and what you're capable of#seeing you just taking it and being so thankful and humbled in everything you receive makes me love you so much more for how good you are#but it also makes me sad because i want you to know that you are worthy of so much more than that#i hope one day you'll be able to get it because you shine so bright despite how little you've been given and i want to see you shine more#you really are so beautiful inside and out though; i don't think i'll ever be able to find someone with a heart as /good/ as yours#you are wonderful and lovable and kind in every single way and everyday i'm thankful loving you#i hope the universe is able to treat its favourite existence with as much kindness and love you give to the world#**#my one and only ♡#bubs#sehun#cutest#ap
apeachboy | do not edit.
#hello baby angel with the sweetest smile in the heavens#i hope you know that i truly do love you the absolute most; you mean more than most anything to me and you make me the happiest#big changes are about to happen for you and yesterday was just the start of it all and i'm sure you felt it too#seeing you so absolutely elated with the brightest smiles i've ever seen on your face and with that excited bounce in your step#the way you gazed adoringly at fans and would've signed every single one of their cards if it was up to you#hearing them say they loved working with you and wanted to work with you again as you laughed so shyly at the compliment#seeing you having that adorable sibling dynamic with sejeong as she was so comfortable and playful around you and you were so bashful back#seeing the absolute blinding light that was surrounding you throughout the whole day yesterday filled my heart with so much warmth#knowing just how much this all meant to you and how long you've had to wait for this moment to show your light to the world#knowing just how much going forth people with come to love you for all the wonderful things you are that have been hidden away for so long#i am so so happy for you and i can't wait to watch you every step of the way as you continue to blossom and grow#and for everyone to come to know the boy i've fallen in love and see the bright wonderful beautiful lovely person that i always see#my moon and my stars ✨#sunshine#sehun#sweetest smile#loveliest#moon#perf#180406
#i love you sooo so so much i hope you know that; you really just make me the happiest in the purest way#i haven't experience this level of joy in god knows how long and i just know that the last time i did was because of you#you genuinely bring me so much happiness with every single thing you do and you really one of the best things that's happened to me#idk what in the universe led me to you but i'll forever be thankful that it did#you deserve so much happiness and appreciation and respect and acknowledgement and love and i hope that this will just be one of many steps#that will continually lead you towards that because god only knows how wonderful you are because i get to witness you every single day#being as hardworking and ambitious and humble and intelligent and always willing to try new things and giving your best#you haven't had the most opportunities to show that to the world and i will never know why it took this long for this to happen#but with this first opportunity of many more to come for you to finally be able to share that light with the world#i just know that everyone will see just how much of you there is to love because there truly is more than words could ever express#you deserve every single star in the sky my love and i can't wait to see as the stars shower down rushing to give themselves to you#just... i love you :( and i just want you to be happy :( happier than you've ever been and i hope this is just the beginning :(#my moon and my stars ✨#sunshine#sehun#supernova#cutest#moon#tciy#rc

Why Sehun: A Not-So-Little Collection of Reasons

DISCLAIMER This post is going to be incredibly lengthy, meaning not just a few paragraphs but a few pages, however since I wrote this for my own eyes I have done so without any plan to limit the length because I want to lay my whole heart out, without finding myself regretting not saying everything I wanted to. This is just a way for me to express how I feel without the limitations that the tags put on me. That being said, you are wholly welcome to read what I wrote, and even just glancing at the bolded parts might suffice; I just wanted to give a fair warning before you decided to click the read more~ If you do in fact click read more, though, I hope you can read at least the little ‘notes’ section in the beginning to keep some things in mind ;; But with that, I will now begin!

Anonymous asked:

don‘t worry i saw your answer even after two weeks and i‘m following you on twt too! ♡ take your time, don‘t be so hard on yourself ♡ and it makes me even more happy that my message made you happy! lots of love only ♡♡

Okay good, I felt so bad that I replied so late :( I’m glad you know that I saw it immediately though ;; Your message really did make me happy, and since you saw me on twt I’m sure you saw that it made me probably more emotional than I should have been, so just genuinely thank you again :(

Anonymous asked:

hi tanya i hope you're doing well !! i've been catching up on ur blog nd i hope you're okay idk if u remember me but i just wanted to drop by nd say hi (i feel like youre an old friend or something lol) nd tell u that i still think u r a sweetheart!!! and i miss u lots nd that u should put urself before anything else nd take care of urself otherwise ill do it for u ❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟 good luck with the rest of ur semester btw !!!!!!- senflower anon!

I do remember you!! I’m surprised you even remembered the ‘senflower anon’ honestly ;; I have definitely been doing okay, especially as of late, this is probably the happiest - or closest to happy - I’ve been in a really long time so I’m actually doing really good. It’s been a really long time since I’ve heard from you (a year actually !!) so I hope you’re doing well as well :(

Before I get to the rest, the fact that you just remembered me all of the sudden and wanted to say hi is making me really upset because that is honestly so so sooo sweet oh my god, or maybe I am easily touched… but nonetheless :( 

“otherwise ill do it for u ❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟“ this is.. so cute.. I really will cry :( I miss being here too and being able to talk to sweethearts like you so I am excited to eventually truly come back because I want to so so bad, but I just need to take care of something else first I think before my mind feels comfy to really return so I will do my best to take care of myself at least more than I usually do :( And thank you~ I haven’t been the best of students this semester orz but I think I am slowly figuring out what I want to do so I will take the luck you’ve wished me and carry it to my next year when I’m hopefully on a path I like more >:[

Also sorry for replying to this over a week late, Tumblr also didn’t even give me a notif for this so I didn’t realize I received it so when I opened my inbox today this was a really pleasant surprise :(


💫💖This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💖🌙 ily ♡


:((( MARD thank you so much :((( You know you’re one of my favourite people, right :(((

Anonymous asked:

i love having you back here on tumblr because i feel(?) the happiness and love for sehun through all you sincere writing and tags haha this sounds so weird. love you lots ! ps: i care and love reading your ramblings so don't say that no one cares okay?

This is so sweet to hear, but also makes me feel a tad bit bad (not cuz of you ;;) because I haven’t actually really been active in over a month or all that much since I said I was coming back (but that will change, I promise, because I really do genuinely want to return ;;) BUT !!

Lately I haven’t been able to write all that well, but knowing that what I have been able to write and what I used to write in the past was able to reach you like that and really reflected my heart the way I wanted it to is just really lovely honestly :( Asks like these are always my favourite idk why but they always make me so happy, so thank you for taking the time to let me know, especially because my little heart is always so insecure so being reminded that I shouldn’t be every now and then is just really nice ;;

Anonymous asked:

Hi Tanya! You don't need to post this but I don't think you're an annoying Sehun stan at all! (Yes lmao I was the one that replied to your tweet on private but I'm not too comfortable with going off private and I forgot that you won't be able to see the tweet anyways ;; ) You're one of the nicest Sehun stans I follow! Nothing wrong with speaking out about unfair things that happen to Sehun or calling out certain fans. I'm really happy and glad that Sehun has a caring fan like you supporting him!

This is a whole month late and I am so sorry, but I know you saw that I saw this message when you sent it since I mentioned it on my twt acc so I guess it’s okay but :( still. I just wanted to reply anyways because as we know, tweets are too short, and I talk too much, and I wanted to properly say thank you for taking time to not only reply to me (annoyingly) asking that on twt but then sending it here, too, so that I could see it because I really was feeling oddly insecure that day, and was for a while (though lately that insecurity is a lot better so ;;) so it was really sweet and really nice to hear someone say that :( I think I felt even more >:[ at myself cuz there were other accs on there that were being a bit… unpleasant when they were defending Sehun and it was reflecting on Sehun badly and was maybe turning people away from him, so I started getting worried that I was doing the same thing orz but it was nice to hear that that wasn’t the case :( I just get a bit emotional about Sehun because he is important to me and I just want him to be treated the absolute best and I get a bit carried away in expressing that sometimes, I guess ;; 

But anyways, thank you again for being so sweet and sending me this, it really did help me feel loads better, and even now it makes me happy seeing this :(


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