
My Wild Loves


Banging my head against a wall since 1982. No Justice, No Peace.

Why is Elon Musk trying to change Twitter when Tumblr exists?


I'm thinking of trying a brown to purple bayalage.


My grandmother is doing the thing where she's giving all her stuff away. I have a ring, a bracelet, a $20 coupon for pet stuff (I don't have any pets), a pocket full of watches, and her sewing kit.

I give it all back to my mother when she comes by, but that's not a great sign. She also says she has dreams of her mother, who asks her when she's coming to see her.

So, that's not depressing at all.


Ok so I've got GRAYS.

I always said I'd never dye my hair when the grays came, but they're aging me a lot. Like someone thought I was my moms sister and she's 64.

So I'm thinking of dying it, but I don't know what color. This is what I look like now (it's been a while since we've seen each other). What do you think? I am open to the entire rainbow, plus the brown, black, and blonde shades.


電ē£ē„­å›ƒå­ in NEO TOKYO 2020

The band is ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS if yall wondering about them


Are all of these people playing THEREMINS??


Is it me or is Zelenski just pushing for WW3? I understand the delicate nature of this issue, but he just keeps pushing.

He said that as the world's greatest superpower, we have an obligation to be the peace keepers of the world.

Isn't thwarting nuclear annihilation keeping the peace? I'm horrified by what's happening in Ukraine, but what he's asking for is going to affect the entire world.


As I age I'm starting to become more... spiritual? Not religious, but much more open to the idea of "souls" as balls of energy that inhabit our bodies. Our bodies are just a vessel for the soul. When the body dies, I think like-energy surrounds itself with like-energy, which would be the soul groups in your life; your mother, father, husband, best friends.

I don't necessarily believe this, I'm just more open to the possibility of it being true. Energy is a mysterious thing, and when the body dies, it has to go somewhere... Idk, what do you all think?


I'm just saying, we might be getting nuked soon so live it up. Drink the bottle of wine you've been keeping for special occasions, take that trip to wherever you wanted to go, tell your loved ones you love them as kuchbas possible, just go be free and wild and live for today because at any moment there could literally be no tomorrow.


Just your daily reminder that the world owes you nothing. Not water, not food, not shelter, not love. You have to secure those things yourself. You are entitled to nothing.

Enjoy your day :)


We started playing Dungeons & Dragons last week, just the four of us. We don't have any figurines yet so we used lego people lol.

The first time we played, we had to battle a group of goblins. When we defeated them all, except for one that retreated, Jackson started crying because he felt bad that the last goblin was running away all alone. Wasn't expecting that.

It's so funny, too, bc Jackson tries to act all tough and brave, but he cracks so easily. Dylan is the opposite. He's scared of the world, and he's very emotional, but when it comes down to it he toughens up and gets it done. Their personalities are the exact opposite of one another.

Anyway, Im stoked that we have a nerdy new Friday tradition!! Pizza and D&D!!


Being with my grandmother every day is a blessing and it's also ruining my life at the same time.


I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion, but fuck it. What happens to regular Russian people when we put such heavy sanctions on their country? When we take away literally every resource, we're kind of killing them in some ways.

I do understand the delicate nature of the actions the countries and alliances *can* take, given the threat of nuclear war. Everyone is doing what they can to not directly interfere. I understand this 100% and I agree. I do not want anyone to have to deal with the consequences of nukes.

Even though accepting that this is the only way is necessary, it still upsets me to watch the Russian people who also didn't ask for this struggle so badly. It's already a struggle to live in Russia. What a horrible event on all sides.

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