
Look...idk Either


Liz they/them 22
there is no coherent theme here

so basically, a lotta ppl online like to posture. they want to be badass, cool, the edgy kid - they call themselves things like "freak" or "fagdyke gendertrash scum" etc. and thats fine on its own, im not opposed to edge. BUT. theres a lot of ppl online who want to talk that talk but not walk that walk, and when a trans woman online does something that wouldnt fly in a conservative midwestern town in the USA, they wanna throw her under the bus as fast as they can. because her walking the walk does actually scare them, because theyre just posturing. theyre something worse than edgy: theyre Posers.


It's this man's day, go wild

From me it's a messy paintover of that sketch from last year. I have to say, gold and turquoise are his colours for real

[ Eat or be eaten. ]

Thursday is dungeon day now!! First art piece that wasn't work-related in months a a a


It's ok to want money. It's ok to be upset that you're poor and wishing to be rich. I understand. People who say that money doesn't buy happiness have never eaten pasta every day because it's 50 cents at the grocery store or been short on money for christmas presents. Constantly scraping by makes people miserable and depressed and of course you're gonna dream about money, about being happy and priviledged. That's not greedy or horrible, that's life. It's ok.

Also, something I feel like gets lost on the people who keep repeating that “money doesn’t buy happiness” is that money itself isn’t going to make you happy. Or getting additional money when you have plenty isn’t going to instantly make you happier. But financial safety is one of the most universal aspects of happiness in the world we live in (even if we wish this wasn’t the case). Like the money itself isn’t going to make you happier, but not worrying about rent will. Getting to have hobbies will. Making your favourite meal will. Meeting a friend for a coffee and a cake will. Being able to afford those things without mental and financial strain will.

Here's the thing. "Money doesn't buy happiness" doesn't mean "you don't need money to be happy." Because frankly, in this day and age, good luck accomplishing anything with at least some money.

What it means is "After a certain point, more money doesn't do your happiness any good."

Like a lot of sayings it has been coopted by rich assholes.


i took elvish in school and i fucking hated it. the teacher was like 700 years old and he'd like take us on field trips to sit on the banks of babbling brooks and watch the fall of sunlight through the leaves. my friends in spanish class were like conjugating verbs and shit and meanwhile i was in an old-growth forest being overcome with awe at the sight of a majestic stag. like uhh yeah mr autumnheart when are we gonna learn like any grammar "listen to the murmur of the wind in the treetops, and you shall find the grammar you seek" like fuck dude your pedagogy leaves much to be desired



Inspirational words for freelancers, hourly paid workers and salarymen alike

(There will be stickers, watch this space :,,)


just a reminder to COMPLETELY boycott Eurovision this year; Azerbaijan and Israel, despite committing genocide, are STILL allowed to compete & have NOT been banned. by refusing to ban both countries, Eurovision is profiting off of the genocide of Palestinians and Armenians.

do not listen to the artists. do not pirate or stream the artists' music, and this applies to ALL the artists who are competing and performing this year. do not listen to the songs on ANY platform, do not give them ANY attention.

write to your broadcasters and tell them you REFUSE to watch the channels until they recognise the Armenian and Palestinian genocides & that you find it disgusting how they are allowing Eurovision despite Azerbaijan and Israel's entries.

do NOT give eurovision OR the competing artists ANYTHING but silence.

boycott ALL of eurovision.


I'm in awe of how we ran historical revisionism on the civil rights movement so bad that people truly believe it was quiet self-sacrifcial non-disruptive christ-like activism that forced progress and not — like — the incredible economic pressure of boycotts and outbreaks of illegal civil disobedience

Yapping to the choir but eughhh it burns me up girl effective protests have to be loud and inconvenient for change to happen because silent cries die in the dark that's the entire pointtt

Also, a lot of the so called harmless examples used for peaceful protests were specifically supposed to be disruptive as all hell. Like, take sit-ins, for example. What you were probably told is that black people just refused to leave white only establishments to make a point.

But how they actually worked was manipulating racist policies to cause as much of a delay as possible. They'd sit down at the bar to order (that's how those restaurants worked, you had to sit down to order and there weren't many tables) and when the waiter said they couldn't serve them, they'd respond that they would wait until they could be served. And then all their friends who they organized this with would do the same, and they would sit there at every seat until they're holding up the whole line. Then nobody could order and the restaurant was forced to either close, serve them, or try and fail to work around them. It wasn't just to make a point, it was to cost them money and time.

Even what was framed as "quiet peaceful protest" was actually very disruptive both socially and economically.

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