
Peace of Mind

@radkoko / radkoko.tumblr.com

Me just sharing my art and stories because they make me happy.

Last piec for my KakaIru maze challenge

Prompt: Meeting the Founders

My thought is maybe that Iruka was studying and trying out a seal, and the led to almost a time bubble, where the past and present almost mirror each other.


For my second piece in the KakaIru maze challenge

Prompt: Indiana Jones AU

Kakashi just saved Iruka from a dangerous fall, and Iruka isn’t sure whether he should thank Kakashi for saving him, or reprimand him for treating him like a damsel in distress.


For the KakaIru maze challenge

Prompt: Sharing Heartbeats

Iruka can feel as his heart starts racing... it’s not the first time he’s experienced this and he hopes it’s not the last. He stands there waiting for any indication that Kakashi will be alright, and as long as he feels the heartbeat he knows that at least Kakashi is alive.


For @iruka-week Day 7 - Free prompt

In a way the Free prompt is almost the prompt itself, since this almost looks like Iruka on a day off. Mostly I just wanted to draw something interesting with his hair and love this pose I saw, so I drew it up. Did a slightly different coloring style to change it up.


For @iruka-week Day 5 - Missing Nin

I saw this pose reference and felt I had do do an Iruka drawing with it, and somehow Missing Nin felt like the right place. Most Missing Nin fic/pics tend to be a bit melancholy, so I thought something a bit different would be fun.

Remember to not piss Iruka off...


For @iruka-week Day 3 - Fake Dating

Iruka is tired of the question and the pushiness.

"Look I've already got a boyfriend, can you just leave me alone..."

"Yeah right, I've been watching you, and you didn't come with anyone, so why won't you go on a date with me?"

Iruka wanted to growl and put the man through the wall, but the owners had already warned him last time that if he did it again he'd be permanently banned. And being banned from the best bar in Konoha was not in Iruka's plans.He took a glance around and saw the perfect option. 

Please forgive me, he thought to himself before taking a chance.

"Ohh you're here, I was lonely," Iruka said playing up the words before he hugged Kakashi and kissed his temple.

Is it working? Iruka wondered, hoping the guy would take the hint that Kakashi wasn't worth messing with. He wanted to look and see, but that could too easily ruin his plan.

After a reasonable amount of time, he pulled away and locked eyes with Kakashi, trying to give him a look that begged forgiveness and also requested he play along.

“I got here as soon as I could, we don’t want people thinking you’re alone do we?” Kakashi replied picking right up where Iruka had left off.

Iruka caught the guy out of the corner of his eye. He seemed to grumble and then move along.

Iruka wanted to sigh in relief, but a number of the people around them were all now watching intently to him and Kakashi.

What have I done...


For @iruka-week Day 1 - Scars

I couldn’t really decide which version I liked better, so I’m posting both! I think the color reminds me a bit about how Copic markers look, but B&W is also fun and something I don’t do enough.

I imagine this as maybe the first time Iruka goes somewhere like the beach with his scar. He’s nervous about what people will say... Will they ask about it? How should he answer? Does anyone really know about what happened in that forest that night?

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