
spirituality, self development, writing


Nika✨Writer🤍 Working on my debut novel🧛🏻‍♂️🐺 IG:@nikasholistic

You have to feel it and assume it to manifest it. Manifestation starts within you. It starts with your thoughts and emotions. When you get those in alignment with your manifestation, your manifestation will come to you. Your inner world is a blueprint for your outer world.

Make sure that your thoughts are serving you. Make sure that your thoughts are supporting your manifestations. Make sure that your thoughts contribute to your happiness and well-being. You are the only person thinking inside your head. Choose thoughts that serve you. Choose feelings that serve you. Your thoughts and feelings are the foundation of every manifestation. The better they are, the quicker you get your manifestation.


Self love is the foundation of every other relationship in your life. The relationship you have with yourself affects every other relationship in your life. It’s time to stop being your worst critic. It's time to stop pointing out your flaws. It’s time to befriend yourself. It’s time to become your greatest friend and supporter. It’s time to realize how amazing you are.

You give so much love away to other people. Why wouldn’t you give some to yourself? Start treating yourself as you would treat the love of your life. Spoil yourself. Date yourself. Self love will allow you to elevate your entire energy. Self love will magnetize to you wonderful things and circumstances. Self love will give an amazing reality.


Magical things happen when you raise your frequency. Suddenly, you become a magnet for synchronicities, for wonderful things and circumstances. These things are not available to you on your current frequency. They’re available on a higher timeline. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your vibration and frequency. When you broadcast the frequency of abundance, you get the matching results in your reality.


When you raise your vibration, you become a match for wonderful things. Your vibration is the foundation of your reality. Your energy creates your reality. Your dominant energetic state and thus your dominant vibration shapes the reality around you. So cherish your energy. Protect your energy. 

You are an energetic being. You create your reality through energy. So create love, create joy, create abundance. It all starts inside you. When you become the energy you want to have in your reality, you magnetize all your desires to you. You start attracting the right people, circumstances, and synchronicities. Provide the Universe with the right energetic blueprint, and you’ll get the reality of your dreams.


Tune into this energy. Whatever it is you want, tune into it energetically. It is the fastest way to manifest your desires. It is the fastest way to get anything you want. Everything is energy in the Universe. Everything is frequency and vibration. Match the frequency of your desired reality, and you will get this reality.

Feel like the person you want to become. Embody your desired reality on an inner level. The more you embody the energy of your desired reality, the faster you will shift into this reality. Creation always starts inside you. Creation starts with your energy. When you elevate your state of being, your reality follows. When you elevate your state of mind, you become a magnet for wonderful things.


thank you so much for 12 000 followers, I love you all so much 💗❤💕


This dream was planted in your heart for a reason. Connect to it. Give it life. Embrace your greatness. Embrace your magnificence. You came here with a unique, divine purpose. Fulfilling this purpose is your mission. Fulfilling this purpose will transform your life in a positive way.

Magical things happen when you start following your life purpose. Suddenly, the entire Universe starts working in your favor. The Universe is helping you fulfill your purpose. You start attracting the right people and circumstances. You start attracting synchronicities. When you align with your life purpose, your life becomes truly magical. Align with your life purpose, and you will create a magical reality for yourself.


Abundance is your current reality. Joy is your current reality. Love is your current reality. When you embody the state and think from the state, you create the thing you want in your reality, not the opposite way. Your inner world is a blueprint for your outer world. When you control what’s going on in your inner world, you control your life.


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