
@beemarkie / beemarkie.tumblr.com

soft for the dreamies

hiii~ welcome to my blog! my name is ami!

↳ pronouns: she/her and age 18

↳ nct is my ult but i like other groups and artists

↳ mbti: INFJ

↳ find anything i write here

❝ i write occasionally, mainly fluff, but if you have an idea please send it! ❞


im not commenting anything further but wonwoo cat with glasses 


Slippin’ || P.JS

Genre: fluff, strangers to lovers, slight enemies to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort, high school au, skater boy au, PG-15

Pairing: skater boy!jisung x tutor!reader

Word Count: 14.6k

Warnings: lots of swearing, underaged drinking, non explicit details of injury, kissing, she/her pronouns used, inaccuracy about skateboarding (i know nothing bare w me)

Synopsis: Three days a week, two teenage hearts, one boy to tutor and several missing assignments. If there’s one thing you’ve learned since you started tutoring the one and only park jisung, it’s that it’s not just his grades that are slippin

Sophie’s Salutations: OH SHE’S FINALLY HERE!! I am so so sorry for how overdue this fic is 😫 but she is finally here and I couldn’t be more happy to release it! A special thanks go to @lebrookestore​ for helping with formatting, editing and listening to me ramble and rant about this fic. Feedback is highly appreciated! 

Prologue: The One and Only

“Do you know Park Jisung?”

God, at this point, who didn’t?

He was the boy who never said much, never paid too much attention, not even to the girls who gave him goo-goo eyes during class. To him, all that mattered was his bluetooth headphones, his god awful music taste and most of all, his skateboard. He spent more time mastering tricks on that damned piece of wood on wheels than he ever did studying. It would definitely explain his straight D’s on his semesterly report card.

It would also explain why you were asked to stay after class by your English teacher for a quick talk.

“I mean, I know of him. I wouldn’t say that I know him,” You answered, readjusting the strap of your backpack in an effort to dilute the awkwardness. She smiled gently, turning away from you to retrieve a brown folder from her desk. It was labelled in thick bold writing, most likely from a black permanent marker.


She thrusted the folder towards you and gave you a sad, sympathetic smile.

“Jisung is failing my class. No matter how much I’ve tried to engage him, he won’t listen to me,” she explained, watching you as you flicked through the familiar papers, “I’ve given him the highest grade I possibly could without any of the coursework, but it’s not enough.”

“Miss Barnes, with all due respect, what makes you think that I can help him pass?” You looked up at her, seeing her hopeful expression.

“Trust me, if there is anyone that can help a struggling student like Jisung pass this class, it’s you,” she placed her hand on the folder one last time before she grabbed her keys, “Good luck, Y/N.”

Luck? Yeah, god knows you would need it.


like or reblog if you save.


happy late new year!! i hope everyone is well!!


I posted 47 times in 2021

15 posts created (32%)

32 posts reblogged (68%)

For every post I created, I reblogged 2.1 posts.

I added 44 tags in 2021

  1. #nct dream - 9 posts
  2. #nct fluff - 7 posts
  3. #na jaemin - 4 posts
  4. #park jisung - 4 posts
  5. #nct dream fluff - 4 posts
  6. #nct imagines - 4 posts
  7. #haung renjun - 3 posts
  8. #neoturtles - 3 posts
  9. #nct dream imagines - 3 posts
  10. #nct - 3 posts

Longest Tag: 60 characters

My Top Posts in 2021


what is with the dreamies being sciencists, baristas, a manager, etc?!?


[4:32 a.m.]  Jaemin stirs awake at the sound of his alarm. He is careful not to wake you as he knew you had a long day yesterday. Before he leaves,  Jaemin approaches your sleeping figure and delicately pecks your forehead as a sign of goodbye. He sighs wishing he could sleep in with you and woken up by the sunlight.


a slight pt. 2 to my other best friend! jisung post.

[2:04] “psst...psst…” you whispered, trying to get the attention of your destmate, best friend! jisung. after trying and trying, without disturbing the class, you were finally successful in doing so.

“what,” he whispered-shouted, slightly panicked because he did not want to be caught by the teacher. to be fair, the teacher was already blind and deaf, so the chances were slim.

“do you want to have a sleepover at my house tonight?” you ask. jisung sighed in disappointment, thinking that you were going to ask him a question of importance. the thought of having a sleepover flustered him, especially after discovering his newfound feelings for you, but agreed  nonetheless.


[7:43] “hi... there is something i want to say,” you trail off, tightly gripping your backpack straps, as you stare into the brick wall of your school. a gift bag is propped up by your leg as you go back and forth on the balls of your feet.

“no that’s not it,” you shake your head i disapproval, “how about this: hi, i know that we have been friends for a long time and i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?.” you have been practicing all week to ask out crush!jaemin for weeks now. everyday before school starts, trying to muster up the courage to ask him out. it was not hard to fall for him with his charming personality and his big smile that lights up the room.

“what are you doing here, silly! school is that way!” jaemin points. he notices the gift bag covered in hearts stand.

“ohh oh! y/n finally making moves on her mysterious crush!” jaemin speaks, a little too loud for you liking. you try with every bone in your body to quiet him down before word gets out, but it’s already too late as many other students are looking at you two with weird glares.

you have spoken somewhat about your crush to jaemin, however he has not gotten the hint that he is the mysterious love interest rather than a student from your calculus class, a class that you don’t share with jaemin. you wish it was easier to you to admit your feelings to one of your closest friends rather than beating around the bush.

“that is the plan,” you sigh in disappointment, wishing that your friend showed any signs of feeling towards you, “i don’t think i am going to do it.”

“i know you can! i am rooting for you,” jaemin encourages. you silently thank him and wave goodbye as you grab the bag off the floor and head to your calculus class. sadly, there is no mysterious crush to give it to, leaving you with a bag filled chocolates and a handmade coffee mug.

at the start of lunch, you meet up with jaemin with at your usual spot to eat. he notices that you still have the heart-covered bag from earlier.

“i take it that your confession did not go very well.” you nod in response. all you want to do right now is hide in you room, under the covers, and listen to sad songs, till you feel better.

“here how about this,” jaemin adds, “i’ll take you on a nice date after school and we’ll see how it goes.”

you face flusters a bright red, “yeah, that sounds like a nice idea.” maybe you got what you wanted after all.


[17:33]  “what did you get for number five?” jisung peaks his head from the top of his laptop to look across the table at you.

“how did you not get number five?” you inquire, “our teacher literally gave us the answer to that one.” jisung’s flushes a deep red in embarrassment and stutters to find a response. he does not have the heart to tell you that he spent most of the class staring at you, while you were diligently taking notes.

“it’s fine,” you respond, while turning your computer over to him so that he can copy the answer, “i know you were staring at your crush,” hinting that he likes your deskmate, but in reality he likes you.


wait… it’s been a year since i created this account?? crazy how time flies. thank you to all that i have met on this site!


Thank you @taemin-jaemin for tagging me!

What are three things/gestures you love/want in a partner? (Or in your current partner if you have one)

1- Small gestures that show he cares (save a piece of cake for me, keep me always in the other side of the road...)

2-Being honest and sweet

3- Guide me for the best way


tysm @joyfools for tagging me!

1. Someone who can simply enjoy peace and quite. 2. Strong moral values

3. Willing to grow with one ano for the better!

tagging: anyone who wants to do it! (let me know if you want to get tagged in the future)


I saw that on instagram but wanted to bring it on here ^^

credits to @/ixlogo on instagram

I want to try! :D


a slight pt. 2 to my other best friend! jisung post.

[2:04] “psst...psst…” you whispered, trying to get the attention of your destmate, best friend! jisung. after trying and trying, without disturbing the class, you were finally successful in doing so.

“what,” he whispered-shouted, slightly panicked because he did not want to be caught by the teacher. to be fair, the teacher was already blind and deaf, so the chances were slim.

“do you want to have a sleepover at my house tonight?” you ask. jisung sighed in disappointment, thinking that you were going to ask him a question of importance. the thought of having a sleepover flustered him, especially after discovering his newfound feelings for you, but agreed  nonetheless.




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