
My skin has turned to...

@rcsexweasley-blog / rcsexweasley-blog.tumblr.com

"If You Obey All The RulesYou Miss All The Fun."
“Alright, alright. Will me buying you a drink make up for it?” Bristol replied with a laugh, shaking her head at her friend. “Glad to hear it. I’ve been really well. Working as hard as I can; things seem to get busier during autumn. Many pranks gone wrong for some silly reason.” 
Rose pretended to think about it for a moment before smiling and nodding. “A drink will make anything better, don’t you agree?” Rose laughed a little. “There has a been a bit of an uptick of people streaming into the shop. Dad’s been complaining that we keep running out of things.”

☃ Christmas Inspired Starters ☃

  • “I wasn’t sure what to get you.”
  • “When did this turn into an ugly sweater party?”
  • “I wish it would snow.”
  • “Wake up! It’s Christmas!”
  • “It’s Christmas Eve. That means I can open a present right?”
  • “Is this eggnog spiked?”
  • “Can you help me untangle these lights?”
  • “You can’t put alcohol in the hot chocolate.”
  • “Surprise! I’m your Christmas present.”
  • “I’d rather spend Christmas with you.”
  • “Who’d you piss off to get invited to this party?”
  • “You cannot do what you did last year.”
  • “Is that supposed to be a snowman?”
  • “Can I put the tree topper on this year?”
  • “I dunno, this tree looks a little bare.”
  • “Of course I would love spending Christmas with your parents!”
  • “Is it considered Christmas wine if I drink it on Christmas?”
  • “That tree isn’t even going to fit in the house! Why did you buy it without measuring it first?”
  • “I’d rather be someplace warm.”
  • “I burnt the ham, let’s just order a pizza.”
  • “Why is there a reindeer on my front lawn?”
  • “None of these Christmas lights work.”
  • “I slipped and fell on the ice.”
  • “I’m not any good at ice skating.”
  • “Here, you can wear my gloves.”
“Well I’m sorry that I got so excited that I’m actually seeing you for the first time in Merlin knows how long that I could hardly think of a clever line.” Bristol’s words fell from her lips quickly - a bit of word vomit, if you will - and her grin was bright. “How are you, Rose?”
Rose smiled a little before closing the Prophet and setting it aside. “Your excitement is no excuse for a poor pick up line Bristol. You’re much better than that.” She grinned before tucking of strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ve been doing good. What about you my dear?”
“Piss off.” It had been far too long since Loraly had last seen Rose, and the last thing she wanted was to watch her friend be forced into an uncomfortable situation. As soon as the man left, the brunette moved to take the previously occupied seat and offered Rose a small smile. “I’m sorry people suck. I’m happy to see you, though.” 
The look of annoyance that had settled on Rose’s face quickly dissipated as she heard Loraly’s voice following the man’s protests. The pang in her chest reminded Rose just how much she had missed seeing her best friends. She would have to write Atalia soon. She didn’t want the blonde to think she was avoiding her or anything. “I’m happy to see you too.” She smiled before rolling her eyes and motioning towards the retreating back of her former companion. “There are always going to be people like him around. Thankfully, there will also always be people like you around. How have you been Lor?”

Far Too Long

Watching as Rose blushed, Orion couldn’t help but think back on their last conversation. He supposed he had been a bit harsh; yet then again, he was mourning his sister at that time. Still was. And, of course, Rose meant too much to Orion to allow himself to hurt her. Clearing his throat, Orion gave a small nod, “Far too long, if you ask me.” A small smile came to his lips to match hers, “What are you doing down here?”
Their last conversation flashed through Rose’s mind and she found herself taking a small step back. She wasn’t sure how much space she was supposed to give him considering everything. Her eyes glanced toward her bag and the possibly illegal potions ingredients in it before she brushed her hair back behind her ear. “Oh you know, just because school is out doesn’t mean I have to stop learning right?”
“Gosh, I really thought that was the one.” Morena giggled, only half meaning her words. “Really? I thought it was very original, but I guess Witch Weekly was just stealing pick up lines from strangers in a bar. I thought they would be above that.” Morena said earnestly, but then she sparked up again. “Hey, at least the guys using that line on you are showing that they care about your interests. That’s a good sign at least, right?”
“Looks like it’s back to the drawing board then.” Rose giggled before nodding. “I mean Witch Weekly is basically a gossip magazine isn’t it? Is it really that far of a stretch to imagine that they got their pick up lines from drunk strangers in a bar or at a Quidditch game?” She laughed before pausing and thinking about what Morena said. “I dunno... I’m pretty sure half of them didn’t care about Quidditch. They just wanted to get in my pants.”

Far Too Long

It had been far too long since Orion Bulstrode made an appearance.  Well, he had made one. Mariela and Jake’s engagement party. Although it was more of an attendance, bit of drinking, the avoidance of Mariela, and a bit more spirits before leaving. Now, he was visiting Knockturn Alley - looking for some niche items that involved Magical Creatures. However, as he rounded a corner, he was surprised to see a familiar face, “Sorry, almost ran into you.”
It wasn’t that Rose had tried to become a recluse, between working at her dad and Uncle’s shop, getting back into Quidditch shape, and working on mastering some new potions Rose hadn’t been getting much socialising done. She hadn’t planned on talking to anyone, other than the shopkeeper down Knockturn Alley who would sell her rare and difficult to get Potions ingredients, but it seemed the universe had other plans. She had been tucking a brown parcel into her bag when she heard a voice and stopped dead in her tracks. Blushing, Rose looked up at Orion and gave him a small smile. “Hi... long time no see.”
Morena smiled brightly at Rose’s response, happy to have been invited to stay rather than being shooed away, since she didn’t want to be forced to find a table on her own. “Okay, are you ready for this?” Morena tried to remember the article she’d read. “Are you a snitch…” She let out a small giggle before continuing. “Because you’re everything I’ve been searching for. Is that better or worse?” 
Rose smiled a bit as she prepared herself to hear what was no doubt going to be another terrible pick up line. She played with the edges of the book in front of her as she waited. As the Quidditch reference left Morena’s mouth, Rose couldn’t help the small groan that slipped past her lips. She’d heard this one one too many times being a Chaser for the Slytherin team. “Worse... but only because I’ve heard it so many times. You’d be surprised how many boys think that pick up line works on Chasers.” Rose responded with a playful roll of her eyes, the corners of her lips quirking upwards.
“Really?” Morena replied with a pout. “I read it in Witch Weekly. They said it would work for sure.” Granted, Morena probably should have known better than to take advice for making new friends from a magazine but at least no one could say she wasn’t trying. “Okay, can I try a different one then?” Morena asked, giving the other girl a bright, hopeful smile.
Rose softened a little bit when she put a face to the voice that had spoken around her shoulder. Though it didn’t stop her from rolling her eyes a bit at the mention of Witch Weekly. Her mother wasn’t the biggest fan of Witch Weekly so Rose had hardly been a fan of the magazine either. Morena was so cheerful though that Rose returned the smile and motioned for Morena to try again. “One more. Though before you do, please sit. Join me. Stop making me look like an angry, rude person.”
Alix wagged her finger in a ‘come hither’ motion at the girl. The girl looked around for a moment before running towards them and the table. Alix reached down to help her up, stumbling towards Rose. “Come on. Up with you.”
Once Alix started motioning the girl over she glanced down to find the glass of beer she’d put down in order to dance on the table with the older girl. She was putting down the empty glass just as Alix bumped into her. “Oi, watch it.” She playfully chided before reaching over to help the girl up. “Now we just need something up beat to play so we can dance!!”
Alix scanned the room and reached out to point to a girl in the corner. “She looks like she can be persuaded. She’s already dancing. Besides, she’s positively tiny.”
Rose looked at where Alix was pointing before spotting the girl also. “Oi! Wanna come dance with us?” Rose called maybe a bit drunkenly and pointing at the girl so everyone would know who she was yelling at.
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