


helluo librorum

Daily Reminder:

Doing just a part of something is okay if you cant do all of it!

Studying one page of a chapter is better than none!

Taking 3 minutes to stretch is better than doing no exercise!

Drinking 3 cups of water a day is better than drinking one!

Try not to let your brain tell you that its not worth it just because you can’t do as much as you’d prefer!


I would reblog this everyday if I wasnt afraid it would get annoying!


26 Reminders for Going to School Like a Badass

1. Your attitude dictates your experience, so start finding things to get psyched about.

2. Stock up on healthy snacks in your house!!! You’ll be glad you did when the study-munchies roll around (and they always do).

3. Invest in a good planner. Especially if you take part in multiple extra-curriculars, I can’t stress how helpful it is having a place to check back on deadlines and big events.

4. Write down all your teachers’ names and emails as soon as you get them, so you’re not searching for them when you’re absent.

5. No one is having as much fun as their snapchat story makes it seem.

6. Don’t believe what your peers tell you about tests they take before you, study how much YOU need to.

7. Be nice to your math teacher. Partial credit on math problems might save your grade.

8. Don’t throw out syllabuses/first day handouts!!!! Theres a good chance they have information on the late policy and a gazillion other helpful things.

9. In fact, try to hold on to as many papers as you can for when finals inevitably attack.

10. No one knows you wore those jeans yesterday.

11. Be conscious of how you smell. Don’t be B.O. kid, but also try not to suffocate your lab partner with the scent of artificial fruit/flowers.

12. That cookie in the cafeteria is probably not worth 95 cents. Pack snacks from home to resist overpriced school treats.

13. If you’re carrying around a travel mug of coffee, people will usually leave you alone. 

14. Don’t spend more time planning your study schedule than actually studying. Just get your books out and do it.

15. Never underestimate the amount of motivation you can get from watching Legally Blonde (movie or musical). 

16. Try to attend at least one school sporting event per season, even if thats not really your scene. Some teachers even offer extra credit for going to big games!

17. Don’t be that kid that asks the teacher when you’re getting your tests back. They have like a gazillion to grade. You’ll get them when they’re done.

18. Have a pump-up playlist for the ride to school and the walk to your first class. Nothing feels more badass than walking through crowded hallways while listening to Halsey’s “New Americana”.

19. Set up a back-up study zone for when you need a change of pace.

20. Don’t put off creative projects because you think they’ll be less time consuming. There’s nothing worse than glitter gluing a scale model of the U.S. Senate at 3 AM because you thought it would be quick and easy.

21. That extra 10 minutes of sleep is not worth the risk of oversleeping completely. Get up, splash your face with some cold water, and get this show on the road.

22. Find a school inspiration, whether it be a really hardworking friend or a studyblr you follow. Check their progress whenever you need motivation.

23. If someone only ever talks to you when they need to copy the homework, they’re using. Don’t indulge them.

24. Doing your own work is so SO important. Plagiarism can destroy careers.

25. Creative outlets can be so refreshing, like a diary, a private tumblr, a sketchbook, whatever floats your boat.

26. When all else fails, remember how lucky you are to be getting an education. School isn’t a punishment, its an opportunity for you to create a kick-ass foundation for the rest of your life. 


ten easy steps to formulate a strong scholarship essay

as i enter into my first year of graduate school, i figured it was finally time to tap into all this free internet money folks kept saying exists. writing essays is easy, right? we do it all the time in academic settings, why not try to get paid for it…??

before you get to writing it’s important to actually find some scholarships. here’s an excellently organized post by @jesussbabymomma that covers multiple databases. got some? great. let’s get to work.

     >> the way i organize a scholarship essay is breaking it down to individual tasks [makes the whole situation far less daunting]; i top each task list with the scholarship name and the due date  <<

1. the easiest way to start is to specify the requirements of your scholarship essay. go straight to the source, copy-paste the directions, write them down, put em somewhere you can continually look back on. is it a personal statement? are they expecting you to present knowledge on a certain subject? do they just want you to talk about how worthy you are of free money? asking your educated opinion on a topical issue? whatever it is, know it in and out. the actual worst thing is putting hella time into a scholarship essay only to realize you misunderstood the directions.

2. if this essay requires you to write expertly on something you know nothing about, gather your sources. tap into those databases you’ve used for research papers in academia [or google scholar is always a great free resource]. hone in on that subject and get to searching.

3. as you find usable sources, begin to create an essay outline. mine tend to be pretty lengthy and detailed.. by all means use an outline style that fits your needs. there’s a few different components to this step; i handle this pretty much the same way i would a regular research paper..

  • solidify your argument; (if there is an argument you need to make); i’ve found delving into my new-found sources helps me sort of figure out my stance along the way. look at all sides of the issue, bring them up in your essay, impress them with your ability to think critically. you got it, superstar.
  • consolidate sources; i will often paste links right in my outline. i then copy the specific quotes from the source and place them exactly where i want to use them in my argument. this helps so i don’t have to go fishing later.
  • gain understanding of the content; it’s.. it’s pretty important to know what it is you’re writing about.

4. after your outline is created, take a detour and write the works cited [bibliography, reference page, get-out-of-plagiarism-free card]; you certainly don’t have to do this step here.. i know some people like to wait until the end. i just think it’s good to get out of my head a little bit… put the critical-argument-creating/ stream-of-consciousness-writing on hold and do some good old-fashioned citing.

5. at this point you’re likely ready to begin the first draft. which in my case is essentially is taking the bullet points out of my outline and changing the font to something that may even look like it’s work the thousands of dollars i’m hoping to receive.

6. if you’re anything like me, this next step is the hardest.. proofread && DEDUCE. we’ve developed this amazing skill of cranking out ten-page papers… but now we’re being asked to operate within a 500-1000 word parameter. (sometimes less?!? like some have 140 characters yeah uhm okay). here i take out any extraneous adjectives and run-on sentences. i blame the lack of brevity on my degree in the humanities sector.

7. once you get sick of reading your own work, find friends to edit. peer reviewing is certainly worth the shot at deduced tuition. when i’m crunched for time, this is the step i skip.. but i always feel more comfortable submitting something i wrote that a few others have looked over as well.

8. next, take the time to research the scholarship organization. for schmoozing purposes. this can happen earlier in the process too.. don’t ask me why i decide to see where the organization’s principles lie until after i’ve written the paper.. i take this time to learn a bit about who i’m asking money from, and make a few tweaks to the essay if i need to.

9. almost done!! final proofread aloud. this really helps with cutting down on word count, and just ensuring the whole thing moves smoothly. i’m always pleasantly surprised how much better my essay flows after i read it out loud.

10. once you feel confident in your paper, send it off! my final step is submit & schedule a time to check back.  sometimes organizations will post on the scholarship site which day they make their decision. make a note to come back that particular day to see the results! hopefully, you’ll get an exciting congratulatory email beforehand.. but it doesn’t hurt to be sure.

try these out, let me know if they work for you! now get out there and make that moneyyyy :}


gentle reminder

please don’t be hard on yourself if you can’t keep up with the people around you - each person is different, and each person is important, including you; take all the time you need, and go at your own pace


Please reblog, this is so important.

I needed this

Is this foreal?

Yes it’s a real service. I do volunteer work for a rape crisis support service in my city and texting is one of the features we provide as well. But just to boost its credibility, I tried it myself:

reblog to save lives!

You can also text “Steve” to 741741 if you’re a young person of color. The website for more info is stevefund.org

My understanding is that it’s more multicultural and some folks feel more comfy with that in mind!


get help guys, please. if you’re hurting, don’t let that hurt consume you. seek help.

I never knew this. It’s spectacular.

((I’ve texted these guys a few times, they’re really great.))


once you stop fantasizing about that ideal version of yourself and start working towards becoming that person by setting your alarm clock earlier and actually going to the gym and actually volunteering at places and actually eating healthier and not procrastinating and working just a little bit harder you’ll realize that it was so easy all along. becoming your ideal self will only ever exist in your mind until you make the decision to work towards becoming that person. get up!! get going!! it’s now or never!! there is no light at the end of the tunnel!! get that flashlight and pave your own path bitch bc no one else is going to do it for u!!


The world is a little happier with you in it.

The world is a little brighter with you in it.

The world is a little sweeter with you in it.

The world is a little softer with you in it.

The world is a little bit more legendary with you in it

The world is a little more hopeful with you in it.

The world is a little safer with you in it.

The world is a little warmer with you in it.


If you’re European, in a couple of weeks you will be denied any and all access to fandom contents on Tumblr and everywhere else on the internet. Here’s why.

On June, 20th the JURI of European Parliament approved of the articles 11 and 13 of the new Copyright Law. These articles are also known as the “Link Tax” and the “Censorship Machines” articles.

Articles 13 in particular forces every internet platform to filter all the contents we upload online, ending once and for all the fandom culture. Which means you won’t be able to upload any type of fandom works like fan arts, fan fictions, gif sets from your favourite films and series, edits, because it’s all copyrighted material. And you won’t also be able to share, enjoy or download other’s contents, because the use of links will be completely restricted.

But not everything’s lost yet. There’s another round of voting scheduled for the early days of July.

What you can do now to save our internet, is to share these informations with all of your family members and friends, and to ask to your MEP (the members of the European Parliament from your country) to vote NO at the next round, to vote against articles 11 and 13.

Here you can find more news and all the details to contact your MEP:

Also, sign and share this petition:

We have just a couple of weeks to stop this complete madness, don’t let them dictating the way we enjoy our internet.

#SaveYourInternet now!

It’s funny how y'all will reblog any and all US things but when whole Europe might lose access to internet then everything is quiet.

friendly reminder that if this goes through my blog may well be fucked so please please sign!!!

Please sign if you read this!

This change would result in so many blogs you love (including mine) being completely ruined. Please help us save our internet


The importance of consent: a narrative.

I will forever reblog this gifset.

look at how badass she is though i mean some of it gets on her too and doesn’t even give a fuck

She pours hot liquid on her own leg she’s that badass.


fire cannot kill a dragon.

Fire cannot kill a dragon.

Source: mariedeflor

it me back w another installment! giving up meat is one of the best ways to lower ur carbon footprint (sources 1 2 3), but it is incredibly intimidating to do so, so here’s a masterpost of vegan recipes! all quick and w great reviews, most are flexible, and are great meal prep ideas, perfect for students!

- ̗̀ breakfasts/snacks/desserts  ̖́-

- ̗̀ meals  ̖́-

- ̗̀ just a few vegan food blogs  ̖́-

- ̗̀ +more  ̖́-

  • carbs are filling and not expensive! 
  • eat wholegrain to be fuller for longer.
  • u don’t have to go 100% vegan! eat vegan meals! start w cutting out beef and mutton, then pork, then seafood, etc. go pescatarian! go vegetarian!
  • (foods w largest carbon footprint per kg)
  • minimise food wastage!! 
  • make sure u only cook / take what u can eat. if ur eating out and have leftovers, see if u can pack it to go (saving money & ur next meal is already settled, what could be any better?). 
  • don’t throw away leftovers, u can make a whole other meal w them (stir fry, as a side dish, fried rice, as a quick afternoon snack / supper).
  • shop local products! so much greenhouse gases are emitted just for transporting food across countries.

it’s crazy how much impact our food has on the environment (just look at how much goes into a single burger). but whether ur reasons for trying more vegan recipes is for the environment, for ur health, or just for exposure to more varieties of food, i hope this post will help and maybe inspire u to try out more foods and recipes!


Self-Care: Vitamins

For everyone who wants to start daily vitamins for sleep/skin/energy/etc. or just wants to practice better general health:

A few weeks ago I mentioned I was trying some new vitamins and that I would let you guys know what I thought if I liked them. I love them. There are so many reasons why. 

First of all I would like everyone to know this is entirely my opinion, unsponsored or asked for, I paid for these with my own money, I am not just shooting rainbows up someone’s you-know.

For those of you who haven’t heard, there are care/of vitamins that are entirely personalized for you! There is something interesting on every daily pack to make you want to stick to your routine, as well as a nifty app for your phone!

When you get to their website you take an online quiz that asks you some important questions about your goals and what you want out of the vitamins. Taking the quiz just gives you vitamin recommendations based on your goals, you can do whatever vitamins you choose to or not.

You can also input any allergies or diets that might prevent you from being able to have certain ingredients. They tell you where ingredients come from as well.

If you choose “specific need,” you can select one or more goals based on general needs, like skin-care, memory, sleep, and more!

When you get your box:

The box coming was exciting for me because I love feeling good and I was so excited to try daily vitamins that are personalized to whatever I want for that month.

Hopefully it will be just as exciting for anyone who wants to try this!

So first of all, what a cute box. I’m a sucker for good packaging. 

Inside the box you get the nutritional information on every vitamin you pick out in a packet with your name, an art print that is the print they put on the vitamin box, and of course: your vitamins!

The vitamins are stored in a little box that you just pull one pack out of each day. It’s a good size to sit on a vanity, desk, or bathroom counter and not take up space. It’s also super convenient.

I pulled a few of the daily packs out to show everyone what they have on them. Each one says your name and also has some sort of fact, question, quote, or challenge. The challenge could range from stopping to smell a flower, to listening to a genre of music you don’t normally like. 

It’s definitely part self-care and part mindfulness. 

Even the back of the packs are cute to me, with the little icons representative of the different things vitamins can do for you. I have four vitamins in my pack, but you can do more or less than that.

Now about that nifty phone app I was talking about:

The phone app is also designed to help you remember to take your vitamins, and also to reward that behavior.

You can set a daily reminder for taking them, however, the main function of the app is getting on and hitting the “take vitamins” button every day. When you do this you can mark if there is any specific vitamin you didn’t take that day. When you keep up a streak you get the rewards. The rewards can be free packs in your next box, gift cards, or bonus vitamins!

You can also connect the app to your Apple Health to keep track of your nutrition if you like to!

All in all, this was such a great experience and I am really looking to better my health this year mentally and physically, so this will definitely be something I continue to get every month. 

For anyone who wants to try this, I got the coupon code SR9QPN in my email, it gives $40 so if your Box is under 40 the first one could be free!!! Definitely check it out. The first five people to use the coupon are the ones to get it.

@thekingsstudy pssst, if you’re interested check it out


note to self: glowing up doesn’t necessarily always mean looking cute as hell. glowing up also means becoming the best version of yourself. cut out the toxic people in your life, remember to study well, becoming more open minded, taking care of yourself physically and mentally (!!!), be nice. what benefit is there in bringing someone down when you can be one of the reasons why they smile?

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