
Screaming Exploding Skulls [ASMR]


here to look at cool rocks

The other day I got a bug up my ass about lake Natron, because I’ve seen the photos of the calcified remains of animals that took a dip in the lake on accident, but I’ve only seen those photos in black and white. I’m sure you’ve seen them.

I thought, you know, calcified remains should be really interesting to see in color, so I tried to find some that had been taken by others, in color. It was not nearly as visual stunning, they were just white rotting remains, I won’t scar anyone by posting them.

But what caught my eye wasn’t the dead. It was the fucking lake.

It’s BLOOD fucking RED.

It’s super alkaline (deadly), blood fucking red (terrifying), and oh, it gets to be 106F/41C in the water. Red spirulina algae thrives here and provides food for the main denizen of the lake…. fucking lesser flamingos.

Look at their fucking mud nests!

You need to leave!! You have found flamingo Silent Hill!! What are you still doing here!! I’ll tell you!! They’re still doing there because literally the death lake protects them from predators, nothing big enough to be a threat to them gets across the lake to get them. There are millions of them living there safely.

What the fuck. what the FUCK nature. This is some of the most amazing shit you’ve ever pulled and hardly anyone knows about it. I’m on to you. I see your blood lake with your pink goth bird decorations. I see you.


everyone wonders why trees are so big, but I know.

OK, I can tell you, but the world will never be the same

their bigness comes chiefly from their height and their girth, which are both enormous. if you look at small things you will tend to find that they are very low in height, width, etc. (you get the picture). trees, however, have a very tall height and wide girth, which makes them extremely large


hauuhrhhn….. 2018 is the year we all adopt solid snake’s speech pattern…. huhnnnrhrh………….


hrmmn,, solid snake’s speech pattern, huh?

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