
-virtual piss drawer-

@cold-butter-warm-toast / cold-butter-warm-toast.tumblr.com

I don’t have a real name but you can call me toast || she/her || the blenders name is Todd || if you or your twin’s middle name is Cilantro Do Not Interact || TERFS STAY AWAY FROM ME IDK WHY THIS KEEPS HAPPENING I DO NOT LIKE U

love how each pjo book takes place in the span of a week. so like every summer percy has one crazy week and then the rest of his year is normal

I always laugh when at the end of EVERY book percy goes "oh yeah after that we stayed on camp and had fun for like a month and then i went back home to my mom!!😁😁😁"


Social media sites need a button next to block that's like "strike".

It doesn't do anything except add one to their number of strikes, which is a number only you can see.

Then when you see someone being annoying in some way, you can see if this is the first time you've seen them being annoying, or if it's a pattern that repeats.

Cause often times people do stuff that's not really block worthy on its own, but if they've done this before, I want to block em. But I can't remember if they have before, because my brain doesn't work. But computers are good at remembering things!


It's cause you're always at that damn grocery store

"There's no food at home" claims local man who seemingly spends every hour of his free time buying food at the grocery store

Well well well... Look who's come crawling back to the grocery store


oh my god two words in that just UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE

All hope is lost so quickly I can’t stop laughing.

danish tv is the best thing ever

“Okay :(”

He went straight to Acceptance. He didn’t even go through the five stages of grief. He just started at Acceptance.

I can translate for anyone wondering what he’s saying. The dialogue roughly goes something like

“Hopefully the owner of the car behind me will next time consider if-oh shit. Okay.”


thanks for the context omg

Source: youtube.com

truth is, underneath it all, a lot of our beliefs aren't rational, and they're formed young. all those stories of magical protagonists. secret worlds if you just had the key. creatures just out of view. all that shit we imagined doesn't go away because we got older. in a lot of ways it gets bigger, more elaborately built on.

i think we're hiding the emotionally devastating core of the walrus vs fairy debate under jokes.

you see a fairy on your doorstep? and you think finally.

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