



Not What It Seems charm bag

A charm for seeing through lies - especially written for seeing through the false kindness of toxic or abusive people

What you need:

  • A small drawstring bag, bottle or anything else that’s small you’ll be be able to carry with you (preferably something pretty and nice looking but it isn’t 100% necessary)
  • 1 teaspoon of dried lavender 
  • 5 whole cloves (1 teaspoon of ground cloves also works if you don’t have whole)
  • 1 small piece of clear quartz 
  • A small piece of paper with the person’s full name on it - tear it into tiny pieces (can be multiple people’s names) 

What to do:

  • Get your bag or container and put all of the ingredients in. Charge it with a kiss.
  • Keep this in your pocket or in your house/room for when the person/people are in your presence.
  • After seeing them you can cleanse it by lighting a tealight candle and placing it next to the candle.
Anonymous asked:

Hi TIA for reading when you can. I'm dealing with a situation in my work and I don't know how to handle it. There is a a woman who's a big part of it, everyone thinks she nice cute and and friendly type but I see her. She is really mean manipulative and uses people to get what she wants any time she doesn't get her way she throws a horrible abusive tantrum and trolls everyone. It's clear that she uses some kind of glamour magic along with other spells and stuff to manipulate and use people.

There is a contract she's pushing and wants it be a particular but you can see that it's a bad contract, it's hurting the main clients and customers. It's very manipulative and stuff. HR can't see and the rest of the team is signed to an NDA. I thought about whistleblowing but it's clear it would come back to me cause I've opposed every single time.

Everyone else is too scared and doesn't want to lose their jobs which I get.

People need to be protected and the contract needs to end. I don't want anything bad to happen to her cause I don't know why she's doing this or what made her this way but this contact needs to be exposed soon and so does she to prevent her from doing anymore harm to other and for people to really see how bad she is so change can be made. The contract needs to come to the public so that innocent customer's won't suffer anymore or loose their investment. I just don't want what more to do other than to be the sole opposing voice in meetings.

Do you have anything at all I can do to change this quickly before more damage is done and the contract rollout is expanded. I'd appreciate anything small.

TIA for anything please.

yikes. That's one hell of a situation.

Okay, well, I would cast a truth/baneful spell against them so people can see their true colors and so that the glamour may fail, maybe a binding spell to prevent further damage, or just a general truth spell.

I will put some suggestions in this message that are my own spells and spells made by others

Truth Spell

1 red candle thyme bowl (non-flammable)

  • Put thyme in bowl and say: " purification I do conjure, so thoughts are spoken not pondered"
  • light candle and say: "passion so red, set to the fire. Let truth be said as is my desire"
  • drip wax into bowl of thyme and say: "mists of thyme, fire of red, send the truth into my head"
  • blow out candle and wait for wax to dry. carry in a sachet and throw the rest of the thyme to the wind.

To break spell, burn the wax piece.

Binding Someone From Doing Harm

ingredients: -white candle -justice tarot card -taglock


  • place the justice card down and light the candle. say: (name), on behalf of those you would insult, harm, or intimidate, i call upon Justice. with this ancient power, i bind your ability to harm.
  • use the candle to light the slip of paper with the person's name on it on fire. let it burn to ash in a cauldron or pot. as it burns, say: as this paper is reduced to ashes, your power to harm is reduced to nothing.
  • when the ashes cool, mix with salt and flush down the toilet.

I hope this helps, and good luck with this massive bitch lol



   ↪ Emoji spell: “I will be told the truth / I will not be lied to.”

Like to ‘charge,’ reblog to ‘cast!’


sorry, i look too pretty and smell too good to write this paper. maybe next time xx


Misogyny is not an inherent biological feature in men. It’s a societal ill that men are taught and socially rewarded for perpetuating. Spreading the idea that misogyny is biological is a really defeatist way of looking at things because leads to people thinking that women being harassed and attacked and murdered is just the natural order of things and not something that we can push back against and change and eradicate. 


do you ever just wanna hold someone so so tight and make them feel okay and heal all the pain and hurt in their heart, fill them up with so much love and make sure they never feel sad or broken again

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