
hardlight also has rights

@globbyz / globbyz.tumblr.com

Welcome, on this blog we stan Globby.
[absolutely beautiful header was made by my friend @calliepeepers]

It's that time of year again! The Series may be over, but this fandom tradition is far from ending! Yes, yes, everyone! It's time to start preparing for the BH6 Secret Santa!

Here's a quick reminder of how this works:

  1. Fill out the form linked above! The cut-off date for form submissions will be November 28th!
  2. At the beginning of December, you'll be sent a DM (or ask, but don't post it!) with your recipient and their likes!
  3. Have fun and get creative with their gift, but don't reveal to them that you're making them one!
  4. Post your gift between December 25th and January 1st! Make sure to tag your recipient and use #bh6secretsanta !

Finally, some simple rules!

  1. Keep it PG! (AKA: No NSFW content.)
  2. KEEP HATE AWAY! Character and ship hate are not tolerated in any way, shape or form.
  3. Make sure to let me know if you need to drop out! No shame if you do! It's just so I can make sure that your giftee can still get a gift.

And with that, I'll end this post! Thank you all to everyone who has participated in the past, and I am looking forward to see how this year's event goes!


Como ya he dicho antes, ellos dos son tan lindos.  uwu’ Disfruten de estos dulces fanarts que iré subiendo.  : D Espero les guste. Y si no les gusta, bueno, solo respeten los gustos de los demás.  e.e’ No a todos les gusta la misma ship. Cada quien con sus gustos.  x3 Ay, me siento tan… parece que el IzuOcha se hará realidad. Al menos eso espero.  :‘3 Por lo que he notado en algunas publicaciones, es que habrá momentos lindos de ellos dos jasksakjsjka.  ¡Que emoción!.  >u<’ Hiro y Karmi pertenecen a los creadores de la serie Big Hero 6, Disney.


not sure if this was already posted, but we have a release date for the series tie-in comics!!


the barnes & noble listing also mentions an "all-new adventure", so that seems to confirm it as a continuation rather than a retelling of the series

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