
@bruisedphruit / bruisedphruit.tumblr.com

Rien / fag / nor / xxvii — GRAB AN END , PULL HARD , AND MAKE A WISH

“In order to be free you simply have to be so, without asking permission of anybody. You have to have your own hypothesis about what you are called to do, and follow it, not giving in to circumstances or complying with them. But that sort of freedom demands powerful inner resources, a high degree of self-awareness, a consciousness of your responsibility to yourself and therefore to other people.”

Andrei Tarkovsky, from “The artist’s responsibility,” Sculpting in Time, trans. Kitty Hunter-Blair (University of Texas Press, 1987)


The Holy Poem by H. Leivick, translated from the Yiddish by A. Z. Foreman

With my holy poem Clenched between my teeth From my wolf cave—my hole, my home— I go out and I roam From street to street: As a wolf with a wretched bone Clenched between his teeth alone. There is prey enough in the street to sate a wolven hate, and sweet is the humid blood that drips from flesh, but sweeter still is the dry dust settling down on jammed lips.

Struggle on the street, The call of throats. Let me this once come out tonight, A deathtooth bite. That bite is me. But I don't come to gnaw. I hunch into my little self With head beneath my paw. Back to my hole I head And lump onto my bed, But I am awake, Untired from holding clenched Between my teeth alone This holy poem As the wolf his wretched bone.


anna akhmatova tr. by judith hemschemeyer, “poem without a hero” (1990) // harrison allen, “report of an autopsy on the bodies of chang and eng bunker; commonly known as the siamese twins” (1875)

“April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.”

T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land


i love the triodion i love the carnival i love orthodox easter i love clean monday i love lent traditions i love tarama i love lagana i love seafood i love the transition from winter to spring i love bloomed almond trees i love fireflies zooming around i love the epitaphios procession i love easter hymns


you get abused in childhood that one time (the whole time) and become philosophically, poetically, and erotically obsessed with violence. many recorded cases


"In 'Salo' (1976), sex is nothing but an allegory of the commodification of bodies at the hands of power. I think that consumerism manipulates & violates bodies as much as Nazism did. My film represents this sinister coincidence between Nazism & consumerism."

Pier Paolo Pasolini (via DepressedBergman)

“Horror is like a serpent; always shedding its skin, always changing. And it will always come back. It can’t be hidden away like the guilty secrets we try to keep in our subconscious.”

— Dario Argento

“And then there was the heart, thrumming in its slick case, the damage seeming so slight. Garrett had promised that the cut was to the case alone and had gone no further, and believed himself truthful, and now with a probing finger saw that he was. The chambers and valves were undamaged: he gave a little cry of relief. Spencer watched as Luke slipped in his hand – the wrist angled a little, the fingers curved – to cup the heart where he could, to feel it, because (he’d always said, even with the dead ones) it was the most intimate thing, and sensual, and he saw by touch as much as by sight. With his left hand he steadied the heart, and with his right he took from Fry the curved needle threaded with a catgut ligature so fine it would have been fit for wedding silk.”

— Sarah Perry, The Essex Serpent.

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