


MBTI blog. ENTP. 7w8. sx/so/sp. Chaotic good. SCUEI.

“A medical professor who has tracked the cost of insulin over the years says that a one-month supply of a popular version that cost $45 wholesale in 2001 cost $1,447 14 years later, an increase of almost 3,000%.  That’s the wholesale price, not the retail price that an uninsured patient would pay.“

Yeah, that’s messed up.

Wow, it’s really rare I see something cross my dash that’s actually directly tied to my life on a personal level, but yea, I’m Diabetic Type 1 and this is a problem.

I’ve been off insurance for the last three or so years and have been working around through channel I can to continue to obtain insulin and supplies for my insulin pump (of which is currently a problem, fun) for free or at reduced costs.

The Lilly Cares program is one I heavily endorse if your insulin is a Lilly product. They’ve been incredibly helpful to me.

Please spread the word on this. There are a lot of young Diabetics like myself that do not have a support system, do not have insurance, and do not have jobs. Insulin is literally a life-sustaining medication for T1 Diabetics. Please do not just ignore this.

T1 diagnosed over 20 years ago here. Back when I was out of work in 2009 I contacted Lilly Cares and I swear I would not be alive if not for that program. T1s need insulin to live. Daily. Our bodies do not produce the hormone because our immune systems backfired and killed our pancreas’ islet cells.

These days one bottle of insulin costs me approx $600 (before insurance) and lasts 2-3 weeks, tops. Less than ten years ago the cost was closer to $200/bottle. The insulin manufacturers keep “tweaking” insulins like Humalog so the patents can be extended(*), so we don’t even have access to a generic option.

The price gouging on insulin in this country is cruel and damn disgusting.

Please, please boost this info. It WILL save lives.

(*) a fact that even my endocrinologist has confirmed!

Lilly Cares saved my husband’s life when he had no prescription drug coverage. Please, please utilize this program if you can. It’s wonderful.

Reblogging this because they also have some name brand (with no generic yet) mental health drugs on their list.  


US Helplines:

  • Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
  • Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
  • LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
  • Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
  • Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
  • Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
  • Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
  • Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
  • Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
  • Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
  • Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453

UK Helplines:

  • Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090 e-mail jo@samaritans.org
  • Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111
  • Mind infoline (mental health information): 0300 123 3393 e-mail: info@mind.org.uk
  • Mind legal advice (for people who need mental-health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463 legal@mind.org.uk
  • b-eat eating disorder support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30am-8.30pm and Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) e-mail: help@b-eat.co.uk
  • b-eat youthline (for under 25’s with eating disorders): 08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30pm)
  • Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400 e-mail: helpline@cruse.org.uk
  • Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600
  • Drinkline: 0800 9178282
  • Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1(open 2 - 2.30pm 7 - 9.30pm) e-mail info@rapecrisis.org.uk
  • Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 every day, 6pm to midnight
  • India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614
  • India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669
  • Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868

FREE 24/7 suicide hotlines:

  • Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430
  • Australia: 13-11-14
  • Austria: 01-713-3374
  • Barbados: 429-9999
  • Belgium: 106
  • Botswana: 391-1270
  • Brazil: 21-233-9191
  • China: 852-2382-0000
  • (Hong Kong: 2389-2222)
  • Costa Rica: 606-253-5439
  • Croatia: 01-4833-888
  • Cyprus: 357-77-77-72-67
  • Czech Republic: 222-580-697, 476-701-908
  • Denmark: 70-201-201
  • Egypt: 762-1602
  • Estonia: 6-558-088
  • Finland: 040-5032199
  • France: 01-45-39-4000
  • Germany: 0800-181-0721
  • Greece: 1018
  • Guatemala: 502-234-1239
  • Holland: 0900-0767
  • Honduras: 504-237-3623
  • Hungary: 06-80-820-111
  • Iceland: 44-0-8457-90-90-90
  • Israel: 09-8892333
  • Italy: 06-705-4444
  • Japan: 3-5286-9090
  • Latvia: 6722-2922, 2772-2292
  • Malaysia: 03-756-8144
  • (Singapore: 1-800-221-4444)
  • Mexico: 525-510-2550
  • Netherlands: 0900-0767
  • New Zealand: 4-473-9739
  • New Guinea: 675-326-0011
  • Nicaragua: 505-268-6171
  • Norway: 47-815-33-300
  • Philippines: 02-896-9191
  • Poland: 52-70-000
  • Portugal: 239-72-10-10
  • Russia: 8-20-222-82-10
  • Spain: 91-459-00-50
  • South Africa: 0861-322-322
  • South Korea: 2-715-8600
  • Sweden: 031-711-2400
  • Switzerland: 143
  • Taiwan: 0800-788-995
  • Thailand: 02-249-9977
  • Trinidad and Tobago: 868-645-2800
  • Ukraine: 0487-327715


Seriously thank you.


I will always reblog this.

Source: fuwaprince

MBTI Stereotypes and Descriptions vs Reality: ENTP

Part of a series with @itsme-isfp

Type Description:

The ENTP personality type is the ultimate devil’s advocate, thriving on the process of shredding arguments and beliefs and letting the ribbons drift in the wind for all to see. Unlike their more determined Judging (J) counterparts, ENTPs don’t do this because they are trying to achieve some deeper purpose or strategic goal, but for the simple reason that it’s fun. No one loves the process of mental sparring more than ENTPs, as it gives them a chance to exercise their effortlessly quick wit, broad accumulated knowledge base, and capacity for connecting disparate ideas to prove their points. ENTPs’ intelligence, curiosity and sound reasoning skills are a force to be reckoned with. ENTPs will always be able to find just the right argument, the weakest chink in their opponent’s armor, or the way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. Their fearsome debate skills and impressive knowledge allow ENTPs to overcome many challenges.”


Sassy meme queen with no motivation to do anything with their lives…other than shitpost or roast people online for no good reason.


Prefers to sit back and analyze a conversation before jumping in with a witty comment or idea - provided they find the conversation interesting.  Does play the devil’s advocate, but does it more so to explore the topic from all sides more so than to start a fight…admittedly will poke your buttons every now and then to watch you dancet. Pretty clueless when you get emotional.  Doesn’t really want to offend you, but will try to cover it up as intentional if they’re not sure how to make amends.  Will say or do silly shit just to make you laugh. Has no style.


US Helplines:

  • Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
  • Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
  • LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
  • Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
  • Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
  • Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
  • Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
  • Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
  • Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
  • Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
  • Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453

UK Helplines:

  • Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090 e-mail jo@samaritans.org
  • Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111
  • Mind infoline (mental health information): 0300 123 3393 e-mail: info@mind.org.uk
  • Mind legal advice (for people who need mental-health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463 legal@mind.org.uk
  • b-eat eating disorder support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30am-8.30pm and Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) e-mail: help@b-eat.co.uk
  • b-eat youthline (for under 25’s with eating disorders): 08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30pm)
  • Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400 e-mail: helpline@cruse.org.uk
  • Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600
  • Drinkline: 0800 9178282
  • Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1(open 2 - 2.30pm 7 - 9.30pm) e-mail info@rapecrisis.org.uk
  • Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 every day, 6pm to midnight
  • India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614
  • India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669
  • Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868

FREE 24/7 suicide hotlines:

  • Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430
  • Australia: 13-11-14
  • Austria: 01-713-3374
  • Barbados: 429-9999
  • Belgium: 106
  • Botswana: 391-1270
  • Brazil: 21-233-9191
  • China: 852-2382-0000
  • (Hong Kong: 2389-2222)
  • Costa Rica: 606-253-5439
  • Croatia: 01-4833-888
  • Cyprus: 357-77-77-72-67
  • Czech Republic: 222-580-697, 476-701-908
  • Denmark: 70-201-201
  • Egypt: 762-1602
  • Estonia: 6-558-088
  • Finland: 040-5032199
  • France: 01-45-39-4000
  • Germany: 0800-181-0721
  • Greece: 1018
  • Guatemala: 502-234-1239
  • Holland: 0900-0767
  • Honduras: 504-237-3623
  • Hungary: 06-80-820-111
  • Iceland: 44-0-8457-90-90-90
  • Israel: 09-8892333
  • Italy: 06-705-4444
  • Japan: 3-5286-9090
  • Latvia: 6722-2922, 2772-2292
  • Malaysia: 03-756-8144
  • (Singapore: 1-800-221-4444)
  • Mexico: 525-510-2550
  • Netherlands: 0900-0767
  • New Zealand: 4-473-9739
  • New Guinea: 675-326-0011
  • Nicaragua: 505-268-6171
  • Norway: 47-815-33-300
  • Philippines: 02-896-9191
  • Poland: 52-70-000
  • Portugal: 239-72-10-10
  • Russia: 8-20-222-82-10
  • Spain: 91-459-00-50
  • South Africa: 0861-322-322
  • South Korea: 2-715-8600
  • Sweden: 031-711-2400
  • Switzerland: 143
  • Taiwan: 0800-788-995
  • Thailand: 02-249-9977
  • Trinidad and Tobago: 868-645-2800
  • Ukraine: 0487-327715


Seriously thank you.


I will always reblog this.

Source: fuwaprince

Why Each Type is Mad at You

INFP: Will never admit it but the thing you said last week on pandas being stupid deeply affected them.

ENFP: “What do you mean you don’t like Beckett?” Yea they’ll talk to you again and forget though, no worries

INFJ: *long sigh* “So the thing I said would happen happened, didn’t it? That’s crazy, tell me more.”

ENFJ: “Oh, so you think dating your jerk of an ex again is a good idea? THINK TWICE HONEY”

INTP: You’re not displaying enough open-mindedness. If so - argumentative glares ahead.

ENTP: You’re trying to make them be serious when they’re having fun, aka debating, which will weird them out, as they don’t perceive their behaviour as aggressive (and most often it’s not).

INTJ: You’re misinformed and unyielding. Silent staring outside the window ahead.

ENTJ: They think your opinion is faulty, and they’re not mad, that’s just how they respond to the outside world.

ISTJ: “So, after three days of squalor, are you going to clean this up?” Yea if it’s a mess they get angry really fast.

ISFJ: They’re never going to show they’re mad, except if you really push them to their limit, and if you hit that point, you’ll come out a different person. ISFJ will not take anymore of your bullshit, ever.

ESTJ: “What do you mean you didn’t have time to do it, you had all afternoon?” Self explanatory.

ESFJ: “She told me she would come and she bailed on me at the last minute, I can’t believe she’d do something like this to me, we were BEST FRIENDS”

ISFP: If you tell or show them you think they’re annoying, they will get moody and aggressive. Beware.

ISTP: Intruding in their alone time when they’re on a project. Like is there anything worse you can do?

ESFP: Judging their look or general outward behaviour in a light they themselves perceive as negative.

ESTP: Openly contradict them in front of their friends and close ones. Behold a world of pain.


“A medical professor who has tracked the cost of insulin over the years says that a one-month supply of a popular version that cost $45 wholesale in 2001 cost $1,447 14 years later, an increase of almost 3,000%.  That’s the wholesale price, not the retail price that an uninsured patient would pay.“

Yeah, that’s messed up.

Wow, it’s really rare I see something cross my dash that’s actually directly tied to my life on a personal level, but yea, I’m Diabetic Type 1 and this is a problem.

I’ve been off insurance for the last three or so years and have been working around through channel I can to continue to obtain insulin and supplies for my insulin pump (of which is currently a problem, fun) for free or at reduced costs.

The Lilly Cares program is one I heavily endorse if your insulin is a Lilly product. They’ve been incredibly helpful to me.

Please spread the word on this. There are a lot of young Diabetics like myself that do not have a support system, do not have insurance, and do not have jobs. Insulin is literally a life-sustaining medication for T1 Diabetics. Please do not just ignore this.

T1 diagnosed over 20 years ago here. Back when I was out of work in 2009 I contacted Lilly Cares and I swear I would not be alive if not for that program. T1s need insulin to live. Daily. Our bodies do not produce the hormone because our immune systems backfired and killed our pancreas’ islet cells.

These days one bottle of insulin costs me approx $600 (before insurance) and lasts 2-3 weeks, tops. Less than ten years ago the cost was closer to $200/bottle. The insulin manufacturers keep “tweaking” insulins like Humalog so the patents can be extended(*), so we don’t even have access to a generic option.

The price gouging on insulin in this country is cruel and damn disgusting.

Please, please boost this info. It WILL save lives.

(*) a fact that even my endocrinologist has confirmed!

Lilly Cares saved my husband’s life when he had no prescription drug coverage. Please, please utilize this program if you can. It’s wonderful.

Reblogging this because they also have some name brand (with no generic yet) mental health drugs on their list.  


The Most Lovable Thing About Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type


Their easy laugh. Their rebellious streak. The way they adapt to any situation seamlessly. The way they charm others around them. The way they geek out on everyday events. Their relaxed presence. Their adventurous nature. Their competence and practicality when something goes unexpectedly wrong. The force of nature that is their protectiveness.


The whirring, restless nature of their minds. Their busy hands. The way they tap on floors and surfaces to remind you that their thoughts are always flowing. Their open-minded attitude. Their decisiveness in moments of panic. The undercurrent of competence and ability that surfaces when others are uncertain. Their laid-back nature. Their easy smile. The way their hearts open completely to the people they love and feel protective toward, despite the stony attitude they put on for the world.


Their quick, analytical mind. The enthusiasm they pour into a story. Their refusal to stop before a task is done or relax when something needs fixing. Their perseverance. Their steadfast competence. The way they devote themselves fully to the communities they invest in. The way they demonstrate care within the realm of healthy boundaries. The rules they sometimes break. The confident decisions they make. The way others can always put their trust behind them. The sheer force of nature that is their love.


The diligence they bring to their commitments. The firm, decisive nature of their speech. Their quiet competence. Their community-mindedness. The warm look they get in their eyes when they’re surrounded by people they love. The determined look they get when they’re up against a challenge. The practical nature of their decisions. Their refusal to demand recognition. The energy they pour into improvement on a steady, unwavering basis.


The honesty they bring to each encounter. The soft and calming presence of their minds. The virtues they can pull from any vices, and the artwork they can make from any pain. The fierceness they apply to their convictions. The way they live and die by their beliefs. Their ability to weave the chaos and the suffering of humanity into an intricate tapestry of understanding. The shame they alleviate through sharing their own.


The thoughtfulness they bring to each encounter. The depths their minds dive into with ease. The way their eyes light up when they’re discussing a new theory that excites them. Their interest in debating every side. Their boundless compassion. Their timeless joie-de-vivre. The way they can pull strength out of the greatest destruction. The way they see the best in themselves and others. The way they never stop fighting to help it prevail.


The careful thought they give each passing question. The whirring, reeling look inside their eye. The raw and childlike energy they exude when the people who they love are truly thriving. The way they let their weirdness out in bursts. The measured nature with which they plan the future. The hurried nature in which they share their thoughts. The way their eyes light up when they’re engaging with their passion. The even, tempered consideration they give to each new perspective that comes their way.


The presence they bring to every room they enter. The glimmer of joy behind their eyes. The way they engage their full bodies when they talk, like every sentence is telling its own story. The way they don’t avoid eye contact when they laugh. The interest that they take in the obscure. The confidence with which they share their visions. The inspiration they never want to stop distributing. The way they smile when they are saying someone’s name.


The sunshine that they bring to every moment. The joy inside their laugh. The way they’ll answer their phone at 2am because the people in their lives are worth every effort. The honesty they dole out when it’s time. The way they talk about dreams like possibilities. The damper that they never put on hope. The way they bring people together. The way they never stop trying to help you shine.


The way that they sit with you in silence. Their vastness of their compassion. The tiny details they take in and remember. The space they make for others to shine. The practicality they exercise through bad times, and the humility they exercise in good. The way they live their lives with both feet on the ground. The care and love they pour into every new place until they turn it into a home.


Their sudden and unexpected wittiness. The easy, soothing lull of their voice. The offbeat nature of their interests. The gentleness with which they share their thoughts. The deep consideration they give to moral quandaries. The careful nature with which they express concern. Their spontaneous joy. The way they turn ordinary objects into masterpieces.


The way they love so loudly. The commitments that they’re happy to keep. The way their stress is centered on happiness and the fear that someone else will miss out. The thoughtfulness they put into every action. The joy and warmth they bring to every room. The way they’re never afraid to break a silence when it needs to be broken. The proactive attitude they take toward making the world a better, more harmonious place.


The measured, thoughtful nature of their speech. The wild, unstructured pattern of their thoughts. The way they break down every pre-determined concept. The way they question and cast doubt onto themselves. The curiosity that fuels their every action. The open-mindedness with which they approach people. The patience they apply to deep complexities. The biases they recognize within themselves.


The structure they can implement on chaos. The way they push themselves to reach great heights. Their decisive attitudes. Their emotional intelligence. The autonomy they promote for both themselves and other people. The way they lift the people they love up. Their commitment to questioning everything. Their ability to see their visions through.


Their acceptance of unconventional theories. The enthusiasm with which they tackle each new school of thought. Their unwavering competence. Their firm moral code. The deep and patient analysis they apply to the people and topics they love. Their willingness to always learn more. The passion they apply to sharing their intricate worldview. Their commitment to never cease questioning.


The way their eyes light up with every new idea. The way they pace excitedly around a room forming a plan. The communities they bring together seamlessly. The awareness that they bring to every thought. The devilish grin they get when trying to win your thoughts over. The piercing insights they unveil about mankind. The unexpected childishness within them. The unexpected wisdom that child can possess.

Source: observer.com

In your own point of view and experience, what is the most interesting characteristic about each type?

(I am not sorry for the Star Wars gifs. Everything is SW, and nothing hurts.)

I may go with the unexpected. Things the online profiles don’t prepare you for.

ESTJ: their perverse sense of humor. You expect an ESTJ to be some hard-assed fascist dictator and instead they crack you up with a story about their first day on cop duty how they accidentally tasered someone in their privates. It’s that low-order Ne, man. It’s hilarious but not in a mixed company sort of way.

ISTJ: how much they actually can admire rule-breakers and how considerate they can be. I have sat through movies with ESTP protagonists who you’d just expect the stoic, sensible ISTJ to look at them and go, “Geez, what a loser, he takes too many risks,” and instead… they walk out with the ESTP being their favorite character. Shadow function envy? Also, they tend to be really hard on anyone who tries to shame other people and/or refuses to allow the other person to be their true self.

ESFJ: the stereotype is the class cheerleader, but a lot of the ESFJs I know are more serious (and often successful) business owners who build up a trust system with their clients which makes everyone feel warm and invited. I’ve met a few ‘intellectual’ ESFJs who are free spirited, who have globe-trotted (without a plan, I might add), who got married on impulse (and made it last), who have a ton of different interests (and a huge amount of knowledge about all of them), and are fine with ‘any lifestyle’ provided it is not cruel toward others.

ISFJ: tend to be much more strongly opinionated than you might expect, and a lot of them want to foster a sense of independence and respect. They tend to hunger for ‘more’ and to push away from tradition as they get older. And, contrary to stereotypes, I have actually seen many of them change their minds over a relatively short period of time given time to orient themselves in an idea. If you can prove to them how it works better, they are happy to use it.

ESTP: how totally chill a lot of them are and how, contrary to profiles might suggest, many of them are not thrill-seeking psychopaths, but instead good-natured neighborhood dudes who sometimes enjoy popping a beer in the backyard with some friends and just having a good time. Unfortunately, a few bad ESTPs (fictional and real) have given them a bad reputation for being hotheaded jackasses, but a lot of them are just… chill. And not inclined to speak with their fists first.

ISTP: how low-key mild mannered and considerate they can be. They are not the gushy, affirming types, and they are not Sherlock Holmes; a lot of them do seem to work in computer programming jobs, but none of the healthy ones I know go out of their way to earn praise or attention, and many of them actually make friendship decisions to protect their friends’ feelings and not overwhelm them with needs. Yet, they need encouragement much of the time.

ESFP: you would expect them to be the party hard type, and instead what I often find is witty, funny and intense people who care about their job performance and in making good impressions,and who have razor sharp insights into people that are not often delusional; they take people at face value, they make judgment calls on their behavior, and a lot of them are not into those notorious tert-Te smack-downs you hear about; most of the ones I know would rather let you keep their borrowed pants forever than charge into your closet and take them back.

ISFP: some of the purest, most sincere people I have ever met, but also those who show the most frankness in expressing their views. They tend to be thoughtful but also have a sharp sense of right and wrong, and are not going to back down on it, but a lot of them hate confrontation so will not ‘provoke’ anything. They tend to be very hands on people, and I’ve seen them know the people they care about most better than their loved one does themselves.

ENTJ: I never expected the ENTJ to be the most emotionally mellow, and considerate, person in his work office, but… he neither takes anything personally nor especially judges the people he works with, for their emotional outbursts; he simply sits and listens to them, a bit puzzled perhaps that this incident caused this torrent of emotion, but he is generous almost to a fault, and if he’s going to blow his money on something, it’s usually on his friends.

INTJ: online profiles would have you think INTJs are egocentric robots, who have almost uncanny insights and never change their minds… so imagine my surprise to run in their circles and find intense, thoughtful, dry-humored people who take a long, long time to make up their mind and form careful arguments (which, yeah, can be unshakable unless you bring solid evidence). Some of them (weirdly enough, often the men I’ve met) tend to have an emotional storm inside, and no way to get it out.

ENFJ: I’m not sure where the idea of ultra-extroverts came from, if it’s a hold-over from their friends the ESFJs, but ENFJs seem to need less socialization and constant stimulus due to their aux Ni function. Many of them will step back and allow the sensors to dominate the floor, because they simply do not need that kind of external sensory fulfillment. Many of them tend to be far more spontaneous than you might expect from an NJ, and a lot of them just trust that they can seize the right moment when it comes and do not waste a lot of time worrying about it. Things will just… work out. They know it. And, most of the ones I’ve met think they’re introverts half the time.

INFJ: you expect Ghandi and find someone who is genuinely weird (I mean that in a nice way) and eclectic and occasionally says peculiar, abstract things right before they go back to psycho-analyzing Hannibal Lecter for 6 hours while they plan the Star Trek story you’re co-authoring with them in their heads. True story. I was blessed. And also slightly terrified.

ENTP: you go looking for Benjamin Franklin, and instead you find a brilliantly moronic maniac who puts just as much thought into figuring out what drives the villains in Star Wars as they do abstract systems and proving people wrong. Far from the stereotype of an absent minded professor, these ultra-thinkers will actually engage you in the most loony nonsensical conversations you have ever had in your life and either leave you thoroughly entertained or very confused right before they turn around and suggest they’re an ENTJ instead.

INTP: you expect a college professor, and instead you wind up with Terry Pratchett, someone who quite enjoys poking holes in every theory, mocking all that is sacred (for his amusement and yours) and is often… surprisingly, not that offensive while doing it. You expect a certain level of jackass from inferior Fe but I’ve seen INTPs go out of their way to avoid offending people!

ENFP: have a reputation for being inconsiderate, self-centered flirts, and instead can run themselves into exhaustion trying to help you out of every mess you find yourself in, because their Ne cannot bear to leave you as you are, in a hole, when there are so many ways to fix this!! A lot of them tend to forgive easily. Maybe because within 10 minutes, they forgot your name. ;)

INFP: have reputations as being the most easily hurt of all the types, but considering I’ve seen INFPs walking around giving no damns what anyone thinks of their appearance, their interest, or the BB8 following behind them, I think that’s a myth. I’ve also known a fair few to be quite fussy and even to undertake the “mothering” role toward those they love in ways that put ISFJ stereotypes to shame.

- ENFP Mod


The Hidden Insecurities of Each MBTI Types


INTPs derive most pleasure from solitary activities such as research and acts of creativity. Their minds are always bubbling with ideas and  random sometimes hilarious cogitations. INTPs know that if someone were to glimpse the amusing contents of their thoughts it would be clear why they are so absorbed with their inner world.

They do not particularly concern themselves with what people think of them but on some level they do realize that their penchant for being reserved and detached can lead other more extroverted types to assume they are boring, dumb, or arrogant. INTPs are sometimes torn between doubling down on their defiance of social paradigms or coming out of their shell to impress everyone with how witty and funny they can be. INTPs generally don’t feel the need to prove how interesting they are to anyone; it is enough that they know it. But when they sense they are being underestimated or labelled as dull, they may be compelled to unveil some of the brilliance they keep to themselves.


ENTPs thrive on engaging in animated debates where they can flex their litigious wit. In the process, they can cultivate the reputation of a quarrelsome troll who will indulge in frivolous arguments just for the hell of it.

Others may quickly learn to avoid messing with ENTPs because of their skill with mordant retorts. ENTPs may sometimes be concerned if those even in their inner circle truly value their friendship. They want to be entertaining and amusing to others and they spend a lot of time trying to be charming and clever conversationalists. They can seem very airy and impersonal but they still desire deep and meaningful connections with people.


INTJs are not known for being soft emotional sponges nor would they want to be. Part of this is due to their disapproval of maudlin displays of sentimentality viewing it as a sign of weakness.

Having a bleeding heart does not jibe with the INTJ’s self-image, which in their mind would resemble a pillar of stoic strength built with the blocks of empirical truth. INTJs prize their independence and their sense of agency and self-sufficiency. Despite their phlegmatic demeanor, INTJs do experience a flux of emotions that threaten to destabilize their temperament, potentially sending them into fits of rage or into the pits of depression. They actively suppress the expression of these feelings choosing instead to examine their meaning intellectually. The realm of emotions is to them a messy and troublesome affair and INTJs fear baring too much of their soul at the altar of public scrutiny.


ENTJs are statistically the highest earning of all the personality types; a figure they would undoubtedly take pride in. They are enterprising and always casting their radar out into the ethosphere scanning for new horizons to explore. They are naturally competitive and know that there are always competitors who threaten to snap up an idea or opening before they can.

This is a source of stress for them and something they endeavor to mitigate by optimizing and refining their senses and ability to capitalize on good bets before others can. They can be so busy thinking ahead of the curve, that they overlook unexpected windows of opportunity that suddenly appear in the here-and-now. Being the ambitious high achievers they are, they would not want to miss out on valuable options just because they were too singularly focused on their predefined plans.


INFPs don’t like getting burned but at some point in their lives, it’s bound to happen. When it does, the lesson can have lasting impact on future relationships making them more guarded and harder to get to know well. They can become very suspicious and distrustful of other’s motives for fear of being taken advantage of or betrayed again.Luckier INFPs may never experience the need to develop an emotional coat of armor but for many, it is essential for protecting their psychological balance. People who want to get past an INFP’s emotional barriers will likely first have to pass the battery of ‘character’ tests which the INFP administers through furtive observation of their subject over time.


Though often very talented, ENFPs at their heart may harbor some insecurities that they attempt to alleviate through achievement. Earning status, fame and recognition in the world may serve as tokens of validation for them and they pursue this end with charismatic chutzpah.

They accentuate their quirkiness and creativity like a peacock displaying it’s plumage. They contribute to the world through their unusual yet valuable and often spiritual insight. It would put a damper on their self esteem if they were viewed as typical or commonplace. They would like to fancy themselves as more than just another crab in the barrel but at the same time desire to uplift and inspire others.


For all their noble qualities, INFJs are apt to develop a persecution complex in response to criticism leveled against them. Their sensitivity to criticism and conflict can easily render them feeling victimized and beleaguered by others who disagree with their ideas or beliefs.  

In asserting their ideas they sometimes feel their back is against the wall as they contend with what they view as unfair treatment or willful misconstructions of their arguments by opponents. By their estimate, most of the problems INFJs face stem from a failure by others to properly understand them or simply a depravity of good ethical principles on their part. INFJs are inclined to cry foul when they sense the playing field is not level and often, the causes they take up are centered around equalizing it.


ENFJs may have the noblest of intentions but their lofty ideals can sometimes set them up for failure. Their desire to be everything to everyone leads them to become charismatic and popular moral leaders but sometimes come across as glib and disingenuous as well.

The effort to maintain the pristine saintly image they have built up can force them to conceal or deny the human flaws they share along with the rest of us. They fear disappointing other’s expectations of them or their idea of what others should expect of them. They want to be a belweather and shining example of decency and likability. ENFJs fear becoming a pariah and being cutoff from the social main and they can be quite officious in their effort to gin up their popularity and esteem within their community.


ISFJs want to help others and derive much of their self-worth from how vital a role they can serve in this regard. They feel most secure when they are dutifully fulfilling a support function upon which others depend.

But like a crack dealer, they may go so far as to stimulate this dependence in others by monopolizing their role such that no else may be allowed to conduct it for themselves. In order to satisfy their own need to feel needed they may attempt to make themselves indispensable by performing tasks to such a high degree and standard that others would feel loathe or unwilling to match it. It would be heart-breaking for them to feel that no one truly appreciated or needed them for anything.


ESFJs will go to great lengths to please those around them, sometimes doing too much and annoying others in the process. This is because they want to be appreciated and valued by others and will make gestures to engender gratitude from them.

They may occasionally feel their place in the hearts of others unjustly threatened by someone or something and they may engage in not-so-subtle attempts at winning favor with them. They may particularly engage in shameless self promotion making exaggerated claims about their abilities and qualities. Within a group, they may become stressed out as they are pulled in a million different directions, attempting to please everyone while also becoming extremely sensitive to others’ opinions of them. They are extremely concerned with being accepted and feeling liked.


ISTJs are tradition-minded empiricists who look to be a firm and responsible figure in both their personal and professional circles. They seek to position themselves in a place of authority where they can make decisions and assert control.

In order to justify this, they make an effort to maintain an image of high standards, and ethic. They want to be seen as diligent and dutiful and will cultivate this image even to the point of appearing self-righteous and sanctimonious. They will seek respect from their subordinates even if they have to demand it sometimes resorting to dictatorial means. ISTJs may be very fair but strict and disciplined. They view their conservative temperament as essential to being taken seriously as an object of authority and repute.


ESTJs usually look to their experience and history to guide them in their decisions and methods. They focus on facts and data and value tradition and customs but they also have ideas of their own although they may not always be confident enough to rely on them.

ESTJs do not like being seen as unoriginal  and unimaginative and will at times try to convey an openness to new ideas and possibilities whether put forward by themselves or others. Of course, it would be ideal if they could take as much credit as possible for the ideas that really work. Their sense of pride and self empowerment compels them to occasionally venture outside of their comfort zone when necessary and be more inventive.


ISFPs have no desire to control other people and simply want to be free to be who they are. They want to express themselves and their unique creativity authentically and unadulterated by arbitrary social constrictions.

A rigid, stifling environment is terrifying to this type. They are insecure about feeling imposed upon or beholden to others particularly within a power structure or hierarchy. They fancy themselves as free spirits owned by no one. They do not like feeling common and lowly and crave the freedom to express themselves like the rest of us crave water and air. This type needs to go out into the world and explore, discover and create without limitations, in order to feel like themselves.  They fear having their self-expression limited in any way.


ESFPs live to perform, entertain and excite those around them. The spotlight is where they thrive and their idea of horror is a world in which nobody finds them interesting or entertaining. They live to explore people possibilities and the idea of those possibilities disappearing truly scares them. They want to be popular and well-liked and will often blend in to their environment to do so. ESFPs take special interest in their appearance and social image and are very aware of how they are perceived by others. They enjoy being the epicenter of attention and try to gin up excitement when they come around. They also dislike being seen as unintelligent and will take that very offensively. Just because the ESFP enjoys having fun, does not mean they are not intelligent.


ISTPs  cognitive style lends itself to a more tactile approach to education. They are statistically one of the least academically inclined personality types because classroom settings and literature-based curriculum don’t stimulate or cater to their way of learning. The ISTP lives to understand the world in a direct, concrete fashion. They learn by tinkering, testing, experimenting and meddling. A world in which they are expected to blindly accept how things work is a world that they don’t want to live in. The ISTP needs to get their hands dirty in life – and being held back from doing so is a truly terrifying thought.


ESTPs are often attention seekers who would be malcontent in a modest life of obscurity. They want to be somebody and can be very ego-centric and arrogant in their pursuit of prestige, adulation and acclaim.

Their actions are often calibrated to achieve this end and their means may range from low brow prat-falls and slap stick-humor to prodigious accomplishments in the realm of academics and business. They fear the prospect of failure and being a disappointment in the eyes of others perhaps especially those of a parental figure. At the same time, it may be that they predicate their personal value on material expressions of value such as expensive property, accolades and titles of rank.


enneagram as people in group projects

2: brings snacks to make up for the fact that they do the least work/try to gently encourage the slacker/single parent or dedicated job-haver that never has time to meet up and goes MIA

3: the one person getting obscenely uppity over a group project worth 5% of your final grade and having an internal freak out if someone’s (worth minuscule amounts) group project is better. probably sucking up to be professor/TA

4: doesn’t want to be here and everyone knows it. Proposes stupid solutions and ideas to make it look like they’re contributing, gets annoyed when people ask them to do something. Actually finished the project by themselves weeks ago and just never told anyone. May be sabotaging things on purpose.

5: does a bunch of research, posts dozens of pages of sources and annotations in the group chat, then disappears. Their duty is, as far as they care, is done.

P6: the person having an anxiety attack in the corner because the group hasnt finished the project… that’s due six weeks from now. And worth 5% of their final grade.

CP6: yelling at everyone. for everything. all the time. Constantly. They’re crying. They’re angry. And they want you to know that it’s your fault things aren’t done yet (they haven’t done anything yet either)

7: whomst?

8: starts yelling at everyone who’s freaking out over something “so fucking minor” and talks loudly over the sixes, being very angry and aggressive but asking what everyone ELSE’S problem is. Like 4, has completed the assignment on their own, and is secretly enjoying watching everyone freak out over something worth 5%. May be sabotaging things on purpose like 4 due to the sixes annoying them.

9: person that sends out an email with the subject title “I hate all of you and this project is the worst and I regret taking this course and meeting any of you” but does nothing when confronted about it

1: begins talking over the 8 who’s talking over the sixes about how nothing is getting done, has discovered that 8 and 4 have finished things weeks ago, gets pissy and accuses them of sabotaging the group on purpose. They’ve had their portion done for weeks now and everyone knows it.


The MBTI Types Trapped in an Elevator

ENFJ: Messing with the wiring in the circuit board, oh looks like they’ve electrocuted themselves again

ENTJ: Explaining to ISTP how everyone could totally be out of here in no time if everyone would just listen to them!

ENFP: Somehow managed to spider their way up the walls with their feet and hands pushed against either side of the elevator

ENTP: Trying to climb up the elevator cables like a clumsy baby monkey badass

ESFJ: Panicking and jumping up and down to try and make the elevator move

ESTJ: Created a makeshift rope out of everyone’s socks and is climbing down to the ground

ESFP: Cannot stop fidgeting and making little noises after being enclosed in such a small space

ESTP: Watching ENTP and ESTJ’s impressive yet surely doomed climbs with some popcorn and betting on who will fall first 10 bucks says it’s ENTP

ISFJ: Desperately clawing at the doors to try and pry them open 

ISTJ: Pushes ENFJ out of the way after smoke starts coming out of their ears, starts wiring properly

ISFP: Making funny faces in the elavator mirror

ISTP: Silently died in the corner 37 minutes ago 


INTJ: Is tying to read in the corner, shut up you guys

INFP: Frantically pushing all the elevator buttons as much as possible  

INTP: Is cutting the cables, wait WHAT? SOMEONE STOP THE-

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