
dont you want to be sung to?

@commandrogyne / commandrogyne.tumblr.com

hi im Riley im 21 im jewish and im normal about les miserables (mobile banner is from @distinct-disability-flags)

Got Bones? (Printable)

Hey, I made a printable .PNG version of that “got bones” flyer if anyone wants to make a few copies to hang up in real life and cause some minor chaos around their town. Have fun, feel free to send me pics if you stick it up anywhere

I should specify, for those who are apprehensive:

- The phone number attached to this poster is real, and works.

- It’s not a random stranger’s number, please don’t worry. I set the number up specifically for this piece.

- You will not get a live person on the line, it’s just a pre-recorded message (unless my finger slips and I accidentally answer one of the incoming calls, in which case I will inevitably panic and immediately hang up)

- It does, however, cost me like nine bucks a month to keep this text app phone number running for the sake of the joke. Which isn’t a lot, but I’m honestly pretty broke these days. So if this poster amuses you and you want to chip in to help this thing live on so other people can call the number, you can toss me a dollar or something over on my Ko-Fi page. I’m gonna try to keep it public and live for as long as I feasibly can, however.

This is genuinely the funniest possible result that could have come out of this whole thing, I approve


it is wild that the top post in #gay is a closeup shot of a hairy butt not marked sensitive but if a trans woman even says that shes a trans woman the post immediately gets blasted into the void by staff.

one of the top posts in #gay is an 8 second clip of a guy full on getting railed but you can't say that you're trans or else your tumblr gets wiped off the face of the earth. It truly was never about "adult content"


" Y'all can't even boycott Chick-fil-A " objectively funny and correct to me and I will hear no arguments against it

funny in a sad sort of way to be clear. Yes I'm sure there's infinite Nuance and if I really put my mind to it I can come up with about 10 different scenarios in one minute about why someone might need to eat at Chick-fil-A but at the end of the day those don't really apply to a lot of the bitches who are just like "oh but that spicy chicken sandwich though..." Does it? The truth is y'all are weak in the knees and have a spinal column the consistency of almond paste

If you tell me I'm so strong for adhering to any given boycott because food it's just that good I don't think it's funny and I don't respect you for it I'm just embarrassed that these are the people I have to work with


i feel like i'm watching a car crash in slow motion


2016 was a special time because it created the unique circumstances that allowed for a season one episode of Shadowhunters to be titled after the little gay ship happening. At no time before or after 2016 would it be reasonable to do this. That was the window and well Shadowhunters fucking grabbed the ball and ran


please stop reblogging shit with additions from prismatic-bell starlightomatic and vaspider please god

i dont care how good you think their take is they are zionists



(these three are all the same post)

(these two are the same post, separate from the one above)


this is literally just their pinned post


(three separate posts)


“Hamas needs to stop slaughtering unarmed civilians and killing queer Palestinians” is a zionist take? Genuinely asking. What makes it okay when they do it?


israel has killed more queer palestinians than hamas ever has, most of the homophobia that palestinians face comes from family or other people they know and the lurid stories of beheadings or people being thrown off buildings are extremely rare; people have this image of gaza as a place where gay people are "routinely" subject to isis-style executions and it's extremely far from the truth. also "queer palestinians seek refuge in israel" is a blatant lie and an insulting one, we can't just go to "israel" and claim asylum, there is so much about that statement that makes it absurd if you know literally anything about the restrictions on palestinian movement and where people with palestinian IDs and no other citizenship are allowed to go, where they can live, the processes they have to go through to even work in "israel" etc. you clearly don't know very much at all and should probably do a lot of research before you go around "genuinely asking"

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