@tatteredviclet-blog / tatteredviclet-blog.tumblr.com

ind. violet harmon. written by alexa!


  • “There’s a war going on out there somewhere.”
  • “He spends his money on women and wine.”
  • “The war can’t touch us here.”
  • “___’s family– totally messed up.”
  • “It’s dawned on me suddenly, and for no obvious reason, that I can’t go on living as I am.”
  • “I used to be better.”
  • “Right now my friend fights and bleeds while I sit home and read.”
  • “I never thought that I’d end up like this.”
  • “The women, they all pity me ‘cause I’m married but not in love.”
  • “How beautiful you looked in the show.”
  • “He loves me only. He’ll come home one day and take me away. I want nothing more.”
  • “How wonderful to have you here instead of these gossips and crybabies.”
  • “He’ll be the family’s saving grace.”
  • “I never go anywhere, I’m never invited.”
  • “I don’t have any friends. All my friends are dead.”
  • “It’s my money and I’ll throw it where I want.”
  • “I know they’ll like me. They can’t help but like me. Everybody always likes me.”
  • “How can anyone sleep?”
  • “No, I am enjoying myself at home this evening.” 
  • “There’s a woman one should stay far away from.”
  • “He’s handsome up close as at a distance.”
  • “Gonna drink tonight, gonna drink tonight!”
  • “The doctors warned me that with my corpulence, vodka and wine are dangerous for me.”
  • “Keep drinking, old man.”
  • “God has made me as I am. All I care for is gaiety and women and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
  • “How dare you touch her! You can’t love her!”
  • “So I shall be killed! What is it to you?”
  • “Just tell me where to go and tell me where to shoot.”
  • “Is this how I die? Furious and reckless, sick with booze?”
  • “They say we are asleep until we fall in love.”
  • “Don’t let me die while I’m like this.”
  • “She’s first-rate, my dear, but she’s not for you. Just wait ‘till she’s married.”
  • “I can’t bear to think of it. I’ll shut myself in my room and try on new dresses.”
  • “My brother is quite madly in love. He is quite madly in love with you, my dear.”
  • “I don’t know good from bad.”
  • “Don’t speak to me of that when I tell you that I am madly, madly in love with you.”
Flower always knew how stab his nerves. What could she possibly be holding behind her tongue?
With a scoff he threw his gaze away from her cold stare.  “It takes two, Violet. You can’t sit here and blame me for everything. Before I loved you? Yes. Of fucking course you can. After? No. Not anymore.”  A frown. “You seem to forget the most important part of our love story: I changed for you–
Tate’s breathing became shallow as he sifted through the vocabulary of insults. Realizing harsh words would only scrape the surface, he decided to cut deeper. ”But nothing will ever be enough. You’d rather be alone than accept the fact that you can’t shake me–I can’t shake you. Although, now, I loathe the presence of you.
He couldn’t muster the courage to say anything more. In fact, all he could do was sit in sorrow. She was finally speaking to him- yet all he could do was attack her with words.
He’s in pain.

       ❛ you changed for me ?? BULLSHIT. we both know you would never stop hurting people. not for me--not for anyone. ❜

     it was an idea--a FANTASY. an awful one now that she thought it through. there’s no way she’d be able to FIX him. he was willing to change, she knew that now. so, what was the point ?? the two of them had always seemed perfect for each other. SOULMATES--even. violet harmon just couldn’t seem to forget his dark past. 

        ❛ that’s not true. i don’t want to be alone. wait-- ❜

       his words seemed to echo in her mind. ‘ i loathe the presence of you ‘. was that true ?? could he really not stand being with her ?? what could she have done so WRONG that even a complete psychopath didn’t even want to be with her. 

As they ran through the halls he noticed eyes full of fear analyzing their every move. He had to throw them off. Swiftly, he pulled her forcefully to the janitor’s closet. An entrance to the roof seen above them.
You’ve fucked it all,” Tate scolded the girl as he locked the door behind them. “I was almost finished. I could have gone home.Home, Devil? You view death as an inviting home?
Noticing the way her eyes stood frigid, locked on his weapon, he lowered it once more. Knowing full well he couldn’t hurt the girl he released hot air from chapped lips. “Shit. Shit. Shit.

    her heart was racing what felt like a thousand beats per second. her palms, producing enough sweat as if she was standing for hours in the sun on a excruciating, hot, day. she didn’t understand why he still had shot her, gotten RID of her already. she was NOTHING to him. and suddenly, she became this toy--for him to carry around. 

    the janitor’s closet always had that distinct smell of dirty water and cleaning supplies. it was a smell she was now going to associate with this--this moment. amber hues look directly into his DARK ones. 

        ❛ HOME ?? there’s no going home after this. you killed people. those people--kids out there are terrified. most of them hurt. some of them--DEAD. ❜     

Stil might- what, Violet?”  His grin lit up the room. Flower’s petal’s seem wilted.
I haven’t changed a bit. The only piece of me that could possibly appear off is how I speak with you. You broke my heart, Violet. There’s no more sweet words to give.
With an ego filled tone he laughed in her presence. “You thought I loved you? No. You knew I did.
You betrayed me.

     ❛ NOTHING--it doesn’t matter. ❜  but, it did. her current feelings for him mattered so much to her. and she hated herself for it. this constant BATTLE in her mind between good and evil. what she felt and what was actually right. it sucked. ❛  i broke YOUR heart ?? ❜ she couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, she couldn’t believe her ears. ❛  you broke mine when i found out you killed those kids--when you raped my mother. i can’t believe you’re trying to BLAME me for all of this. ❜  although, she still wanted there to be more sweet words--but, maybe that just wasn’t possible anymore. and they were both cursed to be stuck in this house for eternity--ALONE

Gun in hand, loaded and ready, he debated on shooting the stranger. She was so fragile- one shot would be enough. As he lifted the gun to eye level he began speaking once more. “I don’t want to hurt you,” He repeated through pained eyes.
As she said his name the gun lowered. Something about the way she begged caused a twitch in his previous decisions.  Hearing sirens, black eyes widened.
If you’re so brave then you wouldn’t mind coming with me,” Tate’s arm gripped hers as he began pacing down the hall. “You’ve really fucked things.

      HOLY SHIT. what had she gotten herself into now ?? the flower attempted to free herself from the boy but, despite his small frame, he was strong--stronger than her at least. was he trying to take her HOSTAGE or something ?? violet’s mind raced with questions she didn’t know the answers to. if she had just stayed quiet, she wouldn't be in this situation.   

     ❛ WHAT ?? NO ??   his fingers were digging into the skin which was covered by a sweater. where were they going ?? what was he going to do to her ??   ❛ ---please--stop. ❜ she mumbled, softly. watching the faces around them, just as terrified as she was. 

Kyle shook his head. “You can’t let them make it worse!” He pointed out. He put a hand on Violet’s shoulder, drawing her away from the girl who was groaning past bloody, SWOLLEN lips. Some conflict in dark umber hues. He glanced to the girl then to Violet. “You should go. I’ll call an ambulance.” Kyle urged. Violet’s battered knuckles s c r e a m e d out her crime. Scratches over her cheek from her bully’s struggle – whoever stumbled on this scene would know instantly what happened. & Kyle felt nauseous looking at the beaten girl… But he knew (to some extent) what this girl put Violet through.
    as things slowed down, and she began to bring herself back down to REALITY. listening to his words, the flower looked over to the girl she’d hurt. what had gotten into her ?? none of this was like her, and now she brought kyle into her MESS of a life.   ❛ no--i’m NOT leaving you. ❜  she couldn’t. not after what she had done. this was HER fault.  ❛ i’m sorry.❜  violet muttered, her eyes refusing to meet the other’s. 
Oh, poor me, my psychopathic boyfriend killed people,” Tate mocked the girl as she spoke with sincerity.  “You knew the game you walked into once you downed all of those pills. Yet, you still stayed. Death only bothers you when it’s close to home- you never gave a fuck about the others. How could you sit here and say things have changed? I am still the same, naive boy you fell in love with. Only difference is now I don’t have to lie anymore.
With a crack of his back and a thunder roaring in his chest, he leaned his body against the wall. Preparing. “You just can’t stand the fact that you’re loving this. Me, feeding into your bullshit. You, waiting for the right moment to run away again. I won’t beg for you, Violet. I know what I’ve lost- I don’t need to fear losing it again.” Langdon missed his Flower, always. But things are different now. He felt betrayed.

         ❛ ---you’re not. you’re not the same. maybe it was all too good to be true. a BOY who had the same outlook as me--who understood me--who ( I THOUGHT ) loved me. i can’t believe i was so stupid. ❜  the flower wasn’t sure whether she was more frustrated with him or with herself. she’s the one who trusted him, who let him in. how could she do that ?? 

           amber hues watch his movements, carefully, ready for anything he might have the balls to do. he was RIGHT. he still knew what she was thinking and she HATED that.   ❛ no, i can’t stand the fact that i still might--❜ cutting herself off, she let out a heavy sigh. she couldn’t--she WOULDN’T give him that satisfaction.  ❛ i don’t even know why i came back here. for some reason i thought that you might be different. ❜

               (  TWENTY MINUTES LATER  ) [ TEXT : VIOLET ]   sorry [ TEXT : VIOLET ]   Yes, everything’s okay. [ TEXT : VIOLET ]   Mind if I go over a little later? [ TEXT : VIOLET ]   Mommy dearest is having a meltdown and…  ( UNSENT ) [ TEXT : VIOLET ]   We can play twenty questions until then [ TEXT : VIOLET ]   Or we can talk about how GREAT school went 

( text → tate ) : yeah, sure. that’s okay, i guess. 

( text → tate ) : great?? i wish. leah and her bitches called me out again during lunch.

( text → tate ) : it sucks. 

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