
Very Pink & Very Sapphic

@minart-was-taken / minart-was-taken.tumblr.com

I'm Mina, 22 years old, she/her Lesbian and this is my art blog. I draw a whole lot of stuff, with little consistency. OCs, Fandoms, Stuffs, I'm just here hopping about from hyperfixation to another. Also Asks are open!

Based on real experiences with walking in the woods and seeing random garbo. Some art school left a weird gnome man in the local forest and I keep wondering if they're gonna come pick him back up or let the earth reclaim him. (It's been 4 months (His head is gone))


Uh hello :D!

Not sure if I should ask on this one or on your other blog but uh

What are your thoughts on Hildavio? (If you don’t want to answer you can just ignore this ask, I’m just curious)



Hilda and Ravio from albw? Yea I can see them working as a romantic couple! Its cute and I can see why people ship it.

Personally I prefer exploring them in a non-romantic context. Although I do think they're in many ways platonic life partners.(Queerplatonic?) Those two wont go anywhere the other cant follow unless it is to save the other-- for better or worse.

I like to think one day they sort out their issues and find a balance of being close but not codependent. :)

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