



I think the concept of fictional characters breaking the fourth wall to find out about their own ships is always funny, but I need you to imagine lawlight learning about lawlight for a second. Light's face goes completely blank save for a violent eye twitch while he internally cycles through all five stages of grief and at least 10 emotions not yet recognised by the field of psychology within a matter of seconds, after which he plasters on a very strained polite smile and asks what "law" stands for in the most fake saccharine voice you've ever heard. L tries to murder Light with his bare hands. Light decks L in the face while getting choked out and weasels away, politely excusing himself for a minute, then L drops dead immediately after. Love loses, roll credits


I saw some who said it should be reversed so I wanted to add:

- L is more apathetic than concerned

- Light is flexing false confidence convincing himself he can get out of this but is actually on the verge of a mental breakdown


Another AO3 thing I’m curious about, how do yall decide if something is good enough to read? Usually I follow a rule of 1 kudos for every 10 hits. One because it’s easy math and two it’s yet to fail me. Thoughts? Do you just go for it and pray it’s good?


Cause I...like the first paragraph? Like. Not everyone's cup of tea is my own. I don't care how it impacts other people as long as it impacts me 🤷‍♀️


FUCK my life. I just accidentally closed a tab on an unfinished chapter for one of my fanfictions on AO3 and all the work has been lost down to the drain ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ. I was really proud of that chapter and was thinking of publishing it soon but that's obviously out of the equation now. I don't even remember what id written on it, just that I really liked it 😭😭 I hate myself


Oh no, not the dungeon… 🫣


Me with alien stage. Idkw but the angst there is just SOOOOOOO good I'm actively cackling in some scenes. Everyone is so cute and it hurts so good


What is the biggest disappointment in fanfic?


I raise you: when a fanfic is mouth wateringly good with amazing themes of morality, good and evil, justice - a piece I think really explores the banality of human life and then it turns into CHRISTIAN PROPAGANDA IN THE LAST CHAPTER


You cannot say that a top grossing artist is "feral" or making you "feral." You are listening to the Billboard Top 40. You are very domesticated.

Stupid ass take. The fame of the artist doesn't define how it makes you feel. Do you not see me go hogwild eating potatoes, easily one of the top 5 most well known vegetables

We're like shooting stars you and I


I need everyone to read the replies


u ever see someone with extremely fucked up views (or actions) and think wowww if a couple of things in my life went the tiniest bit differently that would have been me


I think most people would benefit from reflecting on how this might be true for them

Sometimes people bitch about media, both fiction and nonfiction, that they think "humanizes" bad people, especially bigots fascists Nazis et cetera. And I'm just like. Hey. Hey. The problem is. They ARE human. HUMANS did that. Your next door neighbor could do that. Your grandma could do that. You could do that.

"No I'm a good person" why? Because you've gotten lucky and not seen propaganda yet that perfectly hit your buttons? Because you had people to correct you when you fucked up? Idk man I don't think we're all so different from the bad people. We're all just people.

Reminding ourselves of our shared humanity with terrible people does NOT serve to justify their actions. It serves to remind us that the seeds of what happened to them could get into us as well, or might already have. It reminds us to be vigilant and interrogate the hatred inside us.

If you convince yourself that you're just an Inherently Good Person who would never believe hateful things well. Now any little hateful thing that makes its way inside you undetected is never going to be interrogated. It will be left to grow undisturbed.

If you remember that those things can get into anyone, you know to look out for them, and weed them out when they appear, and take the criticism when others point them out in you. So remember, that could have been you. If you forget, maybe it will be.


So I'm writing something and for that I have to relate death note with criminal law.

I have a few ideas but I'd love to know what people really in the fandom think. Any ideas?


it never fails to surprise me how some people will simply take every single thing in a story at face value and assume that what the characters are saying or doing or thinking must always be true even when all of the context clues are screaming the opposite


Not really the same but the people who thought Alastors last name really was "altruist" 😭😭😭


Israel wipes out entire families, this is not self defense. This is genocide of the highest degree.


good riddance live


I honestly didn't even know it was a thing till I saw a bunch of posts celebrating how it was finally over lmao

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