
Kim Jongin, forever and always

@jonginization / jonginization.tumblr.com

Daya, 92-line. A blog about EXO. I make GIFs. (This is a sideblog, I follow from jonginization-mainblog) var sc_project=10866841; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="cda096ab"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");
Anonymous asked:

*same anon with several parts* There were actually 7 parts maybe I think they got lost. Anyways I wasnt speaking directly to you in those asks but just trying to say it all in a new light maybe. I didn't mean offend you or anything as the 7th part said. I just hope that anything negative can be forgotten and we can agree to "Let's Love" again. I hate to imagine him seeing all these gossip. I hope that all fans can think more carefully on their words and how they reflect Jongin in the future.

Ah sorry I wish I've gotten all the asks 😣 thank you for this and yeah, hopefully things will die down a bit after this. I really hated that these things made Ji stans kinda split up and got messy. The thing about shipping is that, most of the times shippers put their ships before the idols themselves. As long as they can 'validate' their ship, his image or reputation would become second in their minds. Anyhow I wish we can all just focus on only him now and not relating anything to his personal affairs which meant to be private :(

Anonymous asked:

Are you from Malay but living in Korea?

Malay is a race and Malaysia is my country. And no, I’m just your average Malay girl living in Malaysia haha

Anonymous asked:

Yeah, what is important is that he is happy. :)


Anonymous asked:

Kai looked happy since months actually, so even if they broke up months ago, he didn't look sad. If you are his fan you know very well that he can't hide his feelings.

I agree about him looking happier, but we still can’t have a say about how he felt about the separation. He maybe got happier, he maybe got sad, he maybe is actually having capability to separate his personal matters with his work, he could feel anything. Again we don’t know what happened when it happened. It's not like we've seen him everyday to say he looked happy every each day before. Still we still have to respect it, right? We can’t just go out there and straight away say the breakup made him happier. Once again, everything is only as far as assumption. I also have my own assumption. But all that matters is that he’s happy :)

Anonymous asked:

don't talk about things you're not sure, please.

Okay what is it that I wasn’t sure about, bruh. Other than I thought she’s a Ksoo biased (which I clearly pointed out that I ‘THINK’ she is because lately she’s been RT-ing and drawing him a lot). But other than that all I’ve been talking about was facts. Korean Kaisoo shippers don’t follow her on Twitter, fact. Jongin stans don’t like her and even bashed her publicly, fact. Among korean stans, if you support Leafano it means you don’t care about Jongin. It is that bad here.

My korean friend tweeted this just now, ‘Ifans told my friend to know before talking about Leafano’. And then she got this DM from a fellow Kai stan,

It says, “It’s not about shipping, you can ship whatever you want but honestly it’s so frustrating how ifans support fanartist who says ridiculous/awful things about Jongin. It was something I always find frustrating so I send you DM since I saw you tweeted about it.”

Here is another fact.

Her old tweet which she deleted right away. It says “Kim Jongin this punk is the exact type to appeal to sympathy with tears whenever anything happens”. She deleted it right away - indicating she has another account which she freely talks shit about him probably?

So everything I’ve said is based on facts and real situation that is happening right now. In fact, you, anon, shouldn’t be so sure about coming to me and accused me for talking nonsense?


Just a friendly reminder, do NOT support Leafano!


write me a tbh (to be honest) in my inbox stating a thought you feel about me. start the sentence off with “tbh.”

exo’s lead vocalist kim jongin in the middle of an intense vocal moment during lucky and his proud expression after hitting the right notes …
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