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@trademarkhubris / trademarkhubris.tumblr.com

✿~ if my tags are incoherent its because of who i am as a person ❀ S/Cat/Cha, 31, they, iel/il ❀ bless this mess ❀ I'll tag any trigger/squick/content warning you need me to, anonymous is open. i might not answer but i'll read it! ❀ may spam reblog posts occasionally ~✿

this is a pinned post


welcome to my main blog, it's a mess. check out the bio theres already a lot of stuff up there!


icon by @bansq !!!

you can find the original art [HERE]


additionally, i don't reply to messages/asks because im having extreme bad brain time 3000 and am in an isolation period. sorry. i do read them and feel bad about not replying, if that helps.

PLEASE feel free to block or soft block me if you don't want me following you!!!


other blogs available

@tencoalblocks mcytblr blog (occasionally art but rarely) (non mcyt cube game post go on the main blog) (kinda gave up on this sideblog now everything goes on main. cringe is dead yadda yadda)

@unresolvedscientifictension newmann art blog (on indefinite hiatus)

@pumpkinspicetoadstool forest/aesthetics blog


i also have a tiny playlist of unlisted stuff i filmed playing the block game, they’re not very long or interesting bc i mostly shared them there for 1 friend and also i ramble a lot and say things abt game mechanics that are simply wrong. but im having fun!


cashier: ok that'll be $20

me (visibly sweating): ah, yes, of course! a perfectly reasonable price for a grilled cheese and a small smoothie! that was exactly the price i expected you to say when i ordered a single grilled cheese and a smoothie and my vision is NOT getting blurry as we speak! i am a perfectly normal temperature and my speech patterns are natural and even because this is the countenance of an individual who expected to pay 20 american dollars for a single grilled cheese and a smoothie!

cashier: where's all that blood coming from



I do not condone medical malpractice.


the fact that kobolds seem to be this more "animalistic" race, with kuro talking in broken language and like improper grammar. this, coupled with the fact that he seems unaware of the fact that he's being exploited by mick, makes kobolds appear to be less intelligent than other races.

but we actually find out that the simple speech patterns are in fact due to common being kuro's second language. and in a scene where kabru talks to kuro in his native language, it's actually kabru with the simple speech patterns.

we even learn that kuro seems to actually have a much better understanding of his situation with mick than we first imagine. merely wanting to stay with them so they can have someone who they can feel relaxed around.

this, coupled with a bunch of other things, really makes dungeon meshi stand out from other fantasy media. there are no "dumb" or "evil" races, they're all just people.

I'm an adult

You're a dumbass who the fuck says something like that


a few months ago my friend called me and told me she was moving back up near me from 7 hours south in the middle of nowhere and asked if i would help her because she couldn’t move the furniture by herself and the town was so small there was no moving company (there were actually only 5 or six businesses in the whole town including both restaurants) and she had no one else down there to ask. 

And even though money is pretty tight for her, she told me I could name my price if I would help her, because it was so far away.

I told her she was a dummy for thinking i would take her money but that i would accept the traditional helping-a-friend-move price: a meal (i know she would feel wrong about herself if she didn’t do something for me in return, that’s just how she is) Tradition suggests pizza and beer, we opted for enchiladas and a margarita.

we crashed on the floor of the empty place and left back north in the morning - when we got back to the city three more friends met us at her storage place (the place she was moving into wouldn’t be vacant for a couple months) and we started to move all her stuff up to a storage room on the THIRD FLOOR (because large city storage places be like that)

we had just taken the first box out of the truck when the (only) lady working there walked by and told us they closed in an hour and twenty minutes, and she couldn’t stay even a little late because she had to get to her other job.

One hour twenty minutes. To completely un-jenga a large uhaul and re-tetris it back into a similar sized room on the third floor.

We all just, shared a look, took off hoodies, and got the fuck down to business. 

It was actually.. I still cherish look we passed around. The tiny eyebrow quirks and chin nods. The eye glints. The bigger breath we each took as we prepared to kick it up several gears. That moment of wordless connection, when we all just silently agreed that we were damn well going to do the impossible and didn’t even waste the time it would take to say anything, just got to it.

And we did it too. Finished with exactly two full minutes to spare. And then we all went for dinner and drinks to celebrate. And my friend’s friends that came to help? Two of them were acquaintances/friends of mine already. Like I lived with one for a year a decade ago sort of thing. But this experience? Brought us all closer. Made myself a new friend too.

And the friend i helped move? She and I are closer than ever because of it.

When i left our storage success diner to go home, she asked me again if I was sure i wouldn’t take any money.

I said “I ever tell you when I was 22 I went down to Hollywood to try that scene out? Anyway ten months later, when I just couldn’t do it anymore, and needed to come back, I called one of my best friends and said i can’t do this anymore i need to come back. You know what he said? He said: I’ll be there tomorrow. Not how much will you pay me, not what do i get out of it, not will you be able to cover my gas, just: I’ll be there tomorrow. Okay? You’re my friend. If you need help, I’m going to be there”

If helping someone move ruins your friendship, you’re doing at least one of those two things very wrong.


One time my rabbi told us, “imagine you had a box with a little bit of god in it. What would you do with the box?”

So we were like ?? “We’d protect it and keep it nice and clean and polished” and he was like “your body’s that box. Stop eating markers”

Every time I come across this post the last sentence smacks me in the face

oh this post’s back


as newspapers today dont tend to hire children, a modern day Tintin would run a clickbait YouTube channel, except the clickbait is 100% real every single time

he starts off as an irritating conservative pundit at 14, meets Chang then leaves the think tank paying him and launches his own independent channel and blows up shortly after. Chang helps with video editing and managing his socials and they often chat on video calls between adventures. Haddock, his foster dad, has absolutely no knowledge of his earlier videos.


y'all not to doxx myself too hard but irl i have spent some time in my life in mental health recovery, and i am here to tell anyone who needs to hear it that people with multiples & schizophrenia & psychosis & BPD are fun and interesting and lovable people and my friends

i knew somebody in recovery who had a system of 12 personalities that he drew out in a nested chart for me. they did not remember each other's experiences. and it was cool! i could talk with one alter and then catch up another alter later about what we talked about! it was fun!

i knew a girl with psychosis who heard voices in static and running water but didn't want to get rid of them cause they never said anything distressing and they were familiar and comfortable. that's awesome! how cool is the variance of human experience??

hey to the person who tagged this "of course there are exceptions" make your own post you stigmatizing bitch the mad community are my homies and nobody wants your stank ass

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