
drinking coffee & learning Finnish

@lily-learns-finnish / lily-learns-finnish.tumblr.com

just here, learning Finnish

Word of the day: huti

huti = "miss", "fail"

Hutiostokset ovat tavallisia, kun vaatteita tilataan netistä.  = "Unsucessful" purchases are common when buying clothes online.


mielellään = happily, with pleasure, willingly

Kyllä mielelläni autan. = Yes I'll happily help.

Lapset leikkisivät mielellään vähän aikaa. = The child would happily play for a little while.

Jos tulee kysyttävää, vastamme mielellämme. = If there are questions we'll happily answer.


olla ihmeissään [ni/si/ään] = to be amazed (or baffled)

Olen ihmeissäni. = I'm amazed.

olla kauhuissaan = to be terrified, horrified

Hän oli ihan kauhuissaan. = He was completely horrified.

olla peloissaan = to scared

Lapsi oli peloissaan kun hän näki koiran. = The child was scared when he saw the dog.

olla raivoissaan = to be enraged

Olen raivoissani hänelle. = I'm so angry at him.


Verb of the day: olla allerginen

olla allerginen [+lle] = to be allergic [to something]

Olen allerginen koivupuille. = I am allergic to birch trees.

The other way to say this is:

Minulla on koivuallergia. = I have a birch allergy.


If you want to see if you want to see if you can speak Finnish better than an almost 2 year old, here are some things my kids say in Finnish:

ikkuna! ikkuna! (Whenever you see a window)

Äiti pois [I go away], Äiti istuu [I sit]... (repeat indefinitely)

Ovi auki /Ovi kiinni

Äiti auttaa / Äiti pesee

Pelottaa/ Ei pelota (depending on how fast the swing is going)

Lapio! (Usually but not usually when in the sandpit)

Mopo!!! (Whenever a moped goes past)

Koira!!!! (Whenever a dog goes past)

Maito, maito, maito (whenever you want milk)

Isi kotona.

Sisällä / Ulkona

Pesulle (after eating)

Missä äiti on? (I would have said: Missä on äiti? But I'm assuming now I've been wrong)

Äiti mukana.

Täällä / Siellä

(usually singing) Onko äiti täällä? On äiti täällä.

Kirja, kahvi, kukka, kakku, kakka (K-words are easy)

Housu (very occasionally said correctly as: housut)

Takki, sukka, uusi paita, hattu, jne.

Nämä, nämä, nämä (regardless of whether it's one item or many)

Moi, moi moi, moikka, heippa, jne.


Verb of the day: startata

startata = to start

-> Definitely a loanword coming directly from English.

-> I usually see this used by companies or in advertising for when something exciting starts:

Uusi kausi starttaa tänään! = A new season starts today!

->The other meaning is relating to a car starting

Auto ei starttaa = Auto ei käynnisty = The car won't start.


Word of the day: taskuvarkaus

taskuvarkaus = pickpocketing

tasku = pocket

varkaus = thief

Taskuvarkaus on hyvin yleistä suurkaupungeissa. = Pickpocketing is very common in big cities.


Finnish resources I use

When I started learning Finnish I actually had a hard time finding the right resources for me, and it was a really slow start. However now I think the resources are out there if you know where to look and here are some that I personally like to use. (Sorry if these are just a repeat for people who actually know what they are doing…) 


1) Finnished - interesting videos spoken by a native Finn

2) Luke Bland (in particular Suomi Torstai) 

3) Elämä on mukava - this show is so lame and ridiculous, but at least they speak fairly slowly. 

4) Tosi helppo - the news is presented in simple Finnish (video, radio and written down). It’s still very hard for someone of my level to understand, but worth trying. 


2) CLOZEMASTER - at first this was really hard, so perhaps not for a total beginner.


1) Finnish for Foreigners by Maija-Hellikki Aaltio

2) Suomen Mestari 1 and 2

Grammar sources:

2) The Finnish Teacher - I particular like some of the grammar explanations here (such as conjugating in present tense). 

Online dictionaries and similar:

1) Finnish verb conjugator - very helpful if you know the basic form of the verb, but can’t conjugate it yourself yet. 

2) Wiktionary - great for typing in a word and finding out what form it is in (i.e. partitive/genitive/etc).


1) italki - you can buy relatively cheap 30 minute or 1 hour lessons with a native speaker or teacher, or alternatively try and do a language exchange for free.

2) Finding random Finnish people to talk to (sometimes harder than it sounds and I live with one and have multiple Finnish work colleagues…).


Do you have any tips for self-studying? I have a hard time motivating myself to practice Finnish when I’m not around physically around people who speak it. Love your blog :)


I can totally understand your situation because I was self-studying for such a long time too! For myself, keys have been to find the motivation and to find the right resources (at the right time). At first I would just try to learn one new thing from The Finnish Teacher every time I studied, and I used Memrise a lot for vocabulary. Then slowly I starting using ClozeMaster too. Eventually I also could listen to Tosi Helppo and more recently Selkouutiset. And then slowly I started being able to watch videos from Finnished. Textbooks can also help a lot (like Suomen Mestari or Finnish for Foreigners 1), but of course studying from the one textbook becomes a bit boring. Finally in terms of resources: you can always try to find helpful Finns on italki or other similar platforms. At least for me, it was definitely a big mental barrier starting to talk to people I didn’t already know in Finnish, but sometimes the things that are most challenging generate the best results.  

Then in terms of motivation - perhaps it is something that varies a lot from individual to individual. For me making this silly video when I still really struggling to form sentences was somehow really motivating, booking flights to Finland for the first time was a huge motivator (and I did it super early so I had this period leading up to it to study), but even now scheduling a phone call in Finnish for 3 days away makes me want to study knowing it is coming. 

In terms of the bigger picture, I try to just keep in the front of my mind the what (what I want to achieve) and the why (the big motivators I have to learn Finnish). Best wishes for your studies and thanks so much for the positive feedback.

Hope this helps!


kaivuri - digger

trukki - forklift

rekka - truck

nosturi - lifter (crane)

traktori - tractor

mopo - moped

laiva - ship

vene - boat

auto - car

pakettiauto (paku) - van

asuntoauto - camper van

pyörä - bike

polkupyörä - bicycle

potkupyörä - kick bike

farmari - station wagon

bussi - bus


"odottaa kuin kuuta nousevaa" - to really look forward to something

literally: to look forward to something as if you look forward to a rising moon

-for context apparently this saying is old (but still used)

Hän odottaa seuraavaa lomaa kuin kuuta nousevaa. - She just can't wait for her next holiday.


pitää/aiheuttaa huolta

aiheuttaa huolta = to cause concern

Tapaus on aiheuttanut huolta hänelle. = The case has worried him.

pitää huolta = to take care [of]

Aion pitää hänestä huolta. = I intend to take care of him.


Verb of the day: notkistua

notkistua = to become more flexible / to bend, to flex (intrans)

Väsyneet lihakset eivät jaksa ylläpitää asentoa ja selkä notkistuu helposti. = Tired muscles aren't able to maintain a [good] posture and the back can easily become hunched/bent.


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