
despite everything, it's still you

@zepysgirl / zepysgirl.tumblr.com

Just a little personal blog where I reblog things I like/my friends will like... Current flavor is CAPTAIN AMERICA!!! and Check Please!. If you know me from anything, it's probably 'cause I run fuckyeahcaptainamericapolyamory! If you haven't heard of that blog yet and it sounds like your kind of thing, please check it out!

So I am officially allowed to talk about my fantasy sapphic Winter Soldier book!* Feat: brainwashed assassins, awful lesbians, some terrible decisions made at magic college that have haunted everyone for several years, and being hopelessly in love with the worst person you could be in love with.

(*not actually Stucky, please do not expect the characters, it's just 'Winter Soldier' is my best shorthand for 'brainwashed superassassin who regular has their memory wiped and doesn't remember their complicated past' and one thing I've learned is that pitching vs setting expectations is hard)

It doesn't have a pub date yet - updates to follow on @everina-maxwell-updates when I have things like a cover and dates!


📣 The beta version of a new RPG game specially made for Steve Rogers is finally released ‼️ Now we invite one player to join the testing. Who can grab this chance? Come and try if you’re Steve Rogers! 🫵

Which Bucky? Your Bucky! 😉

Here are the demonstrations of the gameplay.

Please follow the game’s instructions and read the terms very, very carefully.

Hey bro, you like tights?

Hidden story unlocked!

As the chapter progresses, the questions get harder accordingly. Now, choose your fate, Rogers!

Other demos: Choose your destination!

Who is he?

Who are you to him?

Are you still going on your mission?

Stay tuned for more exciting content to come!

Oh no no no, can’t be greedy… this player demonstrated the consequence of violating the game’s rule.

And the winner is…🎉🎉👑

Happy 10th anniversary!!! 🥳🥳🥳

Actually, I wanted to post it yesterday and originally they are all videos, but tumblr only allows me to post one video at a time, so I have to spend some time making all of them into gifs... I wish they could be in high resolutions but 🤷‍♀️

Btw I didn’t make up about the comic and Avengers Academy. Both lines are real.


Ummmm a fic prompt. I am very into dragons lately, especially the idea of a love interest being part of a dragon’s hoard, so I would like dragon shifter Steve hoarding Bucky for a stucky prompt? (It could work with poly too, just give Steve more people to hoard 😂)


Well, Z2, as you are the only contestant, you win by default. I confess, I could hardly have hoped for a more True Fan than my fandom NOK.

(Y'all can check my AO3 profile, this is a true fact.)


WARNING: Steve eats bugs in this one. Well, spiders. It makes sense in context.


Bucky knew Steve was a dragon. He was not sure what kind of dragon, but Bucky was scarcely a dragon expert, and even though they'd known each other for-fucking-ever, he'd never actually seen him turn into a dragon, or really, as a dragon, in anything but the dark.

And goddamn it, like any normal human person, Bucky was colorblind in the dark.

Also, Steve refused to use whatever his magic was when he was around Bucky, because it would give him a hint, probably. Steve was very secretive about the whole "Oh, by the way, I'm actually a dragon" business. Which was suspicious, from Bucky's perspective.

"I am otherwise an open book," Steve drawled laconically when Bucky was poking him about it once again. "Let me have one mystery."

"I'll be satisfied with an element," Bucky tried again. "Just the element, so I can narrow it down."

"Mm. No." Steve stretched until his neck made a soft cracking noise, and then shook his head. "I may have overdone it last night."

"Overdone what?" Bucky demanded. "Flying? Swimming?"

"Not telling," Steve said, beaming smugly.

He was infuriating when he was like this. He did it on purpose, Bucky was absolutely certain.

And then, after the war, after the ice- of course Steve survived the ice raw, while Bucky had to be drugged to Hell and back and it hurt every time- the flowers started.

It was Sam's compost bin. Steve poked at it a few times- Bucky was still watching him like a hawk for draconic behavior- and then one day it was overrun with fucking spiders, and Sam hated it.

Sam was seriously contemplating setting the whole thing on fire, and Steve looked absolutely wounded to the core.

Bucky pursed his lips and squinted his eyes.

"Steve," he said. "Did you fill Sam's bin with spiders?"

"Yes and no," Steve said, carefully scooping spiders into glass jars with his naked fingers.

The spiders were remarkably calm about this.

Sam was not. Sam had gone inside with several bad words muttered under his breath and a touch paler than usual.

"Your dragon power is not spiders."

"Sometimes," Steve said. "Not just spiders, though. And not always spiders."

"Steve, how can manifesting piles of spiders be a dragon power?"

Steve tipped his head to one side and then the other, letting a few of the spiders skitter along his hand before gently shaking them into a fresh jar. "I didn't manifest the spiders. I don't think I did, anyway. Spiders do like me, but it was the bugs in the compost heap they were after, and I did accelerate the breeding of the bugs. Which brought the spiders."

"Steven. That is an unacceptable response." Bucky was very firm about this.

He didn't mind spiders, but he did mind that Sam was upset. Not an arachnophobic kind of upset, but a why are there seventeen million spiders in my compost bin upset. Though Bucky was pretty sure it was closer to seventeen hundred than seventeen million.

"Okay, so, you made a comment," Steve said, still scooping spiders. "When we were looking at arms."

"That is one of the finer parts of having a missing arm and a dragon for a paramour," Bucky said. "You get to look at limbs like they're fashion accessories and not worry about how much they cost."

"Paramour?" Steve was pleased, but a quick evaluation of his facial expression indicated it was at the spiders.

"Boyfriend is a word for teenagers and children, not hundred year old men or their dragons."

"Am I your dragon?" Steve glanced at him. The humor was distressingly absent for a moment, though there wasn't hostility, but that was- not the response Bucky expected.

"Aren't you?" Bucky asked.

"Not how dragons work," Steve said, going back to his spiders. "That is most definitely not how dragons work."

"I don't know how dragons work because you won't tell me," said Bucky. "I am left to conject."

"I don't think that's a word," Steve said, starting a fourth jar of spiders.

"Then why do you know what it means?" Bucky asked.

"Touche," Steve said. "I'll allow it."

"I made a comment about arms."

"You made a comment about arms that was in the neighborhood of my draconic origin," Steve said. "But I don't feel like giving you hints or letting you guess. I'm not a sphinx."

"So I'm just not going to know."

"That's the idea."

"Another unacceptable response."

"Leave me my mysteries. Oh! Good, they did it."

"They did what?" Bucky finally ventured closer. The spiders did not make his skin itch. He was unflappable. Seventy years of assassin training. He had no flinches left. (He told himself this. The goosebumps on his arm disagreed. He ignored them.)

"They laid a layer of web over the dirt that will help keep the baby worms extra moist," Steve said, pleased.

"Why couldn't you just use a net or something? They make breathable tarps for this kind of thing."

"Because spiderwebs are brilliant executions of natural geometry and fine detail, and I love them."

"I've never seen you this excited about gardening."

"Composting isn't exactly gardening," Steve demurred. "It's cultivated rot."

A light came on in Bucky's head.

"Oh, you son of a bitch," he said.

"Hm?" Steve grinned. For a moment, it looked like his teeth were too big and too many for his mouth.

"You dirty rotten bastard," Bucky huffed. "That explains so much."

"Do tell," Steve said.

"You're a fucking swamp dragon," Bucky said.

"Bog dragon," Steve corrected. "Although the proper term is worm."

"We spent the entire goddamn war in the mud and you always came out of it clean. You only ever got ashes on you."

"Blood, periodically," Steve said.

He did not eat one of the spiders off the back of his wrist. Bucky unsaw that.

"Was any of it yours?"

"Not much," Steve said. He did it again.

"Stop eating the spiders." Even Bucky could only take so much. He had to kiss that mouth later.

"You should try it." Steve offered Bucky the back of his hand. Said spider was the size of a dime and seemed to be looking back at Bucky with all eight(?) eyes.

"I will not."

"Your loss," Steve said, but he did go back to putting them back in the jar rather than nibbling them off his wrist like crumbs on one's fingers. "You're getting the silver one."

"The silver arm? I had a silver arm. I was thinking-"

"Silver," Steve said, light but with surprising firmness. "To stay on theme."

"Fuck's sake," Bucky grumbled, shaking his head. "How old are you?"

"We're the same age," Steve said. "Even if I measure myself in actual human years. I was born in Brooklyn in 1920."

"To bog worms," Bucky said.

"Immigrant Irish bog worms, yes."

"And I'm your person," Bucky said.

"That is how dragons work," Steve agreed. He looked at another escaping spider, and then out of the corner of his eye at Bucky.

"Do not." Bucky warned.

"Spoilsport," Steve said. He shook the spider into the current jar.

"Do you have any other people?"

"Not successfully, not yet," Steve said. "But I think Sam is going to give me his compost bin. I'll take it, for now."

There was a long pause.

"Wait, are the other myths real?"

"All myths are real to somebody," Steve said. "Oh, eggs!"


Hi, Tumblr. It’s Tumblr. We’re working on some things that we want to share with you. 

AI companies are acquiring content across the internet for a variety of purposes in all sorts of ways. There are currently very few regulations giving individuals control over how their content is used by AI platforms. Proposed regulations around the world, like the European Union’s AI Act, would give individuals more control over whether and how their content is utilized by this emerging technology. We support this right regardless of geographic location, so we’re releasing a toggle to opt out of sharing content from your public blogs with third parties, including AI platforms that use this content for model training. We’re also working with partners to ensure you have as much control as possible regarding what content is used.

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Save for those with which we partner. You mean OpenAI? The big one that Microsoft invests in?

And none of that matters if you’re reblogged by someone who didn’t opt out. This does not work for me, and I think most of us, unless it’s opt-in. And no one would ever choose to opt in. So no company would ever do that.

I’ll link to long posts I write in the future, but I can’t be posting them in full here anymore. I had really liked how flexible the features are, but I can’t just hand my stuff to OpenAI on a platter. Some godforsaken company will find a way to scrape everything on the internet anyway, but I’d rather make them fight for it.


Hi there. Reblogging this because I don’t have an option to message you otherwise.

When you go to turn off 3rd party sharing, it says:

Prevent third-party sharing
This option will prevent your blog's content, even when reblogged, from being shared with our licensed network of content and research partners, including those that train AI models.

So the thing you’re worried about (your content getting scraped after it’s reblogged, regardless of what settings you choose), is not an issue.


I've asked this question before and been surprised by the results, now I have access to more weirdos it's your problem:

It is the middle of a Sunday afternoon. You have nothing on, and aren't expecting visitors, deliveries or post.

Unexpectedly, there is a knock at the door.

Not naming options to skew votes but...

I think there's something fundamentally baffling with the way most of you think.


My book is out today!! I wrote about my experiences with bipolar 1, including mania, psychosis, depression, stigma, treatment, and self-acceptance. Silver Sprocket did an incredible job making this a beautiful book, and I'm so happy to share it with you 💛

It's sort of my way of reaching out past the stigma, and to try to connect with people despite it. I hid it for so long, and it still feels both scary and freeing to talk about it publicly, but every time someone says they felt seen, or that they're better able to understand a loved one, I feel joy. Partly because it means I'm not just crazy all by myself, and partly because all most of us want is to be loved and accepted, and I hope this book can help make that dream more real.

You can find Sunflowers at the Silver Sprocket store (here) or you can request it at your local bookstore or comic shop.

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