
@todorokih / todorokih.tumblr.com

prev. akechisgoro angel • xix • gifs & gfx currently on hiatus.

hello hello! it’s been a long time since i last came here. i’m here to say that my blog is mostly on hiatus right now. maybe i’ll reblog or queue some things from time to time because i miss seeing contents especially from my mutuals. my uni schedule is more chaotic than i expected, and i haven't got the motivation to watch anime for months now; my interests have currently shifted to other things. i do hope to come back someday though! i’ve gone through several hiatuses and the months i came back have always been the most fun. i'm still around on twitter (not on my main account but i'm still logged in there lol). hope you’re all doing well!


this is a call out post for @frailuta

i’ve had enough of you. you stealing my edits and ideas. you manipulating people. your drama posts. your hunger for notes. i’m so sick and tired of seeing all these things and not being able to say anything because i’m sure you’d talk behind my back to people and make yourself the victim, because i know you have been doing that all the time. you made me feel so uncomfortable and disgusted to the point where i thought about quitting tumblr for weeks. but i’ve had enough of you. you should get help because this behavior is not okay and you’re clearly not in a healthy mindset. 

there is also a whole old document about her old blog which you can find by clicking this. i’m not even going to get into this lmao. it’s so embarrassing that you still continue to do this.

anyways, here are ALL the receipts:

“The world is power. Everything is decided by the superiority or inferiority of one’s power.”
Ayato Kirishima → requested by @tohaki
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