
local Goth Cat ™

@morha-ffxiv / morha-ffxiv.tumblr.com

★ Morha Hijahl ★ Keeper of the Moon ★ Thaumaturge ★ A Fuckin' Nerd ★ (An RP + Inspiration + OOC FFXIV blog.) ⇢Located on the Balmung server.⇠

hi xiv blogs, if you're new to tumblr here's some site etiquette tips to make you feel more confident posting:

  1. you can turn off reblogs. you can do this by default or stop posts if they start to escape your intended audience. to do this, hit the top right cogwheel when editing the post. you can disable comments here, too.
  2. the above is where you can alter the format of the post to make the font smaller or use gradient text (this has to be done through html).
  3. community labels are the reason we have a slightly more lax nsfw policy now. please use the labels (the "everyone" tab is found next to the "post now" button).
  4. we have tags and replies. please dont add your comment directly on the post, it's considered extremely rude and people will reblog around you for it.
  5. tags are less reliable than twitter but they do work. muting tags also works.
  6. turn off visible likes. go to your settings to access this and disable it.
  7. blog rolls are a trap. no one is obligated to know your follows or likes.
  8. block liberally. tumblr's block is really good and it's less invasive than twitter. curate your space and try to focus on the fun ok byeeeeeee

ohhh haha you're a dragon? *twirls hair on finger* you look so strong.. haha how much can you lift?? 35 tonnes?? ohh haha that's so cool.. you can breathe fire too huh? ooh,, Lightning huh?? haha.. could you show me?~ *is immediately vaporised*



1. What is their favorite article of clothing, or one that they wear most often? 2. Do they have anything in their wardrobe that they have never worn? If so, why? 3. Are they close with their family? If not, do they have a found family they are close with? 4. Do they tend to hold on to things for sentimental reasons? 5. Do they go looking for love or do they prefer for things to happen naturally? 6. What is their hygiene / makeup routine? 7. What do they do for self care? 8. What hobbies do they have, or what do they do for fun? 9. What career did they want as a child? 10. Do they have any celebrity crushes? 11. What was their first kiss like? 12. How many pets have they had throughout their life? Which was their favorite? 13. What does their bedroom look like? 14. If they had one letter or one voicemail to send to a loved one and could never speak to them again, what would they say? (sender can specify loved one or recipient can choose) 15. If they were in a slasher movie, what stereotype would they fall under? 16. Have they ever been in love? If so, with whom? 17. What piece of media influenced them the most growing up? 18. Do they have any phobias? 19. What is their dream home like? 20. Do they have any children? If so, how is their relationship? If not, would they like any? 21. Have they committed any crimes? If so, were they punished or did they get away with it? 22. What colors do they love? What colors do they hate? 23. What is their favorite food? Least favorite food? 24. Do they have any niche interests? 25. Is there anything about themselves or their life that they are ashamed of? 26. Is there anything about themselves or their life that they are proud of? 27. Do they collect anything, or have they in the past? 28. Do they spend a lot of time online? 29. Have they gone to college? What was their major? 30. Have they had any near death experiences? 31. Share a random headcanon.


Radical New Idea:

A female character who is a cold, relentless leader, always pragmatic, and able to make whatever hard decisions need to be made in order to ensure success and survival, tremendously skilled and devastatingly efficient at her job, tragically terrible at being overtly nice to people, who is also not evil and is still fundamentally a good person.

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