
kuvira pls @ me

@kitchenangst / kitchenangst.tumblr.com

Jay | she/they | side blog of bad writing | ask or talk to me!! [ID: The header has many houses of various sizes and window shapes. They have the same beige color for their wall and a rustic orange for their roof. The icon is a close up image of Luke disappointed and tearing up with 3 scratch marks on his left cheek. both are from the Prof. Layton mobile game. End ID]

Before Anything Good pt. 3

Mako x reader (she/her pronouns)

Summary: Barely one month of living on the streets, and Mako has grown skeptical of anything good that’s offered freely to him. When the girl from the other side of town calls him stinky and demands he take a shower, he might just be right about his newfound cynicism.

Word count: 2.3k

Warnings: language, implied abusive relationship, incoherent thoughts, really badly described analogies

a/n: why is it so hard to get to the mAIN STORY LINE LMAO I am neglecting my hw so hard right now anyway lmk if there are errors 

pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iv

Bathroom, bathroom, bathroom, Mako, Bolin, bathroom- her feet bring her to her destination, hand on the knob, ready to burst in- wait, no, knock first. 

The door opens slightly, revealing a part of Mako’s face before his hand sticks out expectantly. Yn stares at his open palm before slapping it with her own. 

“Sorry! Forgot the towels!” she calls tersely as she hurries to the towel cabinet, just as she heard the bathroom door shut. Running back to the bathroom at the same pace with the towels in her arms, she freezes halfway as she realized she had forgotten their clothes. Fuck, where were the clothes, that’s the whole reason why she went to ask her mom in the first place. They had to be in the basket in her father’s room or something, she concludes, whatever that something is. She breezes by the bathroom on her way there, leaving the towels on the doorknob with an urgent knock, not noticing that they had fallen to the ground before she returned to the room. 

Clothes, clothes, what were their sizes. Frantically digging through the basket, all she finds are her father’s garments. Turning to the dresser, she urgently starts pulling the drawers out one by one, lifting and throwing the folded clothes until she can find the pair of clothes, the uniform, she realizes, that was always provided in faux hospitality.

Anonymous asked:

LMAO ur hq as annoying hs boy things got me THINKING. bokuto and kuroo play the penis game in class or moan so loud out of nowhere for no reason. atsumu, futakuchi, and terushima all shut ur laptop when ur working or steal ur phone to try n get u to chase them but u j stand there like🧍🏻‍♀️. atsumu ALSO taps ur furthest shoulder to make u look the wrong way 🙄. tendou does that weird mf dodge that athletes do when they come towards u in the hall like the fake left fake right spin u know what i’m talking ab. LASTLY i j KNOW tanaka carries a speaker in the hall blasting music at 7am like stfu i beg u


i know i put osamu's wholesome hc as providing u with a mutual buffet but on the other hand if we take the more annoying route he Definitely steals your food when you're not looking and acts like youre his fucking personal chef 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ "what do we have as a snack today?" MY LUNCHBOX IS NOT AN ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BUFFET HOW DARE U



hinata is the kid who tries to jump and hit the top of the doorframe, but at the same time u still fuck with him because he signs you in for attendance when youre cutting class

nishinoya definitely eats in class


wip folder game!!

rules ; post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. then people can send asks with the title that most intrigues/interests them and you’ll post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!

tagged by @wushrooms ty bb 😚

  1. valentine’s day -> iwaizumi hajime
  2. only one -> miya atsumu
  3. [idk yet] -> denki kaminari
  4. lucky number five -> surprise character
  5. alone -> another surprise character
  6. magic shop -> akaashi keiji
  7. weak -> akaashi keiji
  8. i like u -> kuroo tetsurou
  9. starsick -> akaashi keiji
  10. misunderstandings -> tendou satori
  11. coup de foudre -> semi eita
  12. [rivals] -> kuroo tetsurou
  13. strawberry milk -> kageyama tobio
  14. [firestarter] -> bakugou katsuki

i love tags like this they bring joy, thank you :D

01. movie nights and fading lights - todoroki shouto

02. memories of another time - kuroo tetsuro

03. black coffee - shinsou hitoshi

04. wednesday - two characters 

05. rewind - todoroki shouto

06. do i wanna know - zuko

07. a week in california - kuroo tetsuro

08. three times he asks you out, and the time you say yes - sugawara koushi

09. tik tok tells - tsukishima kei

10. the time your dad put a hit out on me - todoroki shouto

11. the time my wedding went to sh*t - zuko

12. the wrong time made right - korra

13. untitled series - tsukishima kei

14. possible sequel to skin deep deception idk

send asks or else <3

ooh, thanks for the tag canela <3 please send in asks for these even if i’m not here bc i want to talk about them lmao,, also these are all wip titles 

  1. might as well die - todoroki shoto
  2. started as strangers and now we’re here - bokuto koutarou
  3. park meet cute - kirishima eijirou
  4. i’ve loved you since we were eighteen - bokuto koutarou 
  5. broken glass is still beautiful - kirishima eijirou 
  6. heartbreaker - takami keigo
  7. the end - takami keigo
  8. dandelions in the school yard - bokuto koutarou
  9. the one that got away, but stayed too close - tsukishima kei / akiteru
  10. doodled hearts - kuroo tetsurou 
  11. secrets - oikawa tooru
  12. under the mask - sakusa kiyoomi
  13. stick around - miya atsumu
  14. we’ll never grow old - kakashi hatake

no pressure tags: @kitchenangst @itskoushi​ @angelicsuki @ginnydrinkstea


thanks for the tag Lee 🥺

Before Anything Good (snippets):

  1. Smooches - Asami with Y/N
  2. Not a Date - ??? with Y/N
  3. Handyman - Y/N
  4. Part 4 lol

Fire Emblem Three Houses (with an OC):

  1. Uniforms are for Blending In
  2. In you, i try and try to see again - Ignatz
  3. Freedom Speaks - Bernadetta
  4. Alcohol for the Shaking, Stitches for the Pain - Leonie
  5. Two Sides of a Coin - Dorothea

If anyone is interested, everything for BAG is just spoilers and the FE one is for my sideblog <3

Tagging anyone whod like to do this!



to everyone i won’t deny that i am far later than most with posting this, but i hope you can all forgive that! although it has been a harsh year, hopefully 2021 will bring us all better things! it has only just started but I now have 3k followers, which is a remarkable milestone that I never imagined reaching, so hello everyone :D

to my followers thank you for being here! had it not been for you, there are days in which i would not have found the motivation to post or write, and yet here i am, almost 6 months later. whether you reblog everything i post, or simply lurk around my blog, thank you for being here! 

to my mutuals you are all very cool and intimidating and if we are mutuals i probably never expected us to be because of how astonishing you are. the fact that people who’s work i saw before even writing myself now follow me just leaves me in awe. im excited to see what this new year brings for all of you and hope that it is only good things because that is what you all deserve. if we don’t interact that much already, i hope that can change <3


JDJFJFJD IM SO LATE but thank u omg ive learned so much from u too its crazy how fast this yr passed!!! Ik we dont talk all that much but im so happy i still got to be mutuals with someone as amazing as u! Lots of love and may the year treat u well <3


I was tagged by @inept-azula (thank you!!) in this on my main but we can’t have irl people knowing that i’m in fandom tumblr so here we are! 😂 I made a new post because the last one was getting pretty long. 

so here we go 10 fandoms and 10 fave characters! (in no particular order)

1. Avatar: The Last Airbender - Sokka
2. Lost In Space - Penny Robinson
3. Supernatural - Jack Kline
4. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Percy Jackson
5. Six of Crows - Nina
6. Star Wars - Finn
7. The Magicians - Margo Hanson
8. Harry Potter - Hermione Granger
9. Legend of Korra - Korra
10. Criminal Minds - Spencer Reid 

tagging: @sukifans , @shegosato, @itsivyberry@sokkaspirit and anyone else who wants to do this! 


Okay same tho tay LMAO thanks for the tag!!

  1. The Last of Us - joel,,,,, im dilfsexual 😔✊
  2. BNHA - Sero
  3. Fire Emblem 3 Houses - Ignatz
  4. Fire Emblem Awakening - Gaius
  5. ATLA - Suki
  6. LOK - Mako
  7. Marvel - Miles Morales
  8. Final Fantasy - Firion(🥵)
  9. Kingdom Hearts - Aqua
  10. Persona 5 - Ryuji

No pressure tags! @azucanela @bbykutos and anyone whod like to do this!


hey!! Just thought id give a little update on whats going on LOL

SO, the school semester just ended and i am officially on winter break! Very exciting lol as far as Before Anything Good (BAG) goes, i do have a draft of the next part that needs one more scene and some editing, and then its good to go! In the time i wasnt writing, i did do some outlining for books 1-4 (lmao i shouldve been doing that for the prequel too but wtv) and i gotta say its very exciting in my daydreaming lmaoo

Anyway, just wanted to say thank u for being patient with the next part. ik its been 3 whole months since i last updated and u may have forgotten what happened bc i honestly did too.

Aaaaand thats all! Thank u so much again for reading what i had so far for both this update and BAG. I really appreciate it!


I was tagged by @all-for-yunhoseok to do this cute picrew ! Thanks Sana 🤗💛


Thanks for the tag Kris!! I guess this is what I look like?? 😂

I’ll tag @snakuchan @moongaera @emotiadouche if you’d like to do it too!


Thank you for tagging me in this!! These are always so fun and everybody always looks so cute💖


I thought I did this already but heyooo thanks for tagging me :)

tagging: @gogo-karasuno @luvkeigo @palmtoptiger18 @happygalaxymilkshake (you get tagged in everything I’m sorry lmao) @impromptuxprompts @unvalley (Alex bb hi) @bootyy-bakeryy

Thanks for the tag, lovie 💖

What a fucken snack sjsjjafbjsjs

before any of you start, i did the bunny girl senpai outfit for shits and giggles and because it’s my brand now apparently smh (i blame tsukki anon) my hair would be this color IF I TONED IT </3

thank you @sophiashortcake soph for the tag💞💘 you look ADORABLE WHAT👩🏽‍🦯👩🏽‍🦯

i think i actually did pretty damn accurate on this BAHAHDN had to put in the iced coffee cause i’m an addict😍

hehe thank you for tagging!!<3 my hair is bith longer and blonde at one part but yeah HAHA

thanks for the tag mae bb!! (+ ram @run-004 😚)

tagging : @seijohlogy @lolliyoomi @kageyuji @miitsukai @iwaizoom @wakatshi + anyone else who wants to do it !!


thank you!! for the tag!! i love pic crews

i chose to dress ~fancy~ because i used to do so frequently but no longer can and i MISS it kjashdkjahsd


Thank u for the tag!! 🥺🥺 this was so cute also the color combos,,,,i love them all dont judge me

I like to gamble sue me (also i am a bad dealer sjdjfjr)

Tagging anyone who wants to do this!!


my desire to write (unstoppable force) vs my inability to concentrate (immovable object)


which fanfic writer problem are you?

fic hopper: working on a wip and don’t know where to go next? easy, just work on a different wip, then if that one doesn’t work out, open a different one, it’s foolproof!

all my tropes are dead: there are only so many ways you can describe a kiss, and you’ve written so many between this pairing that you’re running out of ways, don’t talk to me about the words ‘chaste’ and ‘soft’ ever again

unsung hero: im writing a fic under a certain set of tags or concepts to get more hits but the real story is about __ extremely specific thing that only i and two of my closest friends care about 

rarepair hell: self-explanatory 

wlw rarepair hell: like rarepair hell but one level worse

my last braincell: you’re a perfectionist so you’ll either post this chapter when it’s perfect or not at all 

wandering eye: a side element or original character you introduced in your story is now near and dear to your heart but no one else will care about it 

im well educated and will kick your ass: you’ve done so much research for this but can’t seem to write the damn thing 

all talk and no action: you were going good until you got to this necessary climactic action scene and now it’ll have to wait for three months 


Tag game for people who write anything!

Pick an original character! (Ex: y/n)

What’s your character’s…

  • Name
  • Age
  • Birthday
  • Favorite Movie/TV Show
  • Favorite Color
  • Best friend
  • Most dominant character trait

Hopefully this doesn’t completely flop! Tagging @spiritvines, @loversamongus, @noodlesfluffy and anyone else who sees this!

I love this!

Here’s what I have in mind for y/n in the lovers smau :)

  • Name: lol y/n
  • Age: 20
  • Birthday: I’m judging by how they act and then matching that up with a zodiac sign lol and so I feel they best fit with Cancers. we’ll go with June 26th
  • Favorite Movie/TV Show: The Office and idk probably Coco lol
  • Favorite Color: purple
  • Best friend: Suki and they won’t admit it but also Sokka
  • Most dominant character trait: stupid empathetic; really good at understanding other people’s emotions, not good at understanding their own

HOHOHO I LOVE THIS THANKS FOR THE TAG OKAY i love: this characters. you smau is one of the best out there i need to catch up with it ASAP

i’ll use my main character for my bakugou series hehe

Name: Shigaraki Y/N but her villain name is “Nightmare” so I kinda just call her “Night”

Age: I don’t know? theoretically she would have to be like 15/16 to be bakugou’s age but I’m kinda considering just aging everyone up so I’ll say 17/18

Birthday: uh i have no idea tbh. i feel like she would be a Gemini tho so let’s say May 29? i like that

Favorite Movie/TV Show: i feel like she wouldn’t really watch a lot of movies or tv shows but if she does????? action movies and comedy shit

Favorite Color: red hehe

Best Friend: uh Tomura maybe??????

Most Dominant Character Trait: strong!!!! very very strong!!!! and the emotional repression ❤️

i’ll be tagging @azucanela @jayly420 (do it with your writing account if you want babe you do you) @firebendersimp @eclecticcs and @spiritvines !!! no pressure tho


Thank u for the tag nina 🤪 this is very cute also ninas bakugou series is gonna be a bomb heh i absolutely love night shes so dumb LMAO

Ok this is for before anything good (lok) uwu

Name: y/n

Age: about 18/19

Birthday: ur bday LOL okay but idk much abt astrology so imma say she gives me taurus vibes (not self projecting at all),,,,, maybe virgo ,,,?? Idk

Favorite movie/show: this kid cant even afford a tv but shes probably always wanted to watch spongebob or jimmy neutron or danny phantom lmao but she would absolutely love and be appalled at the same time by the john wick movies

Favorite color: idk but she hates green

Best friend: asami mayhaps 😳

Most dominant character trait: making fun of people and self isolating shes pretty intuitive!!

No pressure tags: @sokkascroptop @sukifans and anyone else who wants to share!

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