

she/they. ENFJ. 2w1.




please don’t start reblogging this again this post ruined my life


dni if you don’t seem to understand, a shame you seemed an honest man, and all the fears you hold so dear, will turn to whisper in your ear, if you know what they say might hurt you, know that it means so much, don’t even feel a thing, don’t seem the lying kind, think it’s a shame that I can read your mind, and all the things that I read there, candlelit smile that we both share, know I don’t mean to hurt you, know that it means so much and you don’t even feel a thing, are falling, are fading, are drowning (need help to breathe), are hurting, have lost it all, are losing (need help to breathe)

Anonymous asked:

your portrayal of mpreg jesus is seriously laughable. you really think he would suddenly start developing seahorse mannerisms as early as in the first trimester? give me a break. everyone knows you're just projecting because youre a furry. can't wait to read the next chapter though! :)

Congratulations! this is the funniest ask I’ve ever received. Please don’t tell me what seahorse mannerisms are


Can't get this on any other website, folks!




this person has a patreon where people pay them to make fandom discourse. one of the patron rewards is literally that she will make a Twitter discourse thread on the topic of your choosing.


Oh thank fucking god it’s not real


You mean this is something you can get paid for and im out here going to school instead??


Oh god her brain is actually huge

Holy shit.

She just looked at the sustainable energy source that is the relentless batshit insanity of Discourse and said “is anybody gonna monetize this or”

And I mean, we all gotta eat, right?


This is not an ethical way to make your bread but I can’t say it’s not impressive and kind of hilarious

Oh to have this level of ingenuity


Edelgard when Byleth says “it seems we were fated to be friends” instead of partners, wives, girlfriends, equals, fiancées, companions, confidants, soulmates:

and thus, the retaliation of "thank you, my dearest friend" when byleth proposes

Honestly I think that’s more playing into the “marry your best friend” thing but I’ll admit imagining it as some petty comeback to spook Byleth is infinitely funnier


Wanna know a fun Edeleth fact that tears me to pieces :)???

We know that Edelgard doesn’t like to cry. According to how she reacts to Jeralt’s death, it’s mostly because she sees it as a waste of time, and that it’s much easier to just bury those emotions and move forward than it is to confront them.

I was thinking about what Edelgard says before the final battle in Fhirdhiad:

“Whatever happens, know that you’re very special to me,” definitely tells me that she’s gone over the possibility of Byleth dying several times in her head.

The probability that she tried to steel herself by reminding herself of that scenario over and over so that she’s numb to the grief is pretty likely, as it’s a very traditional (albeit unhealthy) way of coping with that particular kind of dread. So she steeled her nerves so she would be prepared to move forward if the worst happened.

Up until the very moment that it came to pass.

She suspected it would happen, and she rehearsed her composure. But it didn’t work. Imagining the scenario was nothing like it actually coming to pass. The sheer despair hit so much harder, cut so much deeper than she could have ever possibly thought, so much so that she disregarded all of that self-talk to wall up and prevent herself from grieving.

Don't mind me: just here to make things worse

The other thing about Edelgard's reaction to Jeralt's death is that it indicates her own trauma response. She went through an absolutely horrific event that affected her and her family. She's the only one who came out of it alive. And part of how she has managed to process that pain and grief is by...not really handling it. She pushes herself forward and convinces herself that there are more important things to do than wallow in her own sadness. Allowing the grief to consume her won't bring her siblings back. She tells Byleth to get up and stop mourning because she knows from experience that if you stay there too long, you won't be able to get back up.

And that's how she's operated since emerging from that dungeon. She's always been focused on moving forward, on not allowing things like sadness to slow her down. But the key thing is that those negative emotions are still there. Despite how hard she tries to shove them down, they're still piling up inside and burning away like a coal fire. They burn hot and are almost impossible to vanquish but they aren't raging - she can ignore them if she tries hard enough. And she does, for a long time.

But then Byleth dies. Someone she cares very deeply about, someone who became a rock in her life, who was the difference between her existence as a weapon of war and El, the girl she thought had died in the dungeon. Even if she does not end up marrying Byleth, Byleth is still incredibly important to her. And just like she had to do with her family, she watched Byleth die.

And the timing is key here because unlike with her siblings, there's nowhere to go after Byleth's death. The one who arguably caused it has already been killed. She could keep going after TWSitD, but then what? For the first time, she's faced with the inevitability that sometimes, there's only grief. She can't run from it this time, can't find something to keep her mind busy.

And so, despite years and years of convincing herself that her heart was made of stone and ice, that crying will do little except show weakness, of shoving aside feeling anything under the pretext that she doesn't have time for it... Her heart breaks. All of that bottled-up grief finally breaks through to the surface. And she cries.

…The edeleth fandom (me) is in shambles


reblog this post to give the person you reblogged from a fruit gummy



fire emblem three houses ask game!

01. favorite house?

02. strongest unit you had?

03. unit you always recruit?

04. favorite golden deer?

05. favorite blue lion?

06. favorite black eagle?

07. favorite ashen wolf?

08. favorite house leader?

09. favorite faculty member?

10. favorite support conversation?

11. favorite song?

12. favorite activity (tea, fishing)?

13. what's one thing you'd change about fe3h?

14. most emotional moment?

15. favorite support conversation?

16. what class would you be if you went to garreg mach?

17. character you relate to?

18. favorite pre timeskip design?

19. favorite post timeskip design?

20. unpopular opinion?

21. favorite dynamic between characters?

22. favorite heroes relic?

23. favorite class?

24. shez or byleth?

25. favorite difficulty?


wow i wonder if that 300 year gap could be explained by any outside factors…….whoa! for some reason it lines up with the timeline of britain’s invasion and subsequent colonization of ireland! wild, huh? i wonder if the two are connected in some way? i guess the world will never know….

“why do the Irish hate the English so much? It couldn’t have been *that* bad!!”

This was in place till 1973.


Seeing non irish people reblogging this makes me happy


My eternal gratitude to fruits basket fanfiction writers who explore Kakeru and Machi’s relationship and give them the depth they deserve. You all are doing god’s work that canon was too coward to do.


Hilda by Duane Bryers

More Hilda!!

in this family we love and support Hilda.

Yes! Hilda!


What i love about this artist’s depictions of women is even the sexualized ones the woman is always genuinely happy and enjoying herself. Frolicking or making funny faces, she’s living her life and looking sexy while doing it, not sitting in a sexual pose for the audience’s view.


I always forget about Hilda and am so pleased when she randomly shows up on my dash. Always makes my day


I love Hilda so much and I want her to be happy


more Hilda!


I freaking love Hilda, there’s needs to be more art like this.

I will never not reblog Hilda


Hilda is a treasure ❤️❤️❤️

obsessed with how she went “these pajamas don’t fit? i will make them fit.” keep #girl bossing


This is heart wrenching.

Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura) has been suffering from Dementia for years. She’s lots most of her money, the home she loved and there is a fight for her conservatorship

Her sister has set up a GoFundMe site for her. The link is at the very bottom of this post. Please share this information.

Read the article below and please donate if you can. Even a couple dollars will help.


Y’all went hard for Free Brittany over conservatorship now do the same for Nichelle

So I read the entire thing, and this one is slightly more complex than “dad is abusive conservator.” So I’m going to lay out here what’s going on:

1) Nichelle has dementia.

2) In 2010, this guy approached her all “hey so I want to make this movie with you as a costar, very good contract, please accept.”

3) she did.

4) he was lying.

5) during the next several years he moved onto her property and became a squatter, billing all his utilities and expenses to Nichelle. In other words, she’s paying for the privilege of him using her property.

6) during this time he also managed to get her to give him power of attorney over both financial AND MEDICAL decisions. Much of her savings has just kind of vanished, and it seems likely he’s been leeching it away.

Okay. So, recap: this guy is NOT a conservator. He got power of attorney, which is actually a very good and useful thing when appropriately applied. (Basically, it means if you become incapacitated you’ve already selected a person to handle certain kinds of affairs for you.) In this case, however, it’s pretty clear POA is being abused and seriously misused.

7) Nichelle’s son managed to become her conservator, with the goal of kicking the deadbeat off the property and ensuring his mom has access to her hard-earned funds so she can be old with dignity. (In a perfect world, this is how conservatorship would always be used. His interest is in protecting the person, not making a profit.) He has become her primary caretaker.

I don’t know how advanced Nichelle’s dementia is, but I can tell you from experience that as the disease progresses, being a caretaker can become a full-time job, and that, yes—this is one of those extremely limited cases where conservatorship might actually be a good idea. My grandmother had Alzheimer’s (not all dementia is caused by Alzheimer’s, but all cases of Alzheimer’s are dementia), and nearly burned down the house once because she turned on the stove, forgot she’d turned it on, and went to take a nap. Having someone of sound mind who can make arrangements for things like appropriate in-home care so this doesn’t happen is deeply important.

8) deadbeat is fighting to get conservatorship removed—and possibly reassigned to himself. That part is a little less clear. What is clear is that he does not have Nichelle’s best interests at heart.

9) this fundraiser is to help with legal fees to get deadbeat off the property and help assist Nichelle and her son in securing what’s left of her assets.

So just so we’re clear: in this case we are actually fighting FOR a conservatorship. However, this conservatorship is to protect someone with an actual medical diagnosis that means she has diminished mental capacity to care for herself (literally, that’s what dementia is: loss of memory and cognition on a scale significant enough to interfere with daily life), and to ensure that what is hers, REMAINS hers.


Reblogging this version for the commentary, since people seem to be unclear about the situation.

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