


Fangirl | animalsarepeopletoo on FF.net | loves angst, whump, and fluff | writing and reading are my life |

for the love of GOD please do not post how to train your dragon spoilers without tagging them or (even better) putting them under a read more. ESPECIALLY when it comes to pictures/gifs. Some of us have waited five years and still have two months left to go.


So I finally decided to post some old HTTYD photoshops I made. Heh.


Fairycup and Fairystrid

Just some super weird things

Tarzan/Hiccup (DON’T EVEN ASK)

Finding Nemo or Finding Hiccup???

And of course the Disney Princesses as HTTYD characters (PLUS JIM AND CLAIRE FROM TROLLHUNTERS, SO WHAT)

Anyway. Ahem. SORRY! ENJOY!

I’ll just go stab something now




They read aloud your FanFiction in a podcast with music, sound effects, and even imitate the voices- all you have to do is submit your story and let it be chosen! The only rules are that the one-shot/chapter can’t be over 3k words, but they’ll still do multi-chapter fics.

They were amazing enough to choose one of my fanfics and it’s actually shown in the preview! (Its for FMA) I AM STILL IN AWE. They did the perfect sound effects and the voices for the characters sounded almost exactly like they did in the show! It was like I was listening to an actual episode!

Visit fanramen.com for more details, and make sure to subscribe to them on YouTube! They’re accepting fics RIGHT NOW as well as fic suggestions from readers! They start posting as of November 3rd, and I, for one, cannot wait.

Please spread the word about this and reblog! Every FanFiction author deserves this wonderful chance to help their writing get out there! :)

This is so cool!! I hope some great fanfictions can be read out loud, Fan Ramen sounds great!



I honestly don’t get it why fans want a hiccstrid wedding or to see hiccstrid kids in httyd3.

And also why people think Astrid’s outfit is to arouse Hiccup or something?

Cause you know her casul outfit shows off her chest. (I find it disgusting)

And on tumblr somebody made a pervy joke that httyd3 Hiccup would love to grope Astrid’s breasts. Wtf?

And why are people so hyped up about the light fury? She’s not that special tbh.

These are some of the reasons why I really don’t like the fandom. Too many weirdos and fans who care about something so irrelevant.

Why don’t people focus on something important like…oh! Hictooth and you know those flying lizards in the sky?

Oh yeah, DRAGONS

Seriously is this fandom called ‘How to train your dragon’ or ‘how to get a girlfriend’?

I don’t even know anymore

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! It’s not How To Train Your Astrid, it’s How To Train Your Dragon. Forbidden Friendship, New Tail, not Romantic Flight.

I would personally hate if Hiccstrid had kids in the movie. There’s still so much more story to tell and I honestly don’t think the writers have enough room to stuff them in there. And a wedding? Really? The Night Furies are being hunted to extinction, there’s a new villain on the prowl, and… people are saying there’s going to be a WEDDING?

I’m not trying to sound rude or anything. If I do, I apologize. But Hiccstrid has seriously taken over the fandom and I miss Hictooth. A lot. That’s what the movies are (were?) about, right?

And it’s true, the fandom can be pretty disgusting at times. All those lemon fics, inappropriate jokes, it’s just… this is a kids movie. I’m ashamed of what the fandom has turned it into.


I’m telling you elephants are chill motherfuckers. They fucking love being helpful. They once defended a man with heatstroke from a truck that came to rescue him. They knew he was sick, laying against a tree for shade. They were watching over him and petting him, and they threatened to charge the vehicle for coming towards him. Another person passed out, and elephants cried over her and buried her body in a traditional elephant funeral. (Piling branches on her). And were quite spooked when she got up later. And an elephant was helping workers to put logs in holes for a wall. On one hole, the elephant absolutely refused to set the log in, despite being punished and goaded. Turns out there was a sleeping dog in the hole.

There are so many good elephants stories. They will even help zookeepers wash other elephants– literally, a zookeeper can be like “[Name 1], please wash [Name 2]” and he will go wash that elephant correctly. Listen guys. Not only are elephants people, but they’re largely better people than us. I’m 10000% serious.


Writing Traumatic Injuries References

So, pretty frequently writers screw up when they write about injuries. People are clonked over the head, pass out for hours, and wake up with just a headache… Eragon breaks his wrist and it’s just fine within days… Wounds heal with nary a scar, ever…

I’m aiming to fix that.

Here are over 100 links covering just about every facet of traumatic injuries (physical, psychological, long-term), focusing mainly on burns, concussions, fractures, and lacerations. Now you can beat up your characters properly!

General resources

PubMed: The source for biomedical literature

Diagrams: Veins (towards heart), arteries (away from heart) bones, nervous system, brain


General overview: Includes degrees

Burn severity: Including how to estimate body area affected

Burn treatment: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degrees

Incisions and Lacerations

Essentials of skin laceration repair (including stitching techniques)

When to stitch (Journal article—Doctors apparently usually go by experience on this)

More about when to stitch (Simple guide for moms)

Incision vs. laceration: Most of the time (including in medical literature) they’re used synonymously, but eh.

Types of lacerations: Page has links to some particularly graphic images—beware!

How to stop bleeding: 1, 2, 3

Puncture wounds: Including a bit about what sort of wounds are most likely to become infected

Wound assessment: A huge amount of information, including what the color of the flesh indicates, different kinds of things that ooze from a wound, and so much more.

Tourniquet use: Controversy around it, latest research

Location pain chart: Originally intended for tattoo pain, but pretty accurate for cuts

General note: Deeper=more serious. Elevate wounded limb so that gravity draws blood towards heart. Scalp wounds also bleed a lot but tend to be superficial. If it’s dirty, risk infection. If it hits the digestive system and you don’t die immediately, infection’ll probably kill you. Don’t forget the possibility of tetanus! If a wound is positioned such that movement would cause the wound to gape open (i.e. horizontally across the knee) it’s harder to keep it closed and may take longer for it to heal.

Broken bones

Setting a broken bone when no doctor is available

Fractured vertebrae: Neck (1, 2), back

Broken digits: Fingers and toes

General notes: If it’s a compound fracture (bone poking through) good luck fixing it on your own. If the bone is in multiple pieces, surgery is necessary to fix it—probably can’t reduce (“set”) it from the outside. Older people heal more slowly. It’s possible for bones to “heal” crooked and cause long-term problems and joint pain. Consider damage to nearby nerves, muscle, and blood vessels.


Types of concussions 1, 2

Mild Brain Injuries: The next step up from most severe type of concussion, Grade 3

Second impact syndrome: When a second blow delivered before recovering from the initial concussion has catastrophic effects. Apparently rare.

Symptoms: Scroll about halfway down the page for the most severe symptoms

General notes: If you pass out, even for a few seconds, it’s serious. If you have multiple concussions over a lifetime, they will be progressively more serious. Symptoms can linger for a long time.

Character reaction:

Shock (general)

Physical shock: 1, 2

Fight-or-flight response: 1, 2

Long-term emotional trauma: 1 (Includes symptoms), 2

Treatment (drugs)

Treatment (herbs)

1, 2, 3, 4


Snake bites: No, you don’t suck the venom out or apply tourniquettes

When frostbite sets in: A handy chart for how long your characters have outside at various temperatures and wind speeds before they get frostbitten

First aid myths: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Includes the ones about buttering burns and putting snow on frostbite.

Poisons: Why inducing vomiting is a bad idea

Dislocations: Symptoms 1, 2; treatment. General notes: Repeated dislocations of same joint may lead to permanent tissue damage and may cause or be symptomatic of weakened ligaments. Docs recommend against trying to reduce (put back) dislocated joint on your own, though information about how to do it is easily found online.

Resuscitation after near-drowning: 1, 2

Current CPR practices: We don’t do mouth-to-mouth anymore.

The DSM IV, for all your mental illness needs.

Electrical shock

Human response to electrical shock: Includes handy-dandy voltage chart

Acquired savant syndrome: Brain injuries (including a lightning strike) triggering development of amazing artistic and other abilities

Please don’t repost! You can find the original document (also created by me) here.

Not technically about Steve, but you know.


this is a fabulous resource for all those who write whumpy fanfiction! (is there another kind??)


Anonymous asked:

Hi! I love all your fics!!!! This is my first time requesting one so I'm kinda nervous 😂 But I was wondering if you could write like a Nurse! Astrid and Patient! Hiccup hiccstrid fic? :0 Like maybe Hiccup wakes up in a hospital only to discover that he's rEALLy sick with like pneumonia or something but he keeps trying to get up and walk around the hospital while clinging to his IV pole for dear life and Astrid has to keep dragging him back to bed

Haha, I love this idea! Thank you for sending it! :D


When Astrid received the call from the Berk Hospital, she did not hesitate to grab a suitcase stuffed with hastily packed clothes and jump into her car. Screeching down the highway and breaking her own speed records she repeated the same words over and over in her mind, emotions rollercoastering from one end to another.

She warned him about that bike. She warned him! But of course he wouldn’t listen. 


Now he was scaring her out of her wits, the adrenaline rush would probably kill her, and it was all his fault.

She bit her lip, knowing that these angry words inside her head were merely there to cover up her absolute panic. Her hands were clenching the wheel so hard that when she adjusted her hold, there were deep rivets in the rubber. 

Rolling into the parking lot, she parked in a handicap space and promised to return later to move it to a more  appropriate lot, but right now she just had to get into that hospital to see how much damage her idiot had done to himself.

She ran to the door and swung inside, rushing to the counter in a frantic need. 

The nurse looked up calmly, carefully rolling her chair to the computer. “Name?” 

“Astrid Hofferson, I’m here to see Hiccup Haddock.” Astrid rambled. “I-I’m his fiance.” 

The nurse nodded as she typed rapidly, turning back about and taking a piece of paper. “I don’t know if visitors are allowed yet- I believe he’s still in emergency. But here’s the Recovery number and floor where he’ll be when the doctor is done.” She ripped the page off the pad and handed it across the counter with an understanding smile. “Best of luck.” 

“Thank you.” Astrid grabbed the note and went to the elevator, punching in the numbers scrawled on the paper. It took her up to the fourth floor where she was greeted by a waiting room lined with chairs, along a large desk where three nurses were conversing. An elderly woman, as well as a worried young couple sat in wait.

“Excuse me, is Hiccup Haddock-?” Astrid asked hesitantly to a middle-aged nurse, who spun in her chair to face the computer.

“He came in a few moments ago. Might I ask your name?” 

Astrid gave the necessary information, relieved to know that she would be allowed in- eventually. It wasn’t certain when.

“Alright, so it would seem your fiance has two broken ribs, a sprained wrist and many abrasions and bruises. He dislocated his shoulder, but it should heal quickly in due time.” With each words said Astrid gripped her purse strap tighter. It all sounded terrible. The nurse paused and moved the mouse, frowning. “And he has a deep cut on his chest, which seems to be the doctor’s main concerns. Looks like they stitched it up but there is chance of an infection.’

“Is he awake?” Astrid asked tentatively. She really needed to see him with her own eyes to know how bad it really was. Some doctors or nurses tended to sugar coat the conditions to spare the loved ones. 

“No, he is yet unconscious.” The woman smiled gently. “I will call you when visitors are allowed-” 

“No, I’ll stay.” Astrid replied stubbornly. Turning back about she took a seat near the corner, by the only door on her side of the desk. 

She hadn’t sat there for two minutes when there was a clatter from the other side of the door. Everyone in the waiting room looked up in surprise, while the others waiting tensed in expectation.

There was a shout, followed by another call- louder and deeper. Something landed against the door with a thud, causing Astrid to eye the nurses in confusion.

“Doctor Phillip?” The secretary called, disappearing behind the wall into the next room. “There seems to be trouble in the hall…” 

The door swung open, a tall lean shape stumbling out dressed in a long white hospital gown and baggy pants. Astrid leaped to her feet and rushed to his side, jumbled incomprehensible words spilling from her lips in shock.

“Hiccup! What in the name of- is that an IV pole!?” 

He turned around to face her, smiling weakly and jiggling his arm for proof. His green eyes were hazy but he seemed to recognize her, for he mumbled a word that somewhat resembled her name.

“Hiccup…” Astrid sighed with a shake of her head, smiling lopsidedly. Wrapping an arm around his shoulders ever so carefully she pulled him closer. “You’re an idiot.” 

He grunted in agreement with a nuzzle of his nose into her neck. 

A wheezing doctor appeared behind them, leaning against the doorway as he gestured towards Hiccup. “Sir, I must ask you to return to your room. You should not be up and walking.” 

Hiccup frowned and shook his head. “I feel fine.” He grumbled.

“He’s lying.” Astrid stated, but she smiled regardless. He was acting like himself which gave her hope that things weren’t as horrible as she’d dreaded. “You can hardly stand, Hiccup.” 

“Might be because I only have one leg.” Hiccup jested quietly under his breath. “I just want to go home and see Toothless- and for someone to tell me why I’m in this Thor-darned hospital again.” 

“It was that bike- just as I warned you.” Astrid began leading him back towards the hallway where a crowd of nurses and the doctor were waiting. “But for now you just need to go lay down and rest, alright? I’ll take you home soon.” 

“You’ll stay..?” He asked, voice even and calm but she knew it was spoken out of fear. Hospitals held far too many bad memories for him.

“Of course I will. I’ll be right here until it’s time to take you home.“

The doctor stepped forward then, and before she or Hiccup could say more he was whisked away and out of sight. The door slowly cranked shut, keeping her from following.

She slumped back into her chair and shook her head in bewilderment. Leave it to Hiccup to make a dramatic entrance.


“The Final Goodbye” (#1)

[postHTTYD 2] A series of Hiccup’s short monologues over the course of the first two years after Stoick dies. (Father’s day special)



I don’t really… know what to say…

They, Astrid, told me that this, talking to You, I mean, will help. With grieving. I don’t know…

Gods above…

You were always so good with Your words, with speeches, and I… I don’t even know where to begin. Astrid told me to just…say what I feel, but how can you do that? I am…a mess. I don’t know what I feel.

Part of me still hasn’t accepted the fact that You are d-gone. That if, if I close my eyes and then open them again a moment later, You will not be there. That You will never… You are gone and – and I? I am lost, I feel like a child once again – clueless, thrown at unknown waters without the guidance I thought I didn’t need.

The village is still standing. With many of the buildings destroyed and people wounded, but it stands tall, proud, like it has for seven generations now. Snotlout jokes that it has only been two weeks, that I still have plenty of time to burn the whole thing down. I laugh but, each time I do, the knot in my stomach gets tighter. Because what if I do? What if- Astrid tells me to stop thinking like that - but what if…if I just can’t be the Chief, the Viking You wanted me to be?

Gods…Can You hear the way my voice breaks?

It’s embarrassing.

Mom told me about Your father. In a weird, twisted way, I feel better now that I know You have been through something similar. It makes me wonder… What did You feel? How, how did You….how did You cope? How could You ignore the empty void in your heart that cannot ever be filled? Were You paralyzed with loss? Muted with sorrow?

They tell me that it’s normal, that, in time, I will be able to move on and let go of the painful memories, keeping the good ones close to my heart. But… I do not want to move on, not yet, not… If I move on, I accept what has happened. I cannot do that. Not yet.

I…don’t know what to do. I don’t know what I should feel. I don’t know… I don’t know….

What would You do?

You spent your life teaching, or trying to teach me, how to be a worthy Viking and the next Chief. I’ve been foolish to react to your teachings the way I did. A coward I was, a coward I still am. I-I never realized just how much You did for me. And I…I was ungrateful, childishly so. You taught me how to cook, how to defend myself, how to sew… When I lost my leg, when I nearly drowned, when I was hit by lightning, You were always there. You were my greatest teacher, my authority. My hero.

Now I no longer have you, nor your lessons.

Now, I must learn myself.”


I love Hictooth

And I’m not talking about the slash pairing, Toothcup, but the actual canon Hictooth.

Like, they are brothers in heart, mind, and soul and that is just beautiful. They are two completely different species and they can understand eachother perfectly without even speaking a single word. It’s canon that Hiccup is Toothless’ Viking soulmate and Toothless is Hiccup’s dragon soulmate. They would die for eachother.

I honestly cannot express into words how much I love these two and Dreamworks for showing us such an amazing friendship.

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