
my brain is awesome just legitimately googled β€œhow to have fun” brother we are cooked


people see news of 200+ palestinians being killed in one attack and scroll or think about it for about a minute then move on. but if 200+ people died in an attack in the west it would be mainstream news and all people spoke about for weeks. i know the numbers of palestinians being killed are astronomical and its impossible to keep up (which is absolutely sickeningly horrifying, there are no words), but the lack of value placed in palestinians lives and disregard shown is insane


yeah no biden is going to go down as one of the most evil pieces of shit we had as president for absolute sure

he caused a great deal of our current problems including the inability to declare bankruptcy on student loans, but pretending he cared about fixing those problems. he wiggled his way into presidency by pure happenstance of having been a VP pick by a better(albeit still evil) president to satisfy conservatives, and managed to accordingly trick people in later years that he'd always been left-leaning and not famously so conservative he was barely even a democrat, and even with that he was going to lose so they had to convince almost all the democratic candidates ahead of him to drop out. he was no one's first choice. and then he became president and proceeded to not do anything he ever promised to do (par for the course) but made sure that the thing he would be known for, is genocide. boots on the ground genocide now. even nixon had attempted to force israel's hand to declare a ceasefire on a non-genocidal, actual war that he deemed was going too far with the yom kippur war, by refusing to help - and that was only stopped when israel threatened nuclear weapons if they did not comply. even nixon tried to get israel under control, and for lesser reasons, than biden. biden has not only let genocide in israel continue unabated, but as of now, and the reason why i made this post- is that the stupid fucking pier they decided to make brought "aid" that had US soldiers hidden inside it, and they helped massacre 200 palestinians in a refugee camp.

i cannot comprehend this 'lesser evil' people still spout. this man is going to go down in the history books as one of our most evil, most inept, most damaging presidents.


I can't be autistic bc I'm actually great at understanding social cues!

[Cut to my POV, a Terminator-style overlay analyzing word choice and body language while over everyone's head a bar labeled Are They Mad At Me shows varying levels]



literally leila dropping hints she wants bojangles




help a broke latine transfem out?

i was hoping i wouldnt have to make one of these but its looking like i have no choice. i do ubereats for work, and for of a combination of a few reasons (it being summer, inflation being as bad as it is esp here in socal, etc) it’s been extremely slow. on tuesday I was out for 4 1/2 hours and made literally only $11 before I had to go home because of pain. ive tried applying at less unreliable jobs but nowhere has gotten back to me, job market is extremely bad right now and being a full time college student does not help.

I have my credit card bill ($203) and the deadline for my car’s registration ($149) both coming up in the next week or so. Currently I cannot pay for both without having to dip into my savings, which I really really do not want to do. If I don’t pay for my car’s registration I obviously can’t work at all. as I mentioned I also experience really bad chronic back and leg pain because of how much I have to sit in my car’s uncomfortable seat while working, so it’d be really nice if I would be able to at least afford a nice cushion to sit on to help alleviate this and maybe let me work for longer hours.

this isnt the most urgent thing in the world but if you have anything to spare id really appreciate it. i really do not want to dip into my savings right now bc I don’t even have very much there either. it’s been extremely stressful and I’ve been spending my summer doing nothing but working sleeping and (barely) eating without even enough time to clean my room or do laundry since i spend my days off trying to recover from the pain. any little penny makes things easier for me, and if I get any more than enough to pay for those aforementioned bills it’ll go entirely to things like food, gas, that cushion, etc.

c/shapp: $rosechxrch

if you need my paypal please dm me or send me an ask off anon! thank u ❀️


happy pride month ! ^_^ im tyler, a black bi transmasc / bigender guy who had to leave my physically abusive homophobic mothers house and find housing in a new state with my 2 cats for my safety which made me homeless for a year, proof about that here πŸ“Œ

i’m currently in the process of getting a new job as the current server position i have has a high tip out and over the course of working there for a month and some change has taken over 1300 dollars from me which is why im leaving and ultimately is not sustainable as you can see

im getting low on gas as well so if you have ANYTHING to spare id greatly appreciate it because im cutting it extremely close with things like bills + cat supplies as im currently on my own and would be homeless still without all the support ive gotten thus far, so anything at all would mean a lot! v_v i have a amazon wishlist with cat food + house items if you feel more comfortable helping thru there! and heres a pic of my cats salt and pepper staring at a rope…. 🀍


hello! I've never made one of these posts before so sorry if I'm rambling. I'm a 24 year old asexual college student who recently lost her mother. she and me were the only ones who paid the bills in my household. now that she's gone my situation has gotten extremely dire. I do have a job but I'm trying to transition into something more stable. i need only 600 left on my rent or I'll be evicted. i do live with my younger brother who's nine years old and am just begging anyone out there to send something. my father is extremely abusive to both of us so i really dont wanna go back to him. thanks for taking the time to read this. please spread this if possible. please. 0/$600

cashapp : $macsnah
paypal : paypal.me/macm1sha
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