

@chihawari / chihawari.tumblr.com


...that your audience won't hate.

This is a method I started using when NFTs were on the rise - thieves would have to put actual work into getting rid of the mark - and one that I am now grateful for with the arrival of AI. Why? Because anyone who tries to train an AI on my work will end up with random, disruptive color blobs.

I can't say for sure it'll stop theft entirely, but it WILL make your images annoying for databases to incorporate, and add an extra layer of inconvenience for thieves. So as far as I'm concerned, that's a win/win.

I'll be showing the steps in CSP, but it should all be pretty easy to replicate in Photoshop.

Now: let's use the above image as our new signature file. I set mine to be 2500 x 1000 pixels when I'm just starting out.


Some art posting tips for the artists migrating over here, as a Certified Tumblr Artist Veteran™️ who's never stopped posting here in a decade:

1. Don't add links under all of your posts

It means they won't show up in search results or tags, it's better to have the one pinned post with links at the top of your blog or links in your description. Alternatively like I do, you can keep links out of posts when you're just posting your art on its own, then only add them to posts that are specifically calling to visit another site (e.g. you're promoting a Kickstarter)

2. You don't need to use really specific tags like on Instagram, and the first 20 ones you use are the ones that count

I remember a few years back it was passed around that the key to getting attention on Instagram was using alternating niche tags, but now some artists just do it everywhere when it won't really do you any favours here.

The first 20 tags you use are the ones that appear in search results, the best general tags to use are #art and #artists on tumblr then after that use ones more specific to you such as say, #illustration or #digital art (also notice these have spaces between the words as tags mostly do on this website)

3. Keep your posts pretty and clean looking

A lot of users can be particular about what they have on their blog because they're trying to keep it clean and aesthetic looking, if your posts are overall pleasing to the eye including the description I've found people are more likely to reblog your posts. That means avoiding massive paragraphs with needless hashtags in the description, and uploading high-quality photosets of your work that shows off the pretty details of your artworks!

As a general rule if you have a bunch of sketches or similar images they'll do much better as a photo set than posting them all individually, unlike on other social media posts do better with quality over quantity, and your post won't "expire" after like 24 hours - people will keep reblogging a post for years here especially artworks.

4. Submit to blogs

One downside for a new artist posting here is there's no algorithm to show you to random strangers to get a momentum going, and it can be hard starting off from nothing because of this. However, if you search around you'll find that there are quite a few art curation blogs here who will be happy to either reblog your art or take submissions and post your art on your behalf with links back to your blog. Just be sure it's a blog that's actively looking for artists and not a random user that you're pestering to promote your work, they usually indicate in their description that they're accepting submissions.

You may even find yourself drawing the attention of the Tumblr staff who run multiple art promotion blogs and often feature artists on the Tumblr Radar (it's a little spotlight section visible both on mobile and desktop that features your post to the whole userbase, and it's very exciting getting an email that you've been selected! :D)

5. Read the tags under your posts

Due to an old habit that the website collectively held onto from the days where replies hadn't been added to posts yet, a lot of people use the tags to basically ramble their thoughts under a post they're reblogging.

What does this have to do with artists? Well a lot of people will think out loud in the tags about your art and you can read them all under your post, I find it really supportive and endearing and it's one of my favourite things about posting here!

6. Customise your blog on desktop

Something that new users who only use Tumblr on mobile might not notice is that your blog actually has its own webpage on desktop outside of the app with the URL "yourusernamehere(dot)tumblr(dot)com"

You can actually customise this page in HTML and there's a lot of premade layouts called "themes" either available for free or buyable in marketplaces - this can be a pretty accessible and cheap alternative to a custom portfolio website if you don't have one!

I hope some of this is useful, good luck with getting your art in front of new eyes! 💫


me realizing my experiences with sewing have been a lie this whole goddamn time:


I don’t know about human surgeons, but that’s a suture pattern I use to close skin all the time and you can see why.

The slip stitch (or invisible stitch) was created to hide seams and later used by surgeons.

My cousin is a surgeon and was sewing something and used that stitch and then froze and said “Wait this isn’t a person.”

Grandma said “We used it first keep going.”


remember not to embroider the patient

Ha! I love the grandma, cuz she right

But in all seriousness, its very fascinating to see people looking at a technique and thinking to themselves “We can also use it for ___!” and it WORKS


good things will happen 🧿

things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿


Okay I reblogged and got into the entrepreneurship program I wanted. This WORKS


Anonymous asked:

Congrats on 100 followers! I'd like to tell Zhongli: "Ahh OMG I love u so much! Sorry for disturbing your retirement life by always having u on the team, even in abyss! You're the ideal husbando! The first ever genshin charas I draw! (Not sure if you allow ship talk but if u do) I hope u have a lovely day with your mate, Childe!"

This event does not include ships. Thanks for the ask, anon!

“I would not worry about you disturbing my retirement, Divine one. Instead, I extend my thanks to you. Not only for our numerous adventures through Teyvat, but for the privilege you have bestowed upon me to join you in the first place.” Zhongli said, smiling warmly.

“And you… drew me?” He asked, looking interested in your statement. “I would be delighted to see your drawing, if you’d be willing to share it.”

He paused slightly, before saying, “If… you do not mind, could you explain what a ‘husbando’ is? While I have been on Teyvat for many years, it seems that modern terminology still eludes me.”



First time posting here and not gonna lie, I think that sagau is awesome and all but uhh...

I kind of want to see a series on here where the reader or 'creator' is hunted down. NOT FOR THINKING THAT THEY'RE AN IMPOSTER THOUGH- but because they are the ones who are controlling their world. They know what constant pressure (Or may as well be torture for them-) you put them under.

The times you've made them filch supplies from the fatui? (Especially the younger ones?!) The times where you've made them fight groups of hilichurls that they absolutely did not want to fight? Don't even get them started on how they were forced to fight THE RAIDEN SHOGUN PUPPET?! OR LA SIGNORA?! and how you would put little klee or qiqi against these absolute monsters...

But that didn't even feel like that was the worst of it.

It was the way you talked about how you were going to pull for a new character or a person they knew that had a vision. A new person for you to control like a puppet, leading them to fights they would surely die- only to be revived again from this endless nightmare.

Oh, and how you would 'sacrifice' one of them before trying to grab onto another person like a fucking snake and never let go.

Jean and albedo were felt so destroyed when they had to watch klee jump off a high mountain, not in control of her own body- here eyes were blank but you could tell she was so scared. She wasn't revived until the next day and once you left, She was sobbing in her room for days and refused to sleep afraid she would die again- wondering what she had done wrong for you to hate her so much.

Everyone hated you. The fatui hated you. The abyss hated you. People would mourn their own friends and family if they received a vision, it felt like a death sentence waiting, knowing they would someday be enslaved by YOU. (Was it really your fault?)

They blamed you for everything bad that had happened to them. You were their creator. You made these decisions (Right?) You CHOSE for khanriah to be destroyed (Did you really?) You chose for makoto to die, for the nameless bard to die, for guizhong to die, for aether to be seperated from his sister. You chose all this. It is all your fault (You didn't know.)

They would never worship you. They will never love you. They won't show any mercy.

But will you?

You have a choice in this. You can choose wether or not characters live or die. Wether they see you for the person you are, or the enemy they believe you to be.

You're in their world now. They will make sure you die here.

Your choice matters, I hope you make the right one. (If there ever was one.)

this is for you @g4ny7 (aria my beloved)
But I really do like the idea of the character's HATING Y/N, it's a nice refresher from all the worshipping and lovey dovey stuff!
Howeverー I am certainly guilty of all these things myselfー I bet a LOT of other people are too
But am I going to stop? Unlikely.

Canon Compliant, general HATRED for reader, "Y/N" is the "presence", generic world building, SAGAU (Self Aware Genshin Alternative Universe)

The bard believes freedom should be granted for everyoneー regardless of what they've done.

That's why he utterly despises the feeling of being controlled. Manipulated as if he was a puppet with invisible strings.

Venti believes in freedom for all, no matter what that person has done in the past.

But his own body was being controlled by an otherworldly source, a disembodied voice talking to themself as his 'so called' vessel roamed around Mondstadt.

Sometimes, this presence can make him head towards the Dawn Wineryー not to enjoy the finest glass of dandelion wineー but to unleash a swirling wind current at these cryo slimes.

As days, even months, pass by, he grows more and more irritated at the lingering presence.

Venti grows tired of this disembodied voice, but it becomes even worse when this presence begins to bring him to long forgotten domains.

He finds himself helpless as he unleashes his ultimate, bringing the poor hilichurls to the centre of his own blackhole as the presence swaps him out for another 'unit'. It was another poor soul who was forced to torture these.. hilichurls monsters.

What makes him feel even worse is the fact that his own peopleー yes, his OWN peopleー are being manipulated like a puppet aswell.

He can only watch helplessly as Amber takes down another camp of hilichurls, or Lisa gathering resources around Mondstadt.

On the inside, Venti is absolutely fuming. Obviously, he couldn't show this as he was hardcoded to be a happy go lucky bard, and it wasn't like he could generate new voicelines.

Venti often finds himself in a fetus position at the Windrise Statue, wondering what he's done to be subjected to the torment of the otherworldly presence. His eyes were numb of tearsー he simply does not have anymore tears to shed.

No, he simply cannot go to Mondstadt anymore. The somber but happy music was subtle in his ear, it was simply irritating hearing it over and over again. No longer was Mondstadt bustling with lively people, it was dull, and empty.

Venti sits under the Windrise Statue of himself, his mind couldn't help but ponder if this was the effect of abandoning his city for the sake of freedom.

Anonymous asked:

I've thought of a angst scenario that I think will be nice if u can write about it!

The acolytes found out a way to transport reader to teyvat, but reader will die in their original world if they do so. Would they still do it?

If the acolytes don't want to disturb reader, what if teyvat needs reader to be there right now or else there will be an apocalypse? Will they sacrifice reader's happy life on Earth to save their own world? I'm curious the conflict they will have n which acolytes will be selfish or selfless!


Deadly Desire



Types of intelligence for your OCs

What kind of intelligence does your character posses? Based on theory of multiple intelligences, these are some ideas what kind of smarts your characters might posses that aren’t the typical academic or street smarts. 

1. Visual-spatial (space smart)

These people are good at visualizing things, seeing in 3D, being able to imagine how things look even out of sight from the information they have about it. They are good with directions, maps, charts and pictures. Eye for drawing, patterns and puzzles. 

Especially useful for: architects, engineers, artists, pilots

2. Linguistic-verbal (word smart)

The ability to use words well, when writing and speaking. Typical strenghts are telling stories, memorizing information, love for reading, skill with words, debating and persuasive skills, adept at explaining complicated subjects. Also tend to be great at languages. 

Especially useful for: writers, journalists, lawyers, teachers, public speakers

3. Logical (reasoning smart)

Not necessarily but possibly mathematical, these people are great at reasoning, pattern recognition and logical analysis. Enjoyment for abstract thinking and ideas, excellent problem-solving skills and logical argumentation are other common traits. Pattersn, categories, relationships. 

Especially useful for: mathematicians, accountants, scientists, and detectives.

4. Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)

Great hand-eye cordination, physical movement, often skilled at sports, dancing and creating things with their hands. Learn and remember rather by doing than listening or reading. Sense of timing and mind-body union excellent. 

Especially useful for: dancers, sculptors, actors, athletes, surgeons, crafts people, soldiers, police officers

5. Musical (sound smart)

Sensitive listeners. Thinking in patterns, recognizing rhythms, notes and melodies, good at remembering tunes, these people often enjoy singing or playing instruments. Often show great understanding of musical structure and know quickly when they hear someone going off-key. 

Especially useful for: musical teachers, composers, musicians, 

6. Interpersonal (people smart)

These people are very good at understanding and interacting with others. From verbal to non-verbal communication, they are proficient at assessing motivations, moods and desires of others and seeing things from multiple perspectives. Great communicators, create positive relationships with others easily and solve group dynamics and group conflicts well. Also enjoy discussions, debates and teamwork. 

Especially useful for: psychologists, counselors, salespeople, politicians, philosophers, teachers, managers, team leaders

7. Intrapersonal (self smart)

The opposite of interpersonal smarts is the intrapersonal intelligence, where people are very in tune with themselves and their feelings. They are honest with themselves, enjoy self-reflection, analysing theories and ideals, love daydreaming, and show great self-awareness and assessment of their own strenghts and weaknesses. 

Especially useful for: writers, philosophers, theorits, scientists

Bonus types: 

8. Creative (ideas smart) 

People that show exceptional curiousity, get inspired by little things around them and connect ideas and concepts in an unsual way. It’s a more feeling-based, spontaneous type of intelligence that gets less recognition, but brings immense benefits in all fields. 

Especially useful for: artists, marketers, scientists, concept artists, 

10. Abstract (concept smart)

Drawn to abstract ideas, these people enjoy deep discussions, don’t like to settle on one truth and ask questions that have no easy or no answer at all. Connecting, conceptualizing, analysing, listening and putting things together, they are great at seeing things from a distance, seeing the whole and not just the pieces. 

Especially useful for: scientists, philosophers, researchers, theorists, designers, analysts

Writing Tips
Punctuating Dialogue

➸ “This is a sentence.”

➸ “This is a sentence with a dialogue tag at the end,” she said.

➸ “This,” he said, “is a sentence split by a dialogue tag.”

➸ “This is a sentence,” she said. “This is a new sentence. New sentences are capitalized.”

➸ “This is a sentence followed by an action.” He stood. “They are separate sentences because he did not speak by standing.”

➸ She said, “Use a comma to introduce dialogue. The quote is capitalized when the dialogue tag is at the beginning.”

➸ “Use a comma when a dialogue tag follows a quote,” he said.

“Unless there is a question mark?” she asked.

“Or an exclamation point!” he answered. “The dialogue tag still remains uncapitalized because it’s not truly the end of the sentence.”

➸ “Periods and commas should be inside closing quotations.”

➸ “Hey!” she shouted, “Sometimes exclamation points are inside quotations.”

However, if it’s not dialogue exclamation points can ask be “outside”!

➸ “Does this apply to question marks too?” he asked.

If it’s not dialogue, can question marks be “outside”? (Yes, they can.)

➸ “This applies to dashes too. Inside quotations, dashes typically express—“

“Interruption” — but there are situations dashes may be outside.

➸ “You’ll notice that exclamation marks, question marks, and dashes do not have a comma after them. Ellipses don’t have a comma after them either…” she said.

➸ “My teacher said, ‘Use single quotation marks when quoting within dialogue.’”

➸ “Use paragraph breaks to indicate a new speaker,” he said.

“The readers will know it’s someone else speaking.”


Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.

Of fucking course

What sick bastard doesn’t


“You’d be surprised”, said Xaldien, who just lost four followers and received a lovely “men can’t be raped” anon shortly after reblogging this the first time.

Yowch, disgusting.

If I don’t reblog this, assume I’m dead.

Always reblog this

If you Dont reblog this if u see it then i cant call u my friend


If you disagree with me, unfollow my blog, block me and never look at my blog again.

If you want to debate about this or send anon’s about this, I will reply but your actions have consequences.

Out of 19000+ followers I have, only one of you actually reblogged about this issue, yet a lot of you have reblogged and liked a picture by playboy about catcalling and that how men should never do it.

Additionally, I have received abuse in my ask box (which I will be answering when I can) and threats. In particular death threats and rape threats.

I can see the real problem here already. Male domestic violence and rape is just invisible in our society because we don’t want to talk about this because it just damages the status quo of this fucking website.

I’m a male victim of child sexual abuse. We matter. Please, reblog this.

Please never forget male victims are real and it can happen to everyone/anyone

Make sure the romance is there on both sides people


Male victims are REAL

Protecting our sons


Never gonna stop


Won’t let em down

Please don’t ignore this <33

yeah honestly this has no link to my usual content but it’s so fucking true i can’t keep my eyes closed

also saw on the hellhole that is tiktok, between 2 funny lil gay things, a glimpse of straight tiktok with a woman saying that if her man has a morning wood IN HIS SLEEP then it’s perfectly okay to ride him

and that my friends is SA, unless discussed beforehand. while the op cleared things up afterwards and my hopeful little ass will choose to… believe her to keep my sanity untouched, the comment section DID NOT pass the vibe check, and a lot of women AND men think that a woman cannot SA a man on the basis that “men are always up for it”, “find me a man who wouldn’t be happy with that”, and the glorious “you can’t SA your partner you’re literally in a relationship”. i assume that we’re not braindead here but im still going to spell it out: just bc you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you can have sex with your sleeping partner, unless discussed beforehand. otherwise, it’s SA. AND I THOUGHT IT WAS COMMON KNOWLEDGE

I’d be a monster and a hypocrite if I don’t reblog

Bro how could anyone not revolve this? This kind of shit makes me sick to know that this is going on and no one’s doing anything about this.

i feel like id not be human if i didnt reblog ngl.

Reblog, everyone needs to know Women aren’t the only ones can get raped


may these tips guide you to your writings !


SPECIAL NOTE. thank you guys so much again for so many follows! your love and support has always been appreciated and i decided to make this special post as a way to help those who strive to be even more amazing writers ! as always, enjoy these tips my fellow comrades <333 — sincerely, dan 🫶
SYPNOSIS. includes tips regarding the process of writing, content, genshin characters, the writers, and appearance of your blog that’s mostly for beginners !
please take note that you don’t have to follow these tips and that this isn’t the right way to help you write, but a possible way to help you write and improve (p.s. though, you should definitely get grammar, formatting, etc. right in order for your readers to have better experience in reading your fics)

1 — the process

The following tips below this point includes the process of it such as first drafts, editing, proofreading, putting tags, and more. You may proceed to the next points if these are not the tips you’re looking for!


A tip I always go for whenever I want to start writing fics are essentially to make outlines. If you don’t know what an outline is, it’s basically where you give a general description of what you want in your fanfic without the full details just yet. This is super helpful especially when writing a fanfic series because you know what to do and what you generally want by the time you reach to writing that part of your fic :DD
Once you’re done with your outline, you can now start writing your first draft based on it, this is where you can now write all the details (dialogues, scenes, etc.) you have in mind in your fic!


If you ever come up with new ideas, list them ASAP! Even if you don’t think you won’t write it, keep it – it can help future you if you couldn’t think of anything to write about.


Avoid procrastinating as you let your thoughts barf out, be determined no matter what until you finally finish with letting your thoughts out. 


You can also chat with other writers – you can even chat with me if you want to talk about your passionate brainrots – because writers can spark your ideas even more with ideas they have in mind if you allow them to.


Another tip is to recite the words you’ve written as if you’re a narrator and see if the fic sits right with you. Doing this can help some people who want to know if there’s something that’s unclear or doesn’t sound right by reciting it. Whether you’d like to read it out loud is up to you!
Anonymous asked:

Hello!! So I've recently fallen into sagau, specially the cult plot, and I love it!! Are there any writers you can recommend? I love your fics so so much!!

OH BOY DO I HAVE SOME! (thank you btw ily <3/p)

@nicebonescomrade (the god of sagau, one of my massive inspirations, dragged me into the sagau hellhole and casually writes god tier works)

@lovesickeros (brainrots over the tsaritsa 24/7, has written an Ei fic for me before, i love him/p he has the exact same taste in women as i do)

@willowedwisteria (the master of fluff, if you want your teeth to rot from a sweet fic you should go to her, she's written for A LOT of characters, might write an angst fic out of nowhere and destroy you from the inside out but that's the price you have to pay)

@yxuesity (a sweetheart <3/p ngl i just realized i knew him from his main acc 💀 anyways- his fics have made my jaw drop and i've more than likely screeched about him either online or silently bc holy shit does he have some DELICIOUS ideas for the cult au)

@azempyrea (another sweetheart <3/p they've written a lot of consort aus and they make me froth at the mouth :) they do my ladies justice and i will forever love them for that)

@i-put-the-yan-in-polyandry (my other biggest inspiration, also dragged me into the sagau hellhole. All of their works hold a special place in my heart and i think about them all the time bc holy shit their works just <3 they itch that spot in my brain)

@ranalatus (i am cripplingly addicted to their imposter series, it is a problem :) they also have a few other fics, -sagau and otherwise- that are jUST they're amazing <33)

@myuni-moon (her works are like comfort food to me. They're damn near nostalgic of when I was only a lurker of the sagau tag and her stuff would come up. She writes the reader more as someone who takes up their role of god in stride, her and her works have a very powerful aura about them so i'd definitely recommend reading them!)

@sagau-villainau (their blog aesthetic is the best thing ever <333 They write about the Tsaritsa/the fatui au and its so scrumptious I love it so very much <333)

@karmawonders (Their works are so chill and comforting idk I love reading their works and having my brain rot it's so fun <3)

@nyan-tries-to-write (her brainrots are so <33 she also has a series Without a Fight that is VERY interesting! I can tell she loves it a bunch would recommend 10/10 very fun)

anyways im gonna shut up now i love all of these people very much and very sorry if the mention bothered any of you. Please go and check them out so we can be obsessed with their works together!


It’s that time of year again! SHAMELESS SEASON. ( I mean the holidays). All this and much more super amazing, extra special Christmas gift ideas here in my ETSY SHOP. Gifts from $22.99


Reblog to enter! Follow my Tumblr for more free crap :).

-The winner gets a free blanket of their choice. You can pick any blanket in my shop.  (must be 18 or have a parent agree it’s ok! I’m not a weirdo.)

These rules are pretty straight forward so I will not be answering any questions that can be read here. I assume you are all literate.

*Not affiliated with Tumblr. ToS and Legalese that no one reads here: http://sta.sh/writer/#643980652

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